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  1. #1
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default How about something like Bound to Guild status?

    Hey all,

    I just rolled a tome I cannot use/don't need anymore with my daily dice. And I understand why these are bta so not to flood the market and all but how about to have a ritual or a binding altar or a special guild chest to make these things btg - bound to guild?
    It is really a shame to crunch this when I know my fellow guildie is looking for one. Or maybe make it use on someone else like the xp stones several years back.
    I hate to waste these things.

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  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    While your intentions are good, this is exploitable in the sense that it would effectively make the tomes unbound (as in "can be sold/given to anyone, not just your guild members")
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  3. #3
    Guardiest guarder of guard-dom Yokido's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I just think tomes in general shouldn't be bound. DDO's markets have a current tome shortage which is causing a lot of grief to newer or free players. I remember back in the day you could buy a +3 or +4 tome on the AH every now and then.

    Now, I see people posting +1 stat tomes for millions of plat... The ASAH lists tomes for hundreds of astrals.

    I don't get it, seriously. Tomes at this time are too unforgiving in the market, unbind them.

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