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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Cannith Crafting ..

    If anyone can add an icy burst kit to a random loot item ..

    why can't a crafter add a red/orange/purple slot to a generated loot item?
    why can't a crafter not add a sentiance slot to a random loot item?
    Why can't a crafter bring a random loot item up to a "normal" base damage?

    You know loot is really broken when you can literally play for a couple of years and only pull one or two random items with "MAX" stats .. vs just ransacking a sharn chest or a raid for an hr and pulling some overly common named loot with 5x the stats damage and power..

    kinda makes you wonder just how bad/broken loot has become in ddo.. and how utterly worthless crafting is, and worse .. how bad random loot has become..

    You know there was a day when .. just sometimes .. .. like.. once in a while ... when someone would pull some random piece of loot where the entire party stops dead in its tracks in AWWW...

    Now a days,
    random loot = vender trash ..
    random loot = "destroy button"
    random loot = "rott"

    sure wish loot actually ment something these days ... or even better .. when some crafter does grind out quests for years.. and actually pulls an awesome sword .. you should be able to make something special out of it..

    just saying.

  2. #2
    Community Member Buddha5440's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    They long ago decided they didn't want the possible revenue stream crafting could provide. I'm fine with some effects being random/named loot only but now we have augments that are more powerful than CC effects of the same level (a ML 20 ruby of x element damage is as strong as a ML 30(32) CC effect. There are now 80+ multi-effect prefixes out there that can't be crafted as well as all the effects that show up on items they can't be crafted on. Then you have the hassle of PEDs needed for the extra effects (still 3 max for CC while random q-staves can have 6). IMHO, items crafted by max lv crafters should be nearly on par with raid items.

    Crafters need some love.

    Craftable augment slots, material types, multi-effect prefix/suffix, flexible shards (why did they get rid of these???) weighted damaged dice (X[1dy + z]), etc.
    Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

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