OK, so stuff happens.
Perhaps naively, but I'm actually encouraged by the fact we lost only a day. When compared to the Wayfinder debacle, this represents a palpable improvement in resilience. It would be good if SSG could confirm this was due to improved standards rather than good fortune, but on the face of it, that's a positive.
When stuff happens the measure of success is how matters are set aright. So, from a purely recovery perspective, this is pretty good. But there is more to it than that. The compensation is also a factor in achieving a satisfactory outcome.
On that aspect I'm afraid SSG need to do more. The extra XP etc. doesn't help folks who may be unable to play this weekend for whatever reason. Much fairer would be to extend the sunset on this from tomorrow out to Friday. Yes, that may over-compensate some folks, but in context that is where SSG should seek to err here.
Additionally, there are folks who will have run raids yesterday. Fridays are big raid nights for folks from Aus/NZ and those of us pleased to join them. There should be compensation for lost threads and runes. Over compensating here would help assuage the pain some folks who pulled and now lost good items will be feeling right now. A gift of runes and threads to folks in appropriate epic level ranges would be appropriate here. Again please err on the side of generosity (and just to be clear I wouldn't qualify/benefit myself for this as have been running in heroics for the past couple of weeks).
So, SSG should confirm the comparatively short loss of progress is due to learning lessons from Wayfinder, and should reconsider their compensation offer.
Do that, and I think you will have gone a long way to turning this around, in my view at any rate. Opportunity beckons...