Hello all! This is a recent, new take on my Arcane Archer. I decided to make a new thread, as I wasnt too happy with a rogue build in the fighter forum 8) I have kept the name for sentimental reasons and, hey, he still has one fighter level! This is a wisdom based AA Falconer, built for high crits via Hunt's End from the Shiradi epic Destiny... "Furyshots"! I have, but didnt spec for paralyzing arrows, instead I use shock arrow stance for the vulnerability. I have now tried to spec for paralyze, and I must say its functional! Its not no-fail level and wont work everywhere, but Im satisfied...
My old build thread, if you want to read of the characters journey from 2015 till now.
Build Features:
100+ KI/Concentration (5x10K Stars) + KI regen
108,06% Doubleshot (228.06% Manyshot, chance of 4 arrows) +5% Shadow Arrows
121 PRR
70 MRR Cap
50+ UMD

This is pretty much stars aligned! Sadly I couldnt use Abishai cookies in public

It doesnt show on screen but log said: (Combat): You sneak attack Training Dummy for 384,086 points of pierce damage.

Unbuffed stats on the ship
08 STR
14 DEX (adjust for tomes, 21 dex by lvl24)
16 CON
12 INT
18 WIS + levels
08 CHA
01 Point Blank Shot, Barbarian Dilletante (half elf)
02 Rapid Shot (fighter)
03 Precise Shot, Zen Archery (monk)
05 Precision (monk)
06 Past Life : Rogue
07 Path of Harmonious Balance : Fists of Light (monk)
09 Manyshot
12 Improved Critical : Ranged
13 Ten Thousand Stars (monk)
15 Imp Precise Shot
17 Imp Evasion
18 Master of Forms
20 Opportunist
21 Overwhelming Critical
24 Combat Archery
26 Holy Strike
27 Imp Sneak Attack
28 Doubleshot
29 Dreamscape or Mass Frog
30 Past Life : Paladin or Completionist
30 Scion of Arborea or Scion of the Ethereal Plane
Level order: R F M R M R M R M R M R M R R R R R R R
Enhancements: I have 86 AP, if more spend in Harper for ranged power. If less, cut back on Falconry
Skills: (item swap)
Concentration 101
Diplomacy 60
Disable Device 54 (106)
Heal 74
Open Lock 71 (101)
Search 64 (100)
Spot 85 (91)
Spellcraft 37
Tumble 49
UMD 48
I no longer have room for Diplomacy and Heal augments
T4 Sense Weakness
T4 Martial Hymn
T1 A Dance of Flowers
T1 Enlightenment
T1 Cocoon
Epic Destiny:
Electric 459
Positive 459
DCs: (item/stance swap)
Bird 89 (91)
Paralyze 60 (84)
Mass Frog 66 (88)
Reaper Trees: 54 points is a sweetspot, and this is how I spent them.
Gear Set:
Weapons: Aerania the Boltbow, Deadly Rain and Through the Mist swap
Armor: Leg Wildwood Outfit
Goggles: Leg Tharne's Goggles (Helplessness)
Helm: Helm of the Final Watcher
Neck: Leg Family Recruit Sigil (Helplessness)
Trinket: Epic Litany of the Dead (MRR cap)
Cloak: Leg Cloak of Balance (MRR cap)
Belt: Leg Belt of the Ram (MRR cap)
Ring: Sigil of the Triumvirate (+4wis)
Gloves: Leg Wildwood Gauntlets
Boots: Leg Slavelords (sheltering, magnetism, concentration & wisdom)(+4wis)
Ring: Ring of the Silver Tongue (Helplessness)
Bracers: Wildwood Wrists (+4wis)
Quiver: Epic Dynamistic Quiver
(Augment sets)
I also use Esoterica augment set when paralyzing, those I slotted into a spare Recruit Sigil, Onyx Ring and Enchantment+6+3 goggles
Thats all Ill share for now, but Ill be back to update the thread once Ill finalize gear and such! If there is some info you are looking for you can probably find it in my old thread, else ask away!
Thx for reading/watching! Enjoy the build!
I submitted my build for review, this is how it went!