Am trying to pull an old Conjuration Archmage (I know, it will never be anything better than maybe ok-ish at absolute best) out of mothballs, and one of the keys is, well, the only acid spell that does any significant damage. Am a returning player who has been playing for a few months now but in that time have found an Iceberg scroll but not Acid Well or Thunderstroke.
Am looking for Acid Well scroll to inscribe. I don't have an idea if they are really so rare that people who have continued playing for years don't have a ton of them. You never know if something isn't on the AH/SE because it is not available and just that highly prized, or so available and non-prized that people don't bother to post it. Please advise, thanks!
EDIT: One showed up in the Shard Exchange finally so I've got it now, thanks! I figured by the time I gave up and posted a forum request that would happen.