As of yesterday, I have now ransacked 51 toons and still no Reaper Stat helm.
Maybe if there are enough people mad about it, SSG will ninja the Reaper Stat Helm back on the Loot table?!? =)
As of yesterday, I have now ransacked 51 toons and still no Reaper Stat helm.
Maybe if there are enough people mad about it, SSG will ninja the Reaper Stat Helm back on the Loot table?!? =)
For the record do you have a ballpark number of loots? Like ransack on 3 toons could be 24 loot pulls or like 500.
Just trying to collect more data
I assume you've farmed out other reaper stat hats, what sort of ranges have you previously encountered?
I am not even a little mad about it, but I think they should add reaper ability bonuses to feywild helms. It's the most current content and if someone is on the fence about buying it - this is not going to help convince them to make the purchase. Also they are going to lose out on rerolls for sure.
Make some money SSG and fix this.
Only been farming the Summer, but have helped out the starter of the thread try to pull the winter helm.
3 characters per week since launch of feywild. 24 chest pulls a week with rerolls. spending to many shards if they aren't dropping.
Most likely a money sink that SSG does not want to admit too for forgetting to put the Reaper Ability helms in the loot table for Feywild
Roving Guns - Sarlona
So ransacked another 3 toons this morning. Nothing!
Still not one person posting a screenshot on a Reaper Stat helm from the Fey quests!
I will be done trying to get this helm until someone proves to me that they can drop.
Wasted too much time and RL money farming for something that can not even drop!
As I mentioned above, we'll have to wait until another Treasure Hunters Weekend comes and goes before we can make any meaningful conclusions regarding whether Reaper STAT helms drop in the Feywild content or not.
P.S. Make sure you're also drinking your Treasure Hunters Elixirs on that weekend for best results.
I do personally think it's likely still possible for these helms to appear, after all remember that the chances are miniscule, and not every player uses the forums.
Although with that said it would probably be more efficient and less irritating to players if a developer weighed in to clarify the matter once and for all. *
* Before we start lighting the torches and brandishing the pitchforks.
On a break. BRB maybe.
Woo! Got mine.
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
All of you, but especially Airmaiden.......go outside and play. 51 ransacked toons is about 45 to many mate.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
so, another toon toons ransacked this morning.
Note: I did not reroll any of these chests
51 ransacked with 3 rerolls each
2 ransacked with no rerolls
Still hoping someone has pulled one and will post it here
Ransacked another 3 toons this weekend. Rerolled all chests on 1 toon 3 times each ( had lesser discovery)
Still no Reaper stat Helm.
If the devs could chime in here and let us know if they have been taken off the loot table, that would be great.
Assuming those do not drop I doubt we will see a dev confirmation. At best they will change things behind the scenes and suddenly someone will see one drop.
Unfortunately, one cannot (usually) prove a negative.
Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda
Have you guys asked Rodrak?
When someone loots one, I'd like to see it as a video, and then feed it to your sentient gem.
Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks