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  1. #1
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    Default Please borrow a scheme from D&D Beyond and have P2W Feats

    Please borrow a scheme from D&D Beyond and have P2W Feats

    Yes, these unlockable feats must be purchased through one or more of the following
    1) 500+ DDO point purchase
    2) VIP subscription or season pass
    3) Expansion purchase
    4) Bundled offer

    Make these Pay to Win Feats extra special and more powerful than the standard free feats you can choose from at character creation. Better than Toughness, better than Improved Critical, better than Quicken and Maximize.

    You might also consider adding pay to win skills and spells next but one step (or P2W feature) at a time!

    Yes, I was playing around with D & D Beyond's character generator for the first time and ran into the "issue" of only having one free feat available to pick: Grappler. This immediately turned me off and made me quit the character generator. Theirs is a very poor implementation of P2W feats. No variety of free feats at all.

    P2W Feats should work fine for DDO because there is already a vast number of good free feats the masses won't be too upset for the special P2W Feats that get added next.
    Last edited by Eldeel; 11-18-2020 at 06:22 AM.

  2. #2
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    If you want a feat that's "better than Toughness", there's one pay-to-win option available to you: buy a bunch of Otto's boxes, reincarnate and get Completionist. It's MUCH better than Toughness!
    The Wizard past life feat is obviously better than Spell Focus too!

    There's already Global Enhancement trees that are available on your account at character creation that give your character options it never could get otherwise.
    No need for extra feats, or even extra feats made especally because some feats needed better versions.
    It's pay-to-win power creep for power creep's sake, and that's about as bad as it gets.
    Enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiast.

  3. #3
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    These Pay 2 Win Feats would be a new revenue stream on top of Otto Box sales and Enhancement Tree sales.

    They are to be treated as optional but clearly better than if you had not passed on them.

    They would be comparable to adventure packs and storage sale upgrades.

    Yes you can pass on some adventure packs but you'll miss those special rewards.

    And you can pass on storage upgrades but you'll miss the ability to hoard more loot.

    What would be some examples of Pay to Win feats then?

    Still Spell would be pretty useful for casters
    or how about Improved Critical: All Weapons for non-casters

    Tons of extra juicy P2W feats just imagine the possibilities.

  4. #4
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    New adventures are ways to enjoy the game, not necessarily make the character stronger.
    Storage and inventory expansion won't make your character any better once they enter a quest.

    Any option that DOES should be viewed with the highest level of skepticism. (your "better than" part of your first comment made me think that was your point)

    Your examples seem fine, but probably shouldn't need to be paid for options.

    Improved Critical should already be a single feat. No muss, no fuss, and no real power gained besides some versatility, which I'm perfectly okay with.
    I don't know what Still Spell would do in DDO besides what Mobile Spellcasting already does. (though I do think as a QoL thing it should be rolled in with Combat Casting - neither feat sees any actual play atm)
    So long as the options you're suggesting don't entirely outclass existing ones, I'm on board.

    There shouldn't BE a Feat that simply says "This other feat, but better"
    Much like there isn't a single Class that says "This other class, but better"
    Or a single Enhancement Tree. Or a single piece of equipment of the exact same level.

    As for paid-for feats, I don't know if feat options can be set to paid or unpaid at all in DDO. It's never been seen.
    Enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiast.

  5. #5
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    Honestly, the LAST thing this game needs is another P2W scheme that further divides the player population into haves and have nots.

    As a VIP/Season Pass holder, I’ve seen entirely too many F2P players leaving this game because they’re essentially treated like 2nd class citizens. They even get nerfed on earned xp, and that’s just plain dumb.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eldeel View Post
    Please borrow a scheme from D&D Beyond and have P2W Feats

    Yes, these unlockable feats must be purchased through one or more of the following
    1) 500+ DDO point purchase
    2) VIP subscription or season pass
    3) Expansion purchase
    4) Bundled offer

    Make these Pay to Win Feats extra special and more powerful than the standard free feats you can choose from at character creation. Better than Toughness, better than Improved Critical, better than Quicken and Maximize.

    You might also consider adding pay to win skills and spells next but one step (or P2W feature) at a time!

    Yes, I was playing around with D & D Beyond's character generator for the first time and ran into the "issue" of only having one free feat available to pick: Grappler. This immediately turned me off and made me quit the character generator. Theirs is a very poor implementation of P2W feats. No variety of free feats at all.

    P2W Feats should work fine for DDO because there is already a vast number of good free feats the masses won't be too upset for the special P2W Feats that get added next.
    or seasons pass...................Man really id get somehing of value for my pass WOW finally some good news for pass holders......o wait this is a suggestion rats move along

  7. #7
    Community Member TekkenDevil's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Community Member timmy9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eldeel View Post
    Please borrow a scheme from D&D Beyond and have P2W Feats

    Yes, these unlockable feats must be purchased through one or more of the following
    1) 500+ DDO point purchase
    2) VIP subscription or season pass
    3) Expansion purchase
    4) Bundled offer

    Make these Pay to Win Feats extra special and more powerful than the standard free feats you can choose from at character creation. Better than Toughness, better than Improved Critical, better than Quicken and Maximize.

    You might also consider adding pay to win skills and spells next but one step (or P2W feature) at a time!

    Yes, I was playing around with D & D Beyond's character generator for the first time and ran into the "issue" of only having one free feat available to pick: Grappler. This immediately turned me off and made me quit the character generator. Theirs is a very poor implementation of P2W feats. No variety of free feats at all.

    P2W Feats should work fine for DDO because there is already a vast number of good free feats the masses won't be too upset for the special P2W Feats that get added next.
    Signed, great idea...PTW is awesome!!

  9. #9
    Community Member timmy9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DerpDerply View Post
    Honestly, the LAST thing this game needs is another P2W scheme that further divides the player population into haves and have nots.

    As a VIP/Season Pass holder, I’ve seen entirely too many F2P players leaving this game because they’re essentially treated like 2nd class citizens. They even get nerfed on earned xp, and that’s just plain dumb.
    Yer yer yer, let's face it they want a free ride, they need a further penalty to xp for being so tight and expecting the rest of us to keep the game afloat. It's life, you get what you pay for, get over it. Left the game cause they are treated like second class citizens LOL...they are

  10. #10
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eldeel View Post
    Yes, I was playing around with D & D Beyond's character generator for the first time and ran into the "issue" of only having one free feat available to pick: Grappler. This immediately turned me off and made me quit the character generator. Theirs is a very poor implementation of P2W feats. No variety of free feats at all.
    That has something to do with licensing. The Grappler feat is the only feat available in the Open Game License and/or Basic Rules, so within the only free game content of the P&P. Everything outside of it that is free online is an active act of piracy, as there are no official .pdf of the rulebooks and such.

    There are digital books though, think of them as buying the book once more though, as Wizard of the Coast doesn't publish any official digital content other than some supplements to existing books. They don't have the manpower in their rather small D&D-team to manage online resources, that's why they made contracts with other companies, entering Fandom, Inc./Curse LLC, the company behind D&D Beyond (though The Orr Group, LLC and their Roll20 also have a license to make their own digital books with WotC-content).

    So as a business partner that has a license to sell digital books, you don't want to break your contract by giving away any content for free. That's why the DDB-Characterbuilder only uses the feat of the digital books you have purchased, which is part of the benefits of having said digital book and part of the service you can get without any further costs.

    You can absolutely add owbn feats that are 1:1 with official content to your homebrew material, it will just be private (as DDB checks each homebrew ith official content), but for your own games, absolutely feasible. Don't expect them to let you partake in their work if you don't pay for it and don't expect the compability with their character builder, but for having it in your charactersheet, it's easy enough.

    Making games and managing online content is work and most people won't work for free.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by TekkenDevil View Post
    At least u gave a reaction to the post ,,,,,ssg on the other hand not so much as in nothing

  13. #13
    Community Member dennisck2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TekkenDevil View Post
    You made coffee come out of my nose! +1
    Proud guild gimp of Synergia! Adults only. Bring beer. Pants optional.

  14. #14
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by timmy9999 View Post
    Yer yer yer, let's face it they want a free ride, they need a further penalty to xp for being so tight and expecting the rest of us to keep the game afloat. It's life, you get what you pay for, get over it. Left the game cause they are treated like second class citizens LOL...they are
    I like your profile pic, matches you perfectly

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