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  1. #1
    Community Member Archfae's Avatar
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    Oct 2020

    Post Archfae's DC Warlock Build

    Pre-post Notes: This is mainly a reference for me. DC warlock isn't new. I wanted something easy for me to pull up for when doing TRs and for sharing gear setup (which at the moment is more of a gear wishlist as I grind out some key pieces)

    Levels: 20 Warlock
    Race: Dragonborn

    Starting Stats:
    Strength - 10
    Dexterity - 6
    Constitution - 18
    Intelligence - 12
    Wisdom - 8
    Charisma - 20

    1) Quicken
    3) Past Life: Wizard / Completionist
    6) Spell Focus Necro
    9) Heighten
    12) Enlarge
    15) Maximize
    18) Spell Pen

    1) Ice/White (if fiend pact, pick Fire/Red instead)

    1) Pact of the Carceri (optionally Pact of the Fiend if so, swap leg wild frost for leg wild flame in gear list)

    21) Arcane Insight
    24) Burst of Glacial Wrath
    26) Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
    27) Embolden
    28) Mass Frog
    29) Deific Warding
    30) Epic Eldritch Blast
    30) Scion of Shadowfell

    Non-racial AP 77 points)
    42 Souleater, 21 Tainted Scholar, 14 Feydark Illusionist

    Racial AP Dragonborn
    Grab cores, caster levels, wings (if you can afford them)

    Epic Destiny:
    Magister - for dc casting
    Draconic - for quick farming

    left over stuff to do
    Last edited by Archfae; 12-02-2020 at 07:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Archfae's Avatar
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    Oct 2020

    Post Gear List

    Gear List (U48 / Feywild - I don't have access to feywild yet, but this is what I'd consider the optimal gear list)

    Head: Legendary Crown of Snow (spell focus mastery +7, insightful spell focus mastery +4, green slot, eminence of winter set)
    Goggles: Legendary Magewright's Spectacles (+21 intelligence, illusion focus +9, insightful illusion focus +5, spell penetration +9, green slot, blue slot, masterful magewright set)
    Necklace: Sigil of Regalport (Charisma +22, Quality Spell Focus +2, Wizardry +481, Cold Absorption 53%, yellow slot, blue slot, green slot)
    Trinket: Trinket of Freewill (Psychic Ward, Magical Sheltering +52, insightful Wisdom +9, spell resistance +46, blue slot, green slot)
    Cloak: Legendary Magewright's Cloak (enchantment focus +9, insightful enchantment focus +5, wizardry +453, quality charisma +5, blue slot, yellow slot, masterful magewright set)
    Bracers: Legendary Cold Iron Bracers (ghostly, protection +17, vitality +72, quality false life +20, green slot, eminence of winter set)
    Gloves: Legendary Gloryborne Gloves (sacred spell focus +2, +214 positive spell power, +214 light spell power, quality resistance +4, green slot)
    Ring 1: Legendary Celestial Sapphire Ring (con +21, dodge +21%, profane stats +2, yellow slot)
    Ring 2: Legendary Shattered Onyx (insightful charisma +10, profane spell focus +2, insightful resistance +8, insightful dodge +10%, blue slot)
    Belt: Slavers Belt (+17 wisdom, +4 quality wisdom, +22 spellcraft, +27 devotion lore)
    Boots: Legendary Deepsnow Boots (insightful constitution +10, quality constitution +5, fom, fort +17, green slot, eminence of winter set)
    Armor: Legendary Chainmail of the First Snow (fort +214%, physical sheltering +54, competence healing amp +85, false life +81, green slot, eminence of winter set)

    Mainhand Weapon: Legendary Wild Frost (spellcasting implement +29, glaciation +202, insightful glaciation +101, ice lore +29%, conjuration focus +8, red slot)
    Offhand Weapon: Legendary Alchemical Weapon (+219 light spell power, +32% light lore, +2 charisma, necro focus +9, green slot)
    Offhand Weapon (Swap for spell pen) - prince's scepter (+5 insight spell pen, empty)
    Offhand Weapon (Swap for farming/dps): Legendary Alchemical Weapon (+219 light spell power, +32% light lore, +2 charisma, improved cold augmentation, pruple slot - slot impulse ruby)

    Sentient Filigrees (Mainhand weapon) - todo

    Swap: affirmation, ash

    *Note that Legendary Trinket of Freewill might be a hard farm for its worth; in that case you can cannith craft sheltering 38, insightful wisdom +7, and parrying as a temp replacement. The magewright set is raid gear but vastly easier to get groups together for and getting enough runes.*

    Gear Bonuses:
    Attribute (max available) [value]
    Last edited by Archfae; 12-02-2020 at 07:13 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Archfae's Avatar
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    Post Post Build Notes


  4. #4
    Community Member Archfae's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Pretty nice was thinking maybe swap the trinket for your con and then you can use the ice and force power ring for your ice set

    and spell powers and aug your profanity or maybe one of the lob raid rings or kt

    N belt not ravenloft or sharn 5 stat dc then can swap wis if when u ever do frog i just used a mines ring for that worked great

    Then since ur dcs r mostly covered by mage set might be able to fit in the sharn tank set n a ice set maybe get a lil more out of it

    After u finish ravenlofts i'd just dump mass frog for toughness its useless garbage everything has spell pen free feat swap at that point
    Last edited by mr420247; 12-26-2020 at 06:27 PM.
    Damonz Cannith

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