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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    Default The Camel's back is TOAST!

    Sadly due to pretty much everything that was good about "Season Pass" now sucking like the vacuum of space.

    I think I'll be quitting DDO ...

    So long and thanks for all the fish tacos ...

    Money Maker of Cannith

  2. #22
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by superevbully View Post
    Ummmm excuse me ......why would someone who had / has all of that b4 buying the pass even consider this good ?......pls think things through b4 making such terrible suggestion ty
    ok, how abot an otto, improve otto, epic otto?

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by westudi View Post
    This. I bought the pass. Was pretty happy with it until I saw very little content that qualified for "us to keep," and far less happy when all the content was given to everyone for free. Great way to reward customers.
    I do not have a season pass, but I don't quite understand. I have ground out DDO points (and in some cases paid) for years to get all the quest content that was given for free in the spring. I don't feel upset about others getting this for free even though they might have just joined. Your season pass did not just give you quest content, it gave you permanent access to tiefling (1595 DDOP), iconic tiefling (1395 DDOP), and shifter and razorclaw shifter (?? DDOP) as well as alchemist (1495 DDOP). You got a free heroic Otto's box (4995 DDOP). Now, if you add up all the DDOP just for these features (assuming the same cost for shifter as tiefling), you get 12,470 DDOP worth of free content that no one else got in the spring and which you now own permanently. 11,000 DDOP costs $99.00 and the extra 1,470 would cost $19.99 if you buy it in one shot. You had VIP for two years (value $198). So without anything else, you paid $299 for about $317 worth of content (excluding base tiefling and base shifter, since you get these free if you do spend extra on the base Expansions, it is about $292.00 worth of content). Plus, you got a cosmetic and the potential for more than 700 daily gold dice rolls (even with your few days of loss), which gave you 700+ chances to get 3 Ddoor scrolls, sentience toolkits, Greater Cakes, 5 Elixirs of Major Mnemonic Enhancement, skill tomes up to +5, ability tomes up to +8 and much more. Even without the quest content that you are complaining about, I think you got more than what the rest of us could get with the same cash investment.
    Last edited by DreamingReality; 12-10-2020 at 09:28 AM.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by NemesisAlien View Post
    ok, how abot an otto, improve otto, epic otto?
    They DID get a heroic Otto's box with their season pass.

  5. #25
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    Daily Dice has returned.
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  6. #26
    Pale Fox
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    Quote Originally Posted by DreamingReality View Post
    I do not have a season pass, but I don't quite understand. I have ground out DDO points (and in some cases paid) for years to get all the quest content that was given for free in the spring. I don't feel upset about others getting this for free even though they might have just joined. Your season pass did not just give you quest content, it gave you permanent access to tiefling (1595 DDOP), iconic tiefling (1395 DDOP), and shifter and razorclaw shifter (?? DDOP) as well as alchemist (1495 DDOP). You got a free heroic Otto's box (4995 DDOP). Now, if you add up all the DDOP just for these features (assuming the same cost for shifter as tiefling), you get 12,470 DDOP worth of free content that no one else got in the spring and which you now own permanently. 11,000 DDOP costs $99.00 and the extra 1,470 would cost $19.99 if you buy it in one shot. You had VIP for two years (value $198). So without anything else, you paid $299 for about $317 worth of content (excluding base tiefling and base shifter, since you get these free if you do spend extra on the base Expansions, it is about $292.00 worth of content). Plus, you got a cosmetic and the potential for more than 700 daily gold dice rolls (even with your few days of loss), which gave you 700+ chances to get 3 Ddoor scrolls, sentience toolkits, Greater Cakes, 5 Elixirs of Major Mnemonic Enhancement, skill tomes up to +5, ability tomes up to +8 and much more. Even without the quest content that you are complaining about, I think you got more than what the rest of us could get with the same cash investment.
    Expansions is a word that does not mean the same thing as "adventure packs" nor the same thing as "content accessible as VIP".
    Nor are we able to examine what is signed to our accounts.

    Never once in this two year seasonpass period did I receive a notification saying:
    "Congratulations, we have just released update XX and for you as a season pass holder this means you now have permanent access to The Latest Hot Pancake With Syrup And Cherries On Top."

    Instead I got:
    "Thx for paying, we are now able to make everything free for everyone. Here's a silver armor to show off that you did."

    Well, not really but you get the drift of how some of the season pass holders might feel.

  7. #27
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    [QUOTE=VxCalais;6385952]Sadly due to pretty much everything that was good about "Season Pass" now sucking like the vacuum of space.

    I think I'll be quitting DDO ...

    So long and thanks for all the fish tacos ...

    Money Maker of Cannith

    i really feel your pain see the issue is with me is that its very likely that the 1000 pass holders were some of ddo most passionate fans ...........i feel the same the key word is think ........i think ill wait till SEV guts up and addresses the issue and i know what will happen if the pass runs out and SEV turtles

  8. #28
    Community Member Merfyn's Avatar
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    Default Not so free daily dice?

    I didn't realize I'd spent 6 astral shards because the "Free Daily Dice" icon popped up multiple times. Deliberate?

    It finally went away after about 30 minutes.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merfyn View Post
    I didn't realize I'd spent 6 astral shards because the "Free Daily Dice" icon popped up multiple times. Deliberate?

    It finally went away after about 30 minutes.
    Might be something completely different in your case. But I have previously observed that if your computer clock is not set correctly, the icon acts funny.

  10. #30
    Community Member Merfyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    Might be something completely different in your case. But I have previously observed that if your computer clock is not set correctly, the icon acts funny.
    Thanks; that's a distinct possibility since I'm dual-booting & Windoze always hates you.

  11. 12-14-2020, 06:08 PM

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