many chars used to sleep w the token maid in cannith sometimes still do for nostalgia
many chars used to sleep w the token maid in cannith sometimes still do for nostalgia
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through
In one of the hammocks on my ship. (I have one reserved, but I won't tell which since I don't want someone stealing my extra gear that I keep in a chest by it.)
Last time i did i was in a ship, heading to god knows where.
they come to the village in the sunrise, promising a new life in a new land, they were looking for people to work in the new world, they promised a house, a piece of land, food and peace for me and my family, at cost of half of my profit, was reasonable at the time, we did'nt had much to lose anyway, and i took it. Yeah, i know, i was a fool, and you have no idea.
once in the ship they chained us, me, my daughter and wife, there was more like us in the basement, some fools were still thinking it was part of the travel, safety for the seasickness. I was not one of them, i tried to set myself free, was going to do everything i could to avoid that destiny, for me and my family. Some guard had enough, hit my head with a club, that was the last time i sleep.
i remember waking up in the chaos, the ship's basement was in flames, i could hear the buzz of the cannon balls flying in the air before smashing rotten wood. I searched for my family in the middle of the fire, then in the middle of the bodies, could not find them. Honestly, maybe for the best, in view of what i've became.
The last buzz come quickly,but felt like forever, that's the last time i remember being afraid of something, actually it was the last time i remember feeling anything, it has being some centuries already. With the impact of the explosion, my body was launched into the air, and before hitting the water i could see the ship, or at least the wreckage of what was once my charriot to hell. Nothing left, ship was completely destroyed, no sign of the attackers, no sign of my "saviors", for the lack of a better word.
i woke up in the middle of the sea, on top of what was left of what must have being a door, i don't know how i got there after hitting the water, i don't know if anybody survived as well, i don't care either. I lost my family, lost the life i had, lost my plans for the future, lost my dream, and when i was ready to die, i lost that too.
something decide i should live, i don't know what save me, god knows why a miserable like me should have survived, but here i am, alive. Or almost at least, i mean, i can still breath, but is that all about be alive?
Anyways, coming back to your question, my dear bard friend, that's the last time i sleep, have tried many times after, but i could not close my eyes for a second. I think that's my destiny now, wondering through this lands aimlessly, trying to find a purpose for my breathing. I have some clues about it, but thats for another story, hehe
thx for the run mate, cya
PS: Sorry by my English, bye.
blackzombie, madzombie, deviltoy, metatroni, azzallea, zombeast - ORIEN
Please do not talk about sleep I am in the middle of my third 12 hour shift and it has been a rough week.
Another easy question.
Most all my characters sleep in the Craft Hall.
[[ If the back wall behind the mailbox were to be extended back and a small pub installed there making the area a Tavern Regen area, my little world would be complete there.Jus' sayin'. ]]
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 09-26-2020 at 01:25 AM. Reason: still a comma addict
In Kundarak's Bank Vault. It's quite comfy and noone disturbs you.
The airship, 1st lower deck aft. There is a nice spot, and I'm there often anyway.
What's sleep?
Whenever possible... on the Guild Airship after taking a long bath in the "Bathhouse" : )
In Heaven .. better known as Ataraxia's Haven![]()
BowHealer - The "Healer with legendary CC"-project:
The Dungeons and Dragons Webcomic THE ORDER OF THE STICK BY RICH BURLEW
In the hot tub on my guild ship.
In the hold of the Guild Ship
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
In the Hall of Heros at the banker.
Guild ship bath house.
Portable Hole
According to him, "I'll sleep when I'm dead!"
He gets a lot of sleep...
Floating rock garden on guildship
Guildship mostly, although Keep on the Borderlands is a nice place to camp out too.
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd