I just used a legacy augment remover to unslot a ruby of Devotion +138 from my sword. I then logged off and back on to upgrade the augment slot on the weapon. I then slotted the ruby back on, and noticed it no longer adds an implement bonus to universal spellpower like it used to.

I thought perhaps it was a bug where the buff is not listed on the weapon, but still applying the bonus. Universal spellpower descriptor stays at the same value with weapon on and off, and I also checked my positive spellpower: with weapon on 435, removing weapon 296 (so 139 difference only).

I really hope this not WAI, as it would be a nerf that would no longer allow non-caster weapons to provide implement bonuses (hurting hybrid builds the most).

Other than that, so far, the new augment system looks great, nice job Devs!!! Really looking forward to the new augments too