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Staying true to our guild name, this is the high-level strategy we used to complete R10 THTH:
1. Divine Intervention allows everyone to stay alive in the lava when attacking the Titan while avoiding skulls and forgewraiths.
2. Kill the Titan with sneak attack damage which isn't diminished by the 50 stacks of forgewraith DR.
Raid composition:
1 traditional tank
1 traditional healer
1 turn undead cleric
1 Tiefling 15 bard/3 warlock/2 cleric (chaos domain) with Rebuke, Taint the Aura
4 Halfling 15 rogue/5 cleric with Divine Intervention in Shadowdancer
3 Halfling 11 rogue/6 ranger/3 bard traditional throwers in Shadowdancer
1 Warforged 20 Paladin Inquisitive in Shiradi
Execution of this strategy is 90% of the raid difficulty. The other 10% is convincing people to TR into some truly awful builds.
Pre-raid: Cleric uses Stand and Be Judged on orange-named forgewraith to keep it stationary. Tank intimidates everything and pulls it away from the stationary forgewraith. The cleric then mass frogs the white named forge wraiths. At this point, there is now only one orange named and one red named forgewraith. Cleric casts Dimension Door via scroll and both take it. From above, the ranged kill the orange then the red named forgewraiths. Everyone jumps down to kill the fire cultists. Once dead, everyone except the tank takes a Dimension Door. The tank drags the red named forgewraith back to the beginning where the ranged kill it from above.
Once shrining is complete, everyone going in gets buffed with Divine Intervention. DI has a 2 minute cooldown and 5 minute duration, so it can be maintained on two people at a time.
Puzzle phase 1: Everyone but the cleric and two traditional throwers enters the elevator to the raid area. Solve the puzzles and see the note below about Dungeon Alert. Everyone then jumps into the lava and starts DPSing. See the note below about Burning Hate. Always be boosting in this phase. As the raid progresses, the stacking DR buff increases up to 50. You'll net more benefit from boosting earlier in the raid rather than later in the raid, so use up whatever boost charges you can as quickly as you can. The throwers started seeing zero front numbers around 22 stacks of the DR buff.
Puzzle phase 2: The team below the platform groups up on the large rock and uses sonic blast to aggro of all of the forgewraiths above them. The team of three in the pre-raid area enters to solve the puzzles. The cleric kills the white-name forgewraiths that spawn at the puzzles. Once coolant tanks are reset, then they drop down below the platform with the rest of the team.
Puzzle phase 3: We had people purposefully die when the Titan was ready to submerge the second time, so they could rez on the platform in order to do the coolant tanks then trap the puzzles (note that order, it's important). The trappers must coordinate the disarming, as there is a small window to trap and pull all the levers before the puzzles continuously reset to a new configuration making it impossible to complete the raid.
Dying/Rezzing: When you die in the lava, your soulstone is transported to the middle of the platform. When you die on a rock below the platform, your soulstone remains on the rock. In order to get from under the platform to above the platform, you purposefully die on the rock. After your reaper rez timer clears, get a rez but don't take it. Run in the direction of the lava falls as a ghost which snaps you back to the middle of the platform where you accept the rez.
Burning Hate: The tank maintains aggro of the Titan and is the farthest away from the Titan.
Dungeon Alert: We had to abort many attempts because we were getting red DA. When you have orange DA, half of your attacks don't have sneak attack damage applied. When you have red DA, no sneak attack damage is applied. Turns out we were solving puzzles too quickly in puzzle phase 1, leaving the six whilte forgewraiths unaggroed up top at the puzzles. Once we pulled them away from their spawn point, we completely eliminated DA.
Gearing: Everyone had a Heart of Suulomades for the evil and fire absorb, as well as DI Fire Sheath twisted. When flawlessly executed, only the tank needs the evil and fire absorb. Having the absorb along with the Block Energy EPL allowed us to make mistakes (of which there were many) and still recover.
Debuffs: Dust, Ooze, Vuln, Rebuke, Taint the Aura, 4pc Shattered Device, Assassin's Trick, Track, Deconstructor. Bound Fate doesn't work on the Titan.
Reapers: Occasionally spawn in the pre-raid area. No reapers spawn in the raid area.
This strategy isn't perfect. There's plenty of room for improvement and we were learning nuanced details about the raid even during our R10 completion. We hope this provides enough insight for other groups to accomplish their own THTH achievements. We welcome anyone who can complete high skull THTH using a traditional tank and spank strategy. We think that's currently impossible considering how overtuned the raid is. Prove us wrong!
If I could make one change to this raid: Increase the size of the Titan's hitbox. It's far too small for melee and is extremely frustrating.