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  1. #1
    Community Member NeMMaNjaO's Avatar
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    Default Need help with immortality lessons quest

    How do i open rooftop door? I got both words and i cant find where to open rooftop doors.
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  2. #2
    Community Member xynxie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeMMaNjaO View Post
    How do i open rooftop door? I got both words and i cant find where to open rooftop doors.
    Type /say then type whatever the words were, so if the words were wild and vision type /say wild vision in a chat window
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  3. #3
    Community Member Lizardgrad89's Avatar
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    Default Baffled

    Got one watchword, playing fiddle to get other, have gotten to room where I can see the red crystal lever but cannot reach it. There is nothing clickable, no hidden doors and I have played the fiddle everywhere. How do you get past or around the walls of fence to get the lever? I broke the floor next to the lever, but can't figure a way to get up there either. Just stuck.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lizardgrad89 View Post
    Got one watchword, playing fiddle to get other, have gotten to room where I can see the red crystal lever but cannot reach it. There is nothing clickable, no hidden doors and I have played the fiddle everywhere. How do you get past or around the walls of fence to get the lever? I broke the floor next to the lever, but can't figure a way to get up there either. Just stuck.
    I was stuck on that part as well.

    Spoiler: Their are climbable vines in the room close by. There's a big tree there and you can see some walkways above. Reaching the second level, you can navigate towards that room with the lever and access it from the second floor. Then you clear the gargoyle (don't zerg him), hit the switch, and make your way to the door that was activated by the switch.

  5. #5
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    Hmm, without spoiling your fun.. um, you've noticed that playing the fiddle can destroy floor sections as well as wall sections, so try playing the fiddle at the various music stands while standing in the nearby circles on the floor. That will be key to advancing further in the quest.

  6. #6
    Time Bandit
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    I have to agree that as it stands, this quest is significantly more frustrating and less enjoyable than the other quests in the X-Pack, which are generally rather pleasant and fun.

    It could use some sort of thematically appropriate source(s) for friendly hints, particularly given the low level of the Heroic version.

    Locked doors that you cannot open and have no clue and are given no hints about opening them are not much fun, and I'm not talking about the red crystal door which has a clearly visible opening lever..

  7. #7
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
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    Just completed this in R6, and noticed a bug issue.

    A reaper got itself stuck behind a window near to the boss, and it could not be targeted.
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  8. #8
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    FYI it's possible to nuke the gargoyle (tourmaline) down too fast and bug the quest out where it's impossible to succeed. If you do this it's also still possible to advance all the way through to the end chest and complete all optionals... so you might spend an extra hour in a bugged quest before you even notice... theoretically.

  9. #9
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    It's a quest you have to play with patience and lots of time (don't try it before dinner... lol). I got turned around many times trying to figure out what to do next, retracing steps, etc... I am sure after doing it multiple times it will speed up quickly, but at this stage it is tough to rush. It is a big building and the map is not the easiest to follow due to the different levels (much like RL was in Strahd's Castle).

    Climbing vines and playing the fiddle is certainly key.

    It took me a long time to do the musical side of the quest (as opposed to the Granny side) to the degree that I forgot that the point was to open the door to the roof, which actually begins in that first room where you met the owl and Prince. I kept looking around the upper level for roof access, and it wasn't for awhile that I remembered I had to access it from the first main opening room (after getting both words).

  10. #10
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    You can actually do it extremely quickly once you know what to do.

    Fiddle side: run down the halls until you get to the room with the vines that you can climb. Climb up to the shrine. Use the fiddle to break the wall near the shrine. Go down the hall, you'll encounter a door and a glass wall. Use the fiddle to break the glass wall. Beat down the gargoyle (let the DM finish talking first). Use the fiddle to smash the gargoyle. Pull the red lever. Break the floor and drop down. Run down the hall a ways, break the floor in the room with all the tree roots and the music stand. Go down through the red crystal door. Get the watchword. Exit to main room.

    Table side: pick the item that most reflects Hyrsam's ideals. Get the watchword. Fight the giant. Return to the main room.

    Say the watchwords. Confront Hyrsam. Yay, you're done.

    It's like Invitation to Dinner--once you know what to do, it's quite short.
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  11. #11
    Community Member ChicagoChris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trancefate View Post
    FYI it's possible to nuke the gargoyle (tourmaline) down too fast and bug the quest out where it's impossible to succeed. If you do this it's also still possible to advance all the way through to the end chest and complete all optionals... so you might spend an extra hour in a bugged quest before you even notice... theoretically.
    I hit this. Tried to use the help system.

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