yeah its going to be very annoying for ML15 Sharn Gear, especially for ITRing, if you have to socket a weaker ML12 augment because you dont want to have to level 15-16 without your gear :P
At least the augments hit at L20 for ETRing though.
I hope they'll increase the drop rate on Jeweler's Toolkits now that augments are becoming more of a focus and its more likely we'll want to swap them out occasionally.
Agree on dropping cost of Jeweler’s Toolkits even with the addition of Legacy Augment Jeweler’s kits for initial removal. Also, I was hoping that with the basic augments being scaled based on Cannith Crafting that they would automatically scale based on minimum level of the item they are slotted in... much like Cannith Crafting. This would solve some issues, however I am not sure how difficult this would be to implement. Would even take hits on Fort augments to see this implemented.
Also thanks for leaving the Greater Topaz DCs as they are Lynnabel, for newer players without all the past lives and lgs gear any little bit helps!
When I first read the post for the "Set Bonus" augments, I thought that the point was to convert an item into an augment, then use 3 different augments to "make" a set, allowing for flexibility in what set bonuses a character has on their gear, filling in gaps from the Sharn and Feywild sets with augments.
For example, combining the Helpless Damage from Family's Blessing, Wisdom Bonus from Crystalline Gauntlets, and the Fortification Bypass from Helm of the Final Watcher to make a "set" that a monk might use.
After reading through the thread, and re-reading the original post, my understanding seems to have been wrong, and I don't know that I'll want to try and make/use any of the "set bonus" augments.
This so much this please!!
Also a worthy replacement for the ridiculous improved destruction soul forged augment would be draconic reinvigoration. If the grind is going to be dumb at least make the payout good. Or replace the cracked core one with this. The ability to occasionally recharge boosts is better than +1 charge. Alchemical conservation is a cool effect but it is a level 18-20 effect that was never scaled into the end game probably due to being old tech. At level 28+ it should be +3 charges and +3 ki.
I agree with many others here that the Soulforged augments are WAY too expensive for what they are and will massively encourage greed in raids. I love that you've made older raids more appealing (except RtSO, omg I hate that raid with a passion) but a better way to do that would be with an ingredient that costs runes and maybe also drops in each raid instead of an existing named item. Bear in mind that I am a total hoarder and have a few of these items already whereas I don't have that many runes so I make this suggestion at my own loss too because I think it would be better for the game. Also, having to replace existing set bonuses instead of just adding one will be a struggle if you're trying to combine the new gear with Sharn, which I believe is an option you wanted to keep open.
I thought the whole point of augments was to give you bonuses you can put anywhere, and the cost was that you get it at a later level. So being able to put them in gear at 5/10/15 seems to defeat the point of it.
Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.
im sorry, I know that you are doing a good job in front of the DDO, working hard and communicating actively with us, but I did not want to appear aggressive, only few upset with a modification that I considered unnecessary: If the CR of the mobs will increase, what ll'be the logic of removing bonuses from DC?
Once again I thank you for considering our requests and keeping the Greater Focus Topaz as it is.
As far as I know, Enhanced Ki +1 first appears on named gear at level 14. (Frozen Tunic, legacy versions crafted with Masterful Craftsmanship down to ML12 may still exist, but have not been available for many years now.)
- ML16: Emerald of Enhanced Ki +1, available at a vendor
- ML26: Emerald of Enhanced Ki +2
This would make the +1 relatively more obtainable to first-life monks, while still allowing the other named items to provide value for future TRs.
The +2 version at 26 would be available at the same level as Visions of Precision, which is the first item to offer more than +1 (it has +3; no +2s exist). This would allow you to reach full Ki saturation with some combination of Fire Stance, or maxxed out crit/doublestrike/speed and Way of the Elegant Crane, or with fewer Ki spenders. This would become doable at level 30, but the +3 version on Visions would still be an upgrade for levelling.
A lot of the minimum levels on new auguments need to be reconsidered:
Emerald of Bitter Wounds: 30 Boon of undeath
There are level 15 items granting this ability. give palemasters a break. Make this 16.
Sapphire of Greater Heroism: 28
There is a level 18 item granting this ability. Granted that item is tough to get so a minimum level of 20 would be fine.
Storm's Bulwark: 28 Whirlwind Ward
There is a level 5 item granting this. And I see no reason at all why this augment be 5 as well.
Ruby of Disintegration: 28
There are a lot of level 20 weapons with this. this augment should be level 20 as well. unless we're talking about "Utter disintegration" then it should be 28.
For Soul forged augments I would put the minimal level to the item it got it from. If you used a 26 level item to make the augment then the augment should have a minimum level of 26. That goes for set augments as well.
No one wants to slot an augment on a piece of equipment to make it a higher minimum level then it was before. A augment with a minimum level of 30 is going to be shunned unless it's such a vital part of a character's build they're willing to go and get multiple copies of a item just so they can slot different levels of augments in them.
Another advantage to dynamically scaling augments (ie its effects are scaled to the item's ML) is that you only need one type of Augment. An MRR Augment is an MRR Augment, instead of having separate drops at ML4, ML8, etc.
That'd make it far easier to build a trading economy for augments, if you just need the right type and not the right type AND level.
Dynamically scaling augments are just the tip of the ice berg. DDO doesn't offer any item that scales as you level, similar to heirloom gear in World of Warcraft. That's a shame, considering how central reincarnation is to the game.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
What is the DC? Older items with Slay Living enchantments had a DC of 30, which would be laughable in Legendary Feywild.
Also, why are the new named augments BtA instead of Unbound? I completely get and support Soulforged Augments being BtA. But the new named ones? Not seeing it. They should be unbound.
Last edited by Carpone; 10-22-2020 at 05:04 PM.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
Would be possible one Deific Focus ll Augment pls?