Looking for suggestions for a first life, shifter barbarian gear
So I tried the Iconic Shifter barbarian and using Strimtoms HC Barbarian build (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...uilds-Season-3) and got him to level 20.
I found the class to be kind of lack luster. I am thinking it has a lot to do with the gear as most of what I am wearing is the starter gear, with a couple of pieces from Sharn Towers. But I am still only hitting for around 70 points of damage and only have 800 HP and around 80 ac. So with that being said has anyone come up with a half decent set of gear for a level 20 Shifter Barbarian? I keep going back to the Borderlands Handwraps but the damage output seems to be way below what I would expect from a Barbarian at that level.
Any suggestions would definitely help.