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  1. #1
    Community Member Trivarus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Talking The Helpers Guild is Recruiting!

    Title says it all, The Helpers Guild is an old guild that recently went from inactive to active and we are looking to build our ranks back up in Khyber.
    We do not require anything for joining, however I'd like to point out that we are primarily looking to raid and push endgame content.

    Helpers, has daily runs of event farming, (r)xp trains, gear farming, and more!
    Raid nights as of right now are not active through our guild (but we do raid regularly through dodad), but will be back up and running as soon as we have a good number of active members.

    While we are working to be a raiding guild, our guild's main focus is in the name. Helping out not just our members but other players of the community as well, we enjoy helping others, new or old, and guiding them to greatness!

    If you're interested in joining, or even just running with us, we coordinate primarily though Discord.
    Feel free to add Mr. RiceKing#9113 on discord or send mail/tell to Trivarus in game to join our guild/community!
    King of the Rice Fields.

  2. #2
    Community Member TekkenDevil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    That's really cool but why are you using a font made for ants?

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