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  1. #1
    Community Member Amastris's Avatar
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    Apr 2014

    Exclamation What's a guy gotta do to get a bug fix round here?

    Unlike my other post about warlock issues that have been satirical in nature this is in no way meant to be so. I straight up got a legit gripe.
    I have been noticing some substantial bugs in warlock abilities and spells that are majorly affecting gameplay and need to seriously be addressed

    1. Evard's Black Tentacles. this is a compound issues. i have noticed some very bad issues with it since the last tweak a while back. firstly the timer will go off for the cooldown but the spell will never manifest. other times the spell will manifest, timer will go off but the spell won't even affect mobs, they just walk through it like its not even there. they won't save on the spell or have SR they just are immune to it or whatever.

    2. Consume and Stricken will cast, hit the mob but the mob takes no damage. i have noticed this at all ranges.

    3. Cone shape will sometimes not affect mobs standing within melee range directly in front of or slightly to the side of the PC. I will have to back up or strafe to the side to get the mob in the "hit vector."

    4. Abyssal Pact heals the EX____ mobs in Amber temple optional fight and red musk zombies in fungus lord quest in the cogs, does not affect any other undead in the game just those two areas (that i have found so far.) it does not affect redmusk zombies in any of the druids curse chain. i dont really care too much about this one as I will NEVER play abyss pact ever again but I am including it for the sake of the player base.

    5. Honorable mention of Ice Storm from CS pact.

    I'm on Warlock-down© due to the pandemic so I have been rolling through more racial lives as a warlock. I usually solo a life about once every 10 days to 2 weeks so i see these bugs every day. i am honestly becoming so annoyed with them that I had to go out and prove to myself how bad I am at playing non-warlock melee toons, and trust me its bad. (ok maybe that part isn't satirical but a tad bit of self-deprecating humor)

    And yes i have done official bug reports on all these w/o effect. Maybe SSG just needs to hire me for the QA dept so that these bugs dont get into the game. I mean lets be real i do play DDO for 10+ hours a day so I definitely qualify for the job
    G'land Characters | Amastris of Thay - Leader of Crimson Lotus | Grevok The Maniacal - DC Caster Reaper/Raider
    "If I walk away from a conversation it is not because I have admitted defeat. It is because I can not properly handle your degree in stupidology." - Anonymous

  2. #2
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amastris View Post
    5. Honorable mention of Ice Storm from CS pact.
    That's getting fixed, unfortunately. There were two bright spots to make up for CS's generally awful pact utility. 1 is the bugged Ice Storm DoT and the other was the permanent freeze that created a terrain object. Both of those are getting neutered in update 47.

    The Ice Storm is getting fixed and the permanent freeze will make the target incorporeal so you can't hide behind it and it won't be permanent anymore, so you can't use it to lock down respawning mobs.
    No one in the world ever gets what they want
    And that is beautiful
    Everybody dies frustrated and sad
    And that is beautiful

  3. #3
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    #1, to answer the title, move to Boston and submit application to SSG

    Let me be first to say, nerf warlocks.,..

  4. #4
    Community Member Morroiel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HungarianRhapsody View Post
    That's getting fixed, unfortunately. There were two bright spots to make up for CS's generally awful pact utility. 1 is the bugged Ice Storm DoT and the other was the permanent freeze that created a terrain object. Both of those are getting neutered in update 47.

    The Ice Storm is getting fixed and the permanent freeze will make the target incorporeal so you can't hide behind it and it won't be permanent anymore, so you can't use it to lock down respawning mobs.
    Not only that but the perma freeze stopped respawns, which was beautiful in some quests. They are putting a timer, which with r10 cc debuff makes it so you won't be able to lock down respawns at all essentially.

    Additionally, they aren't even fixing the instakill for fire typed mobs. There's a save attached for that effect despite it quite blatantly saying they don't get a save.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    A new harder difficulty is likely to just be that: harder, without giving commensurate power...Ideally, at the very hardest edge of difficulty, we would not know how long it would take until all quests are completed on that difficulty.

  5. #5
    Community Member Amastris's Avatar
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    TBH i am True Neutral when it comes to the proposed fixes to CS because i haven't even tried the celestial or CS pact yet. simply for the fact that i don't want to farm or craft gear. i suppose the latter would be easiest though esp since i just use stat sticks anyways. I prolly should farm up the forum posts if they return this next anniversary.

    It just feels like with the new pacts that things got rushed out the door and they were like "here ya go here's some new pacts, oh btw its full of bugs." they could have tested on Lammania for a few more days to work out all the kinks but i guess that's too much to ask. I know that each player that plays warlock might want something different out of it. i simply want the top 3 things i mentioned fixed. those are the biggies to me personally and maybe to other players too.

    i do all of my racial lives as a warlock so i sorta have it down to a science now, after 16 lives. i know that i can solo R2-R3 if i wanted to but simply for the sake of speed i run HE. i personally place more impetus on racial life benefits than reaper points at this point in time and that's just me and my style. i believe for me its affording me opportunities to branch out and run/learn quests that i wouldn't normally run. i would just be like "ok i need to get to 5 to run 3bc and change gear. then id be like ok i need to get to 10 and do RL and change gear. then get to 13 and go to GH then 15 for sharn and changing gear." but now its like "hmm ok what can i go and learn how to do." ohhhh level 8 time for the pit and to make like 45k xp. i can only kill so many hobgoblins in "tears" so hmm what else can i add in. oh wait there's necro 2. haven't done those in like 5 years or maybe ever.

    I have eagerly been waiting on Feywild!! and i know a lot of time and effort has been put into it and this year has just been fubar so i appreciate the efforts SSG has put into making the new expansion. However, with that said i wish they would dedicate time to fixing the known bugs, you know the ones that the player base gripe about. I get it that DDO is coming up on being 15 years old now but just do a number of patches to address certain class issues. dont worry about adding new content, FIX the current content to work properly. so at least some of the stuff is getting fixed just not the right stuff imo.
    G'land Characters | Amastris of Thay - Leader of Crimson Lotus | Grevok The Maniacal - DC Caster Reaper/Raider
    "If I walk away from a conversation it is not because I have admitted defeat. It is because I can not properly handle your degree in stupidology." - Anonymous

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