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Difficulty is going to be subjective, subjective to your skill level and the difficultly level you choose to play and to a certain extent the content you choose to run.
So can't Hardcore be both? Easy for some people and difficult for others?
I get that its mostly great build, risk mitigation, quest knowledge, preparedness and luck, a whole lot of luck. But... no matter how prepared you are or how well you know the quest or how great your build there are times and places when the luck is not with you and every orange name turned into that champion you hate dealing with (so far the orange or green one - OUCH!) or the trap double hit you for some reason (maybe lag, maybe a bug, maybe your timing was off) or your heal didn't go off in time, or you got so many champions you ran out of charges of whatever before the next shrine or you failed a critical save.
I find Hardcore difficult and stressful, particularly at certain level thresholds. I get it some of you are used to running Reaper and playing at that skill level and this is a stroll in the park for you even if your character is naked and you have one hand tied behind your back using your tongue to hit the keyboard. Some of you know down to the millisecond how long it takes a particular mob to get down a hallway or even the mobs casting rotation in certain quests. Your quest knowledge is supreme. (Insert - Wayne's World : We're not worthy!) I get it but that doesn't mean some of us don't still find it difficult.
So to all of you for whom Hardcore just isn't difficult enough, my hat's off to you, you are at a skill level far beyond me.