I haven't received and compensation for my loss of whole quest chains I ran, loss of REAL money spent for hirelings and all you do is hand out stupid ass XP boost?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!! get your heads right and fix this issue before you lose ALL of the ddo players! Your XP ******** is for nothing compared to what you should be giving all of thelanis. Try handing out two otto boxes epic and heroic and that's just a start! I know I ham one of the few left from beta and if this is how you're going to run DDO then just sell it to a better company because you are running this into the ground and the people who pay you are going to want their money back starting with me. During my layoff, I paid your electric bill and for that, you owe me a game without the ********.
2 otto boxes 1 epic and 1 heroic
4 stones of experiance
1000 DDO points
2 +20 heart of woods
This rollback may seem to be 'trivial' as it didn't happen in primetime US but this is a full days play for some time zones - 9am to 10pm here on a Friday (and for me a day off to play). I cannot substantiate my losses in terms of lost items (some nice items with reaper bonuses) or levels lost but this additional bonus does not compensate for my lost time. Really not happy (again).
At the most you should be asking for 4 Sov II experience elixirs (+50% for 6hrs each) as that would compensate you for the 1/2 day lost in the rollback. The only suggestions, although most are worded more as demands, in this thread that hold any water are the ones that point out that xp pots would have been better than a server wide weekend bonus. That is something that would actually make sense. Everything else is pretty much 'Gimme this, gimme that, gimme MOAR'.
Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
Pots don't stack with themselves so those of us already using them see no direct benefit. I'm content with the added xp bonus, though reiterate that 2 days is far too short a period to ensure a significant opportunity of compensating everyone affected is provided. It should run til Friday to at least try to capture everyone who runs on a weekly play cycle.
It also doesn't compensate folks who have lost out on loot and/or raid rewards. Whilst this doesn't affect me, SSG needs to address it for those who have lost out as a result of their failure.
Once again on Thelanis, some - not all - of the Coins in the Harbour I was jumping to collect aren't registering and appearing in my inventory when I'd supposedly collected them. The collected 'sound effect' worked and the 'floating coin' animation disappeared, but no coin appeared in inventory. It was working earlier in the day.
I do hope it's not related to the current instability of the Thelanis server and just some random glitch with the coins.
Luckily its whaling season in DDO, so during Saturday, I finally managed to recoup for our Guild nearly all the 200 AS from having to resell a handful of items I had previously successfully sold (which had been rolled-back). Most likely some of same people ended up purchasing the exact same items they already thought they had acquired from me LOL. :-)
As a rule I'd never quest outside of any of that time period that was impacted: 09:00 to 22:00 UTC.
I know "the Wolf's" late 'Friday night' raids will have been fully hit by the rollback; at least two people mentioned his raid specifically. I'm not sure how many he was doing last Friday, but it's not uncommon for him to run five or six raids back-to-back. He was within 'Fire on Thunder Peak' while I was briefly logged in the morning ~ 11:00 UTC. He might have even had two separate Raid groups running, which sometimes happens. I offer my condolences for their loss of progress. The thoughts of many are with you.
A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.
Thelanis don´t have a working chat for 4 months now. It´s an MMO without comunication so if we are in Eberron it´s like no one put points in common tongue. Seen at least 20 fights over it and many players blocked because of it, I try to put out the fire but it´s useless because ir will happen again.
This issue is not just the same as wayfinder but hapened with Lidyan: the place his toon was saved was corrupted so his toon had a lot of bugs especially in the epic destinies tree. DDO´s staff didn´t do a thing to help him and I haven´t seen him in the game since. So maybe it´s a hard drive issue or whatever is the issue it´s not our problem, we pay to be in Eberron and there is no imersion if we must dig our way around the thousands of bugs. Probably Lidyan´s ticket haven´t been answered until today. DDO stole from me 2 xp pots last life and I didn´t even bother to send a ticket because I don´t think they will answer it if I can send the ticket.
The problem is not one day rollback because it´s the same as a 30 day rollback. The problem is trust. It´s hard to trust that the developers will do something to make ddo better and bug free while the bugs keep on stacking with every update. That´s why DDO need an update or more than one just to fix the bugs. The wiki list is 8 years outdated and those bugs still exists untill today. Feywild came out but seens unfinished to me, from the animations that aimed for a thundercat and hit planet of the apes to the augument system, lack of raid and end reward. Not even mentioning that people can use epic augument in heroic gear...
Want to buy feywild and will. But don´t want to be the beta tester. This rollback and the lack of solution is just DDO saying a big I don´t care for the players that keeps the game going. And if you want to stay in the game you must shut up, thank and laught at Cordovan´s lives while players fight without chat. I kept complaining in facebook and so far WHERE IS THELANIS CHAT??? 4 months without it. So ddo´s staff should act as professionals and give it´s clients fair responses, not to keep ignoring the problems to pretend they don´t exist.
Just love ddo and everytime I see a little bug in a 14 year old game I hear the staff telling me to go away from the game because they don´t care. And everyday I see bugs. Everywhere I see bugs. And the answer is the same: A big I don´t care laughing weekly in facebook. I don´t know when will be the next problem but I am sure ddo´s staff will not care for it at all. And there will be more problems and there will be the lack of solutions.
On the 1st Day of Rollback, Thelanis stole from Me
a Cap-tain Jack Jibbers Blade
On the 2nd Day of Rollback, Thelanis stole from Me
2 Daily Rolls
and a Cap-tain Jack Jibbers Blade
On the 3rd Day of Rollback, Thelanis stole from Me
3 Raid Loot Items
2 Daily Rolls
and a Cap-tain Jack Jibbers Blade
On the 4th Day of Rollback, Thelanis stole from Me
4 Caches Emptied
3 Raid Loot Items
2 Daily Rolls
and a Cap-tain Jack Jibbers Blade
On the 5th Day or Rollback, Thelanis stole from Me
5 X P Potions!!!!!!!
4 Caches Emptied
3 Raid Loot Items
2 Daily Rolls
and a Cap-tain Jack Jibbers Blade
On the 6th Day of Rollback, Thelanis stole from Me
6 Raids a-flagging
5 X P Potions!!!!!!!
4 Caches Emptied
3 Raid Loot Items
2 Daily Rolls
and a Cap-tain Jack Jibbers Blade
On the 7th Day of Rollback, Thelanis stole from Me
7 Reaper Points
6 Raids a-flagging
5 X P Potions!!!!!!!
4 Caches Emptied
3 Raid Loot Items
2 Daily Rolls
and a Cap-tain Jack Jibbers Blade
On the 8th Day of Rollback, Thelanis stole from Me
8 Epic Levels
7 Reaper Points
6 Raids a-flagging
5 X P Potions!!!!!!!
4 Caches Emptied
3 Raid Loot Items
2 Daily Rolls
and a Cap-tain Jack Jibbers Blade
On the 9th Day of Rollback, Thelanis stole from Me
9 Hundred Store Points
8 Epic Levels
7 Reaper Points
6 Raids a-flagging
5 X P Potions!!!!!!!
4 Caches Emptied
3 Raid Loot Items
2 Daily Rolls
and a Cap-tain Jack Jibbers Blade
On the 10th Day of Rollback, Thelanis stole from Me
10 Heroic Levels
9 Hundred Store Points
8 Epic Levels
7 Reaper Points
6 Raids a-flagging
5 X P Potions!!!!!!!
4 Caches Emptied
3 Raid Loot Items
2 Daily Rolls
and a Cap-tain Jack Jibbers Blade
On the 11th Day of Rollback, Thelanis stole from Me
11 Named Items
10 Heroic Levels
9 Hundred Store Points
8 Epic Levels
7 Reaper Points
6 Raids a-flagging
5 X P Potions!!!!!!!
4 Caches Emptied
3 Raid Loot Items
2 Daily Rolls
and a Cap-tain Jack Jibbers Blade
On the 12th Day of Rollback, Thelanis stole from Me
12 Hours Questing
11 Named Items
10 Heroic Levels
9 Hundred Store Points
8 Epic Levels
7 Reaper Points
6 Raids a-flagging
5 X P Potions!!!!!!!
4 Caches Emptied
3 Raid Loot Items
2 Daily Rolls
and a Cap-tain Jack Jibbers Blade
Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks
Thank you guys for getting it up and running again. I just hope that if there is another problem like that again, it doesn't completely wipe out all the progress that people have made (though I know that there's only so much y'all can do).
Really happy the ice festival is already here, it's been a blast so far!![]()
Last edited by Zorrbeania; 12-13-2020 at 02:49 PM. Reason: Forgot something. :P
Sincerely, Zorrbeania
Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
I understand that a day lost of gameplay sucks. But there is no way you can get equal xp to a heroic and epic otto box (which nearly all of the posts above suggested/demanded) within a day. People were also asking for a lot more, more than what they gave Wayfinder with the much more significant rollbacks. I agree with the guy who suggested Sov II experience pots (ideally only for those individuals who actually logged on during the rollback time/lost stuff). If feeling particularly generous maybe a few of those nicer treasure potions too. I also think (obviously) that any DDO points spent during the time should be refunded. The current compensation does seem a bit limited compared to the loss, and I hope those who were impacted get something more as compensation but do try to keep some perspective here...
Did anyone lose their tr cache? Because I logged in today my first chance on this server as I was working nights all weekend, an I noticed that two of my charecters are missing their entire tr cache. I’m sorta freaking at this point and to add insult to injury I didn’t even get to get any of the bonus XP! I’m really thinking of going over to ESO where the rest of my friends went from here. It’s sad because I love the game and have spent piles upon piles of time and money on it..but those two tr caches represent 100’s of hours and countless amounts of both plat and real life money, I’m crushed and don’t know that I can go on playing, it will be like starting all over again.
Edit more than just 100’s of hours as it’s been 14 years I’ve been playing.
Last edited by ronco; 12-13-2020 at 04:49 PM.
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on![]()
Acendenci - Argonnessen
Jailbate - Orien