Hey Dont know if it is the right place to post but here goes, It would be really nice I believe to have more race Variant of races, having Forgotten realms and eberron allows us to have a lot of character customisation without (from the surface) having too much work to do, for example we already have wood elves and korvaire elf, we have ebberon drows, how hard would it be to add faerun drows and give them the wood elf model with dark skin and white hair. just change the rapiers bonuses to scimitar and you got yourself a new race.
They could do the same with most of the other races it would bring a lot more build variety without being too different and breaking everything (hopefully).
Of course I dont think these should make completionist harder but more customisation is always nice and it could be a way for standing stone to make more money, either by selling them in the shop or requirering vip to play as them.
What do you guys think? Am I being unreasonable? Do you think it would be too much work? Has this already been asked and im just too danse to see it?