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  1. #21
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retired_Old_Gamer View Post
    I 100% disagree. It IS dated yes, but poorly thought out is so wrong.

    The design is solid, and it plays like it should for that level before CitW and massive power creep.

    The "issue" isn't the quest in any way, even if you are required to kill certain monsters. Its called a quest objective. The issue is power creep that invalidates almost all older content.

    Power-creep has nothing to do with this quests performance nor how (almost) universally disliked it is. The ONLY reason its still run by anyone is for flagging. Now back to the OP, is to have the objectives that force a group to run stair-master like laps around the instance to become optional. IMO nothing takes the enjoyment out of the game like wasting my time.

  2. #22
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Am I reading the OP correctly as it concerns the Ambush? The group did not kill all of the Ambush, made it to the end and the quest did not complete?

    I've done that before. There are other quests that have a similar condition. Another I've done this with was Prove Your Worth, getting past the gate before it closes with its ambush.

    I'm not sure one could qualify not doing an objective of the quest as a waste of their time (seems silly in the context of a game). In this case the ambush is right there when you exit the cave with the key the Cube has. You don't even have to hunt them down. I can see totally missing them if you DDoor, or skipping them because you Jump down to use the Jets to get up to the top faster.

    Now if the quest bugs and you cannot complete the objective, I agree it should be resolved, that is something I would consider a waste of time.

    I agree with others that a good "fix" to this quest would be in the ledges so that all body types can run this without camera issues/physics issues where bumping your head throws you off.

    I think if I was asked for a progression change in the quest, I would change it so that the progression was.
    Go to Top -> Work your way back down -> Go to the very top

    As for is this a hated quest? I'm not so sure it is as universally hated as some would like to think. But then again, we all have different tastes in quests, our favorites and those we don't enjoy and various others in between.

    At one Point Spy's in the House was said to be one of the most hated - Now it is a very common XP earning quest - Wonder why that happened ? Likely because it gave better XP and people decided to actually learn it.

  3. #23
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    It IS a pretty awful quest I never run anymore. Even the Mabar one is a bit long heh.

    I think they should give it the crucible treatment. Maybe bump up the xp but turn it into a walkup and make a different quest flag for shroud. You'd have to move the actual item that drops too I suppose.

    Hell make Devil Assault take its place lol.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  4. #24
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokewolf View Post
    Ran the coalescence chamber today to re-flag for Shav and I have to say that this is 100%, without a doubt the most tedious quest in all of DDO.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the idea behind the quest, except for a few Gripes...

    G1) Once the main boss has been killed, other optional mobs will prevent the quests completion. (Defeat the fiendish ambush)
    Most likely this will force the player / group to re-run the entire instance looking that singular trash mob.

    G2) The end rewards / exp, doesn't come close to the mount of time required to run it.

    S1) Remove "Defeat the fiendish ambush" or make it optional.

    S2) Setup Shav flagging to be permanent (forever) once completed. Yeah, sure if a player wants needs to mats for another GS item it can be re-run but otherwise due to G2 its pointless.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    1. I agree that the ambush should be made optional. I just had a run where we missed one of the monsters, and spent a full 45 minutes looking for it. This was after killing the end boss of that dungeon. It makes no sense that a random monster should hold up completion of the quest, when you have already killed like 700 of them just to reach the end. That this wasnt optional in the first place seems like a mistake.

    2. I think this quest should be made shorter. I think the iron key should drop from the first red mob you encounter (at the portal), so that players only have to climb the massive tunnels once, instead of twice. Once is fun. Twice is irritating.
    Last edited by TSL; 11-08-2022 at 09:14 PM.

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