Looks like I picked a bad day actually get everything I was farming for!
Sorry, I think I might have jinxed it. After the stress of the rollback on Wayfinder, where my mains all are, I thought I would give it a break and play for a while on Thelanis....
I have some characters on Cannith, but I promise to not log in to that server until at least we can be sure that it won't happen again [again].
These boosts have to last longer than three days. Mistakes are a part of life. It's how you react and how you learn from mistakes that matters most.
To do justice for those who lost a day I think that 100% rewards in terms of xp / rxp / guild xp / etc. should be offered for 3 days.
I lost 6+ hours doing r4 solos -- a 15% rxp bonus is 1/6 making up what I lost so I would need 36+ hours to make up for the rxp I lost. This applies to guild xp etc.
I understand many who maybe just logged on briefly will receive benefits exceeding their input...but you should be assisting those who did play many hours today. We lost progress and other accomplishments that cannot be made up (such as farmed equipment).
I plan to play maybe 12+ hours this weekend but it won't be enough to compensate what I lost literally or otherwise.
Also I played one quest since and it says all xp is increased 15%. I thought we were getting 15% above the current 5% and 5% vip. Shouldn't it at least say 20% then? Otherwise it is only a 10% increase.
Finally as a heads up I only spent about 500 ddo points today but I did not see those returned in my ddo account.
Do I need to contact support or should I just expect that to be fixed in the next few days?
You undid all my crafting from this morning. *sigh* But at least it wasn't anything RNG related. I'd hate to have gotten some widget I'd been questing for months for and then loose it in this way. My condolences to anyone that was raiding today. Or anyone really... lost time and effort really bites.
Thanks for all the effort to get the game back up and running, I'm sure putting in late hours on a Friday night is no jar of joy for you either. And I appreciate the bonuses.
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
Sorry this happened to you Thelanis.
Good vibes your way from Cannith, may your pulls be great, and may your runs be easy.
I played a little this morning for favor so that's gone, but not a huge loss - had to work the rest of the day. Now that the weekend has arrived I will be taking full advantage of this. Thank you.
Normally I try to avoid the fora because there are so many awful posts here that it's like wading through muck, so I wanted to say I and my guildies are very grateful for this.
Officer and Webmaster for Fallen Immortals, a guild of Thelanis.
Join us on the Officially Unofficial DDO Discord! https://discord.gg/ewEncxRNjn
How about some material compensation instead of crappy xp boost..... like DDO points or at least something worth the waste of time you made for us vip’s it added to our subscription, wait that won’t work you still owe for the last one that was along time down!! Anything other than xp **** please
Your apologies aren’t good enough and we need better compensation than stupid XP boost **** especially for us who were completely screwed!! Possible to make it all ok to a point you need to pass out couple Otto boxes heroic and epic for the loss of time for some of us vip’s and others plus extension on subscriptions too. The game has taken a turn for the worst since turbine left but for me to pay to play anymore you need to do your do diligence and give all a couple Otto boxes or do your job right
as others had said , to compensate me for wasting my day yesterday you have given me 2 days to do the same with my time but maybe in a slightly quicker manner if i can get the same groups etc..... not good enough really is it!
So depressing seeing the char i am struggling to level back at 24, after getting him to half way through 26!
Also TP not refunded as yet
Last edited by fearlossPhiction; 12-12-2020 at 12:57 AM.
I believe that you need to better recompense people that were directly impacted. I know for example that Friday is the Aus / NZ raid night. How will those people be properly satisfied for the lose of their weekly raid night? and loots? and favour? And those that got those rare drops? Or that were playing all day? No I agree the compensation is not appropriate to the damage done especially to the few people really impacted by this disaster.
To compensate appropriately, you should offer a huge boost for the 13 hour period that was lost for a Friday in one months time. This would allow those impacted (on a Friday) to be better compensated. Why one Month? It would allow people to schedule their attendance after Christmas and New Year. The Boost should be 110% Experience, 110% Favour and Elixir of discovery for 2 to 4 hours and 120% DDO returned to those that spent them.
To compensate the whole server 500 DDO points should be provided to every account.
Finally, it is nice to hear that this problem will be prevented from occurring in the future, but forgive us for our cynicism. Many of us have heard this sort of thing before, what we need to know is the steps that are being taken to prevent a reoccurrence so that we can judge for ourselves if you are serious. Also would like to know that the compensation proposed above would be doubled if a reoccurrence does occur... this would help restore confidence in a very shaken community.
Personally, this doesn't bother me much. (These things happen, just a game, etc...) However, I do find it somewhat amusing that you think a 10% boost for 2 days is appropriate compensation for an entire day rollback.
To be constructive: In the future if (and likely when) this happens again, it would be nice if compensation took the form of consumables (sovereign xp, loot boosts, etc..) so that players can be compensated on their own time. The amount of compensation should probably also be based on the length of the rollback. (ie. 13 hour rollback = ~13hour 100% boost, approximately...)
Spent hours setting up the toon, spending points, running quests for 'corns, login today to find out there was a roll back... ok, check forums and DDO claims to AuToMaTiClLy restore my points spent... LoL, no, not 1 point was returned. Come on guys.... get it right or you will lose another paying Chump.... small fails are ok, but things of this magnitude.... just another day in 2020 I guess.