House Deneith has to be the ward that has the least amount of attention put towards it
It only has a couple lowbie quests in it, and no events or raids take place there. Maybe in an upcoming future update we could get some House D additions?
House Deneith has to be the ward that has the least amount of attention put towards it
It only has a couple lowbie quests in it, and no events or raids take place there. Maybe in an upcoming future update we could get some House D additions?
Chaotic Good but in real life
There is the Sorrowdusk chains which could use a pass, make one chain all level 6 or level 7 and make the other all level 10, but in terms of House D. Maybe create a Sovereign favour chain there? Insert a few classic adventures from pen and paper and make them for the Host or Deneith.
Yes. And while we are at it, put something in the Temple of the Sovereign Host besides Relic. It's one of those "empty" places that you wonder why it's there (another one is the house J hall behind the patron).
Personally, I would like some high level content similar to Ataraxia and Relic, and a Duergar iconic.
Originally posted by C-Dog
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck but it's undead, then it's an undead duck.
Some of the free-to-play House D quests could be made epic. I honestly liked some of those classics and would also like seeing them modernized.
Originally posted by C-Dog
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck but it's undead, then it's an undead duck.