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  1. #41
    Community Member Savroix's Avatar
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    Default The appearance of being extremely stingy...

    Quote Originally Posted by GramercyRiff View Post
    These boosts have to last longer than three days. Mistakes are a part of life. It's how you react and how you learn from mistakes that matters most.

    This right here.

    I understand things happen, but the compensation, and it's limited duration, was poorly thought out. Honestly, why is it so painful for you guys to compensate us commensurate with the trouble we've experienced? I don't get it. First, Feywild comes with ZERO consumables (just cosmetics, sorry, but I'm still bitter about that) and now we're not even compensated with a Heart of Wood or an XP pot unlike in the now distant past. Guys, it's far better to over compensate than under do it.


    Not a good impression for those of us who have returned in the past few months, and if I sound irritated it's because I've got to perform *your* damage control on my six friends I brought to DDO, the last one just joining five days ago. Despite being new, even they recognize this is poor compensation for all that was lost.
    Last edited by Savroix; 12-12-2020 at 03:07 AM.

    Greyhawk refugee on Thelanis

  2. #42
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    Default A sumary of the loss

    Quote Originally Posted by RazBobka View Post
    at least you didn't pick today to transfer your hardcore server character....

    So yeah, me too I had transfer my alt from Hardcore on Friday... and now it's nowhere to be found...
    On top of a whole toon, here's what my loss looks like

    - over 100,000 reaper xp
    - over 3,000 sentient xp
    - over 3,000 DDO point not reimbursed

    I'm not sure about astral shards if they got back to their earlier stage...

    Nice gift for just renewing a new 1-year VIP subscription - So glad at least it's extended by 1 single day.
    -Fizhban - Allistraee - Llunarii - Gorbasch -

  3. #43
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The Thelanis game world experienced an unexpected issue today that required us to return the game world to an earlier state from this morning. This means that any progress made since 4:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT) until the world went down around 5:00PM Eastern (-5 GMT) on Friday afternoon will not be able to be restored. Automatic refunds have been made for any DDO Store purchases made during the impacted time, and VIP players who logged into Thelanis during that time frame will have their subscription extended by one full day.

    We have also enabled some bonuses for Thelanis to assist players through Sunday, December 13th:

    • Heroic/Epic XP +15% (in addition to the week +5% Heroic XP and +5% VIP XP Boost already in progress).
    • Treasure Hunter Boost +10
    • Reaper XP Boost +10%
    • Double Daily Dice XP
    • Guild Renown +10%

    We deeply apologize for today's issue, and we will work to ensure this situation does not occur again.

    I rarely play on Thelanis - It's my least played server and I didn't do any questing on Thelanis yesterday so this doesn't affect me.


    I was playing yesterday {on Wayfinder} and I ran White Plume Mountain EH {121k xp}, Wiz King EN {111k xp}, OoB EE, Chains EH {90k xp completion + Opts}, ADQ1 EH, Into the Mists EH {if I remember correctly 16k}, Death House EH/EN {44k + 22k}
    That's approx 550k xp if OoB is worth approx 70k

    I took a Lvl 28 toon to halfway through Lvl 29!

    IF this had been on Thelanis I would be extremely annoyed right now with these meh weekend bonuses that would do absolutely nothing to compensate for that loss!!!

    I'd suggest that EVERYONE on Thelanis be given...
    - 1 50k Heroic XP Stone {BtA so can be moved to the correct character if the person happens to log on to an alt first}
    - 1 500k Epic XP Stone {BtA so can be moved to the correct character if the person happens to log on to an alt first}
    - 1 300k Guild Renown Stone {BtA so can be moved to the correct character if the person happens to log on to an alt first}
    - 5 Guaranteed Named Loot will drop in Chest Potions per Character {Timer can be 30 seconds - Drink immediately before opening chest}.
    - 1 2.5k Reaper XP Stone per Character {this is a drop in the bucket for RXP}.

    P.S. I only have one completely gimped character on Thelanis {Ciaric} and he's likely to be deleted as soon as I can afford to transfer one of my Cannithites to Thelanis to replace him so none of the above will benefit me.
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 12-12-2020 at 03:20 AM.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savroix View Post
    This right here.

    I understand things happen, but the compensation, and it's limited duration, was poorly thought out. Honestly, why is it so painful for you guys to compensate us commensurate with the trouble we've experienced? I don't get it. First, Feywild comes with ZERO consumables (just cosmetics, sorry, but I'm still bitter about that) and now we're not even compensated with a Heart of Wood or an XP pot unlike in the now distant past. Guys, it's far better to over compensate than under do it.


    Not a good impression for those of us who have returned in the past few months, and if I sound irritated it's because I've got to perform *your* damage control on my six friends I brought to DDO, the last one just joining five days ago. Despite being new, even they recognize this is poor compensation for all that was lost.
    Seriously I don't normally post in general and I've been playing this game forever, but the feeble compensation given to us in relation to what I actually lost in random loot, my lucky die roll and other shards spent this morning is totally unacceptable. Since data was rolled back and lost, I understand it is not worth your time and effort to figure out the magnitude of losses in relation to what players actually lost but it is pretty lame to only offer a small percentage of xp boost and ONE day added to our VIP subscriptions? Seriously..that's more insulting than anything else especially to us who have spent hundreds of dollars to support this game since inception. I'm not quitting or anything, just very disturbed at the thought process in giving out compensation to your loyal player base.

  5. #45
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    Default Oh dear

    Here i'am...back on my bard which I TR out of yesterday...

    Trying to look for a party to level again... like yesterday.

  6. #46
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    Default Also didn't get ddo points reimbursed


    I'm replying to this thread, since there is no obvious way provided to notify you about not getting points reimbursed. I also did not get my spent ddo points reimbursed (upgrade to greater tome of heroic xp). I'm also sad to see that I lost my weekly gaming night (European) progress and won't be able to benefit from the compensation, since I don't really have time to play on weekends.

    I Hope to get an update on the missing reimbursement.


  7. #47
    Community Member Alrik_Fassbauer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aredharr View Post
    So yeah, me too I had transfer my alt from Hardcore on Friday... and now it's nowhere to be found...
    On top of a whole toon, here's what my loss looks like

    - over 100,000 reaper xp.
    How can that much be acquired winin ONE DAY ??? ???????

    I'd like to be THAT efficient, too !!!!!!!
    "You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"

  8. #48
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    Also didn't get my points reimbursed for four store bought augments, so double check if you bought anything which you have lost now due to rollback. Raised a ticket, we will see how that goes.

    I think I will be taking a break of at least a month or two anyway, maybe forever this time.

    Yes its a game, but I still spent 10+ hours getting nowhere, and they give you a 15 or 20% extra XP for a couple of days when you can't even necessarily play, and may well be playing capped toons anyway.

    We will endeavour to make sure it doesn't happen again. Yes I heard that one before after the last server rollback.

  9. #49
    Community Member maha0201's Avatar
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    I've lost about 6,3 mill epic exp and whole day on that + about 2h in postponed inventory management Also TR buddie that lost 500k heroic exp and 7mill epic exp said he will take a DDO break...
    Thelanis, Playing since 2009
    S II | Favor 12 Mmaha 6015 | Reaper 43 Mmaha 115,954
    S III | Favor 22 Maha 6005
    S V | Favor 19 Maha 6267

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrik_Fassbauer View Post
    How can that much be acquired winin ONE DAY ??? ???????

    I'd like to be THAT efficient, too !!!!!!!
    10 lv30+ quests on r10. Just need a good party and some first time bonuses.
    Very much like my favourite weapon, the quarterstaff, I am a blunt instrument, as are my words.
    Eushully/Acrobat! | Nantekottai/Somethng tank | LekiLockhart/Wolf

  11. #51
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    Yesterday, on Thelanis I didn't do many quests and nothing particularly interesting dropped in the chests. With hindsight; it's lucky I just missed getting into a PUG raid earlier in the day as the 'rollback' would have cancelled any raid progress.

    A few hours before the rollback; some - not all - of the Coins in the Harbour I was jumping to collect weren't registering and appearing in my inventory when I'd supposedly collected them. The collected 'sound effect' worked and the 'floating coin' animation disappeared, but no coin appeared, I just assumed it was some random bug.

    However, our Guild probably lost around: 200 AS income from Friday's Auction House sales, due to the rollback... Obviously I'm not amused, and I'm sure they'll be disappointed.

    So now I've ended up with several items that I had previously "sold" on behalf of the guild (during the period that was rolled-back), and obviously don't want. However, the purchasers, who probably actually wanted those items no longer own them. :-/

    On the positive side at least the rollback was nothing like the Wayfinder fiasco:

    In addition the Thelanis Chat Servers still appear to be sporadic when they decide to bother to establish a connection. That problem is persistent and (at least for my account) has been occurring on a daily basis since around July 2020.

    I clearly remember the U48 Release notes mentioned that work had been done regarding the Chat server. Obviously no effort was made to fix the above ongoing connection issue. I wouldn't have minded the rollback or even our guild losing 200 AS, if it had meant that Chat server issue had been resolved.

    Do you know if it's your databases, which are corrupted or perhaps just not fit for purpose, or was it threat actor; Internal User Errors?

    My absolute favourite piece of information is the fact that young sloths are so inept that they frequently grab their own arms and legs instead of tree limbs, and fall out of trees.
    Last edited by DYWYPI; 12-12-2020 at 08:45 AM. Reason: Grammar.

  12. #52
    Community Member PpalP's Avatar
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    Thumbs down That's not right

    I can understand that mishaps happen and that this it's a game for us and a business for you, but you can not compensate LOST TIME with that. Mainly because you only try to compensate for that lost time making players spend MORE time! And the shot window you put for the "compensation" devaluates it even more: not all people can play at the weekend, not all people can play with his/her friends on the same days.

    As other people have said, the only minimal way to compensate for the lost time is to give the players some bonus that doesn't imply for them to spend more time, that's just bad practice for any business.

    With the COVID I was able to bring 3 more friends to the game, and they have spent money on it, but they soon enough realize that this game is full of bugs, outdated graphics, and programming that makes the best part of this game to go pale with awful implementations (weird agro, monster going through players, ten meters hitboxes, repetitive content, blur/ghostly/displacement nerf on reaper and so on) that makes them to not spend any more money and just finish our current life before they leave the game; that's is how this game is for new players... like a game in maintenance mode with little to no resources involved to do a better game, just to fix critical errors to maintain the old player base to be able to "milking" them...what a sad present for this great game!

  13. #53
    Community Member Buddha5440's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrik_Fassbauer View Post
    How can that much be acquired winin ONE DAY ??? ???????

    I'd like to be THAT efficient, too !!!!!!!
    and that was only over 13 hours...imagine if the rollback had been a full day !!!

    The only people who have anything to complain about are those who spent points (either bought or earned) and haven't seen the refund yet. Subscribers are getting an extension of ~double the time lost so that complaint falls flat.

    To everyone else, keep this in mind...after you ETR/TR, yet again, you are going to be repeating the same stuff, yet again, by your own choice.

    I am pretty sure this was a planned thing because, seriously, who doesn't want to work late or come back in to work on a Friday evening/night?

    BtW, I really want the 2 supreme +8 tomes i got from the AH and ASAH for 150,000 pp and 15 AP respectively back in my inventory when I next log in. Oh, and I almost forgot about the 3 craftable trinkets, 2 flametouched iron, dual-slotted bastard swords, 5 dual-slotted jewelry/accessory items, the SoS and RoSS shards, and the 8000 mysterious remnants I farmed during the lost time.

    Thanks for working late on a Friday to get it back up guys/gals
    Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddha5440 View Post
    The only people who have anything to complain about are those who spent points (either bought or earned) and haven't seen the refund yet. Subscribers are getting an extension of ~double the time lost so that complaint falls flat.

    To everyone else, keep this in mind...after you ETR/TR, yet again, you are going to be repeating the same stuff, yet again, by your own choice.
    Just no. If I ETR/TR I get to keep my stuff. How is this the same thing?

  15. #55
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    party chat seems sporadic again and voice chat seemed not working at all.

  16. #56
    Community Member Buddha5440's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shefenhow View Post
    Just no. If I ETR/TR I get to keep my stuff. How is this the same thing?
    and with that stuff you 'lost' you run more of the same quests to get more stuff, and then new stuff comes out and you have to get that and then... See a pattern here?

    Did you have fun while playing during the period lost with the rollback? Complaining that you have to regrind what you got in less than 1 day when the game is, in it's basic form, a grind, is absurd.
    Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

  17. #57
    Community Member Savroix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddha5440 View Post
    The only people who have anything to complain about are those who spent points (either bought or earned) and haven't seen the refund yet. Subscribers are getting an extension of ~double the time lost so that complaint falls flat.
    First, you are exactly why some companies will get away with minimal customer service. I'm not saying SSG is such a company, but you're an enabler of such behavior. That, in turn, leads to player frustration and in some genuine cases, players leaving the game in frustration... and I don't want customers walking away with their wallets instead of contributing to the game so that you, I and everyone else can enjoy it for more years to come.

    Second, don't come around rubbing salt in peoples' wounds when they lost hours of game time, and all that that entails, and won't be able to play again for the rest of the weekend. Who are you to say they can't complain? Take your "thank you sir may I have another" and quietly go away.

    Greyhawk refugee on Thelanis

  18. #58
    Community Member PpalP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddha5440 View Post
    To everyone else, keep this in mind...after you ETR/TR, yet again, you are going to be repeating the same stuff, yet again, by your own choice.
    That's the whole point, by my OWN choice, not for a rollback; we're free in what we spent our free time : )

  19. #59
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    another dumpster fire - check

    insufficient compensation with a dubious SSG response - check

    more lies & exposure of a lack of meaningful safeguards - check

    bugs after the fact - check

  20. #60
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    15% xp? lol

    What is there to say than **** you? Come on

    Im a software developer myself, and i know that things like this happen sometimes. And i know the work involved in fixing it. But its also a necessity to compensate customers (and we are very very well paying customers) properly.

    I lost about 6h of absolutely not fun (getting a lvl 18 bard to 21 is hard with default iconic gear) gametime yesterday. To get that playtime back in, with the XP bonuses... Id have to play 6/0.15 = 40 hours. Yeah, ill definitely only sleep 8hours this weekend and spend the rest of it in DDO.

    I agree with a lot of other suggestions here:

    - XP stones for hXP, eXP, rXP and guild XP coupled with some guaranteed item drop consumable
    - OR adding named loot chance boosters to the boosts and make them last for at least one week, better two. Some people dont have infinite time, maybe they played yesterday but wont have time again for the weekend?

    Making mistakes is fine, but after that your main goal should be to NOT lose customers. And coupled with a lot of deficiencies of this game (looking at you, party chat and lag), youre on the brink for many. So please make an honest effort to make sustainable decisions, and not try to just do some pseudo compensations in an effort to not lose XP pot sales (this is what this thing feels like). Because guess what: Less customers pay less.

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