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Thread: Thf dps

  1. #1
    Community Member FURYous's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Thf dps

    I am looking for a little help here. I am trying to make an end game DPS toon but seem to be falling short on the DPS part. My Holy Retribution DC is at 141 so killing trash isn't an issue, it's beating things down that seems to be lagging by at least a 1/3rd of what other DPS toons are getting at my level. The testing was done against a named mob in R3.

    Here is the breakdown of what I am running, I am not set on anything other then to get things dead fast;

    Classes: 20 Paladin, 10 Epic
    Race: Purple Dragon Knight Alignment: Lawful Good
    · · ·Start Tome Final
    Str:· · 10· · 8 · ·31 · · ·HP:· · · ·1883 · · ·AC:· ·193
    Dex:· · 10· · 8 · ·30 · · ·PRR: · · · 201
    Con:· · 18· · 8 · ·74 · · ·MRR: · · · 123 · · ·+Healing Amp:· ·265
    Int:· · ·8· · 8 · ·28 · · ·Dodge: · ·4/27 · · ·-Healing Amp: 4294967236
    Wis:· · ·8· · 8 · ·28 · · ·Fort:· · ·244% · · ·Repair Amp:· · · ·0
    Cha:· · 18· · 8 · ·99 · · ·SR:· · · · · 3 · · ·BAB: · · · · · · 20
    DR: 30\-
    Immunities: Natural Disease, Magical Disease, Super-Natural Disease, Fear, Energy Drain, Charisma Damage, Blindness, Death Effects, Drowning, Falling damage, Blindness, Mind-altering effects
    Class and Feat Selection
    Level Class · · · · · ·Feats
    1 · · Paladin(1)· · · ·Standard: Force of Personality
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Purple Dragon Knight Bonus: Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Follower of Faith: Favored by Silvanus
    3 · · Paladin(3)· · · ·Standard: Completionist
    4 · · Paladin(4)· · · ·Charisma: +1 Level up
    6 · · Paladin(6)· · · ·Standard: Power Critical
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Deity: Blessing of Silvanus
    8 · · Paladin(8)· · · ·Charisma: +1 Level up
    9 · · Paladin(9)· · · ·Standard: Power Attack
    12· · Paladin(12) · · ·Standard: Two Handed Fighting
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Charisma: +1 Level up
    15· · Paladin(15) · · ·Standard: Child of Faith
    16· · Paladin(16) · · ·Charisma: +1 Level up
    18· · Paladin(18) · · ·Standard: Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    20· · Paladin(20) · · ·Charisma: +1 Level up
    21· · Epic(1) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Improved Two Handed Fighting
    24· · Epic(4) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Greater Two Handed Fighting
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Charisma: +1 Level up
    26· · Epic(6) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    27· · Epic(7) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Overwhelming Critical
    28· · Epic(8) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Tactician
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Charisma: +1 Level up
    29· · Epic(9) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Dire Charge
    30· · Epic(10)· · · · ·Epic Feat: Beloved of the Divine
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Legendary: Scion of Arborea
    Skill Points· · · 8 ·3· 3 ·3· 3 ·3· 4 ·4· 4 ·4· 4 ·4· 4 ·4· 5 ·5· 5 ·5· 5 ·5
    Skill Name· · · ·01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20· Total Buffed
    Balance · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ½ ·½· ½ ·½· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·2· · 9.0 · 40.0
    Heal· · · · · · · 4 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· ·23.0 · 55.0
    Search· · · · · · · ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ · · ·11.0 · 44.0
    Use Magic Device· 2 ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· ½ · · ·11.0 · 77.0
    Available Points· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0
    Enhancements: 80 APs, Racial 14, Universal 1
    Purple Dragon Knight - Points spent: 14
     1 Core ·(1) Versatility I: Damage Boost
     2 Core ·(2) Adaptability: +1 Charisma
     3 Tier1 (2) Improved Recovery I
     4 Tier1 (2) Cormyrean Knight Training
     5 Tier2 (1) Fighting Style: Great Weapon Aptitude
     6 Tier2 (1) Fighting Style: Great Weapon Aptitude
     7 Tier2 (1) Fighting Style: Great Weapon Aptitude
     8 Tier3 (2) Improved Recovery II
     9 Tier3 (2) Heroism
    Knight of the Chalice - Points spent: 46
     1 Core ·(1) Slayer of Evil I
     2 Tier1 (1) Extra Smite
     3 Tier1 (1) Extra Smite
     4 Tier1 (1) Extra Smite
     5 Tier1 (1) Improved Second Strikes
     6 Tier1 (1) Improved Second Strikes
     7 Tier1 (1) Improved Second Strikes
     8 Tier1 (1) Shieldbeaker
     9 Tier1 (1) Shieldbeaker
    10 Tier1 (1) Shieldbeaker
    11 Core ·(1) Courage of Heaven
    12 Core ·(1) Slayer of Evil II
    13 Tier2 (1) Critical Mastery
    14 Tier2 (1) Critical Mastery
    15 Tier2 (1) Critical Mastery
    16 Tier2 (1) Divine Might
    17 Tier2 (1) Divine Might
    18 Tier2 (1) Divine Might
    19 Tier2 (2) Adept Combatant
    20 Tier3 (2) Holy Combatant II
    21 Tier4 (2) Knight's Training
    22 Tier3 (2) Exalted Smite: Exalted Smite
    23 Tier3 (2) Exalted Smite: Exalted Smite
    24 Tier3 (2) Exalted Smite: Exalted Smite
    25 Tier3 (2) Ability I: +1 Charisma
    26 Tier4 (2) Ability II: +1 Charisma
    27 Tier5 (1) Holy Retribution: Holy Retribution
    28 Tier4 (2) Vigor of Life I
    29 Tier5 (2) Vigor of Life II
    30 Tier4 (1) Censure Demons
    31 Tier5 (1) Censure Outsiders
    32 Tier5 (2) Ascendancy
    33 Core ·(1) Improved Courage of Heaven
    34 Core ·(1) Slayer of Evil III
    35 Core ·(1) Champion of Good
    Sacred Defender - Points spent: 31
     1 Core ·(1) Holy Bastion
     2 Tier1 (1) Extra Lay on Hands
     3 Tier1 (1) Extra Lay on Hands
     4 Tier1 (1) Extra Lay on Hands
     5 Tier1 (1) Improved Sacred Defense I: Durable Defense
     6 Tier1 (1) Improved Sacred Defense I: Durable Defense
     7 Tier1 (1) Improved Sacred Defense I: Durable Defense
     8 Core ·(1) Sacred Defence
     9 Tier2 (1) Improved Sacred Defense II: Resilient Defense
    10 Tier2 (1) Improved Sacred Defense II: Resilient Defense
    11 Tier2 (1) Improved Sacred Defense II: Resilient Defense
    12 Tier2 (1) Bulwark Aura
    13 Tier2 (1) Bulwark Aura
    14 Tier2 (1) Bulwark Aura
    15 Tier3 (1) Resistance Aura
    16 Tier3 (1) Resistance Aura
    17 Tier3 (2) Ability I: +1 Charisma
    18 Core ·(1) Divine Righteousness
    19 Tier3 (1) Greater Sacred Defense I: Hardy Defense
    20 Tier3 (1) Greater Sacred Defense I: Hardy Defense
    21 Tier3 (1) Greater Sacred Defense I: Hardy Defense
    22 Core ·(1) Redemption
    23 Tier4 (2) Ability II: +1 Charisma
    24 Tier4 (1) Swift Defense
    25 Tier4 (1) Reinforced Defense I: Reinforced Armor
    26 Tier4 (1) Reinforced Defense I: Reinforced Armor
    27 Tier4 (1) Reinforced Defense I: Reinforced Armor
    28 Tier3 (1) Resistance Aura
    29 Core ·(1) Glorious Stand
    Harper Agent - Points spent: 4
     1 Core ·(1) Agent of Good I
     2 Tier1 (2) Harper Enchantment
     3 Tier1 (1) Traveller's Toughness
    Active Destiny Tree
    Fatesinger - Points spent: 24
     1 Core ·(0)· Repertoire
     2 Core ·(0) Glitter of Fame
     3 Core ·(0) Harmonic Resonance
     4 Core ·(0) Intoxicating Presence
     5 Core ·(0) Grandeur
     6 Core ·(0) Majesty
     7 Tier1 (1) First Harmonic Chord
     8 Tier1 (1) First Harmonic Chord
     9 Tier1 (1) First Harmonic Chord
    10 Tier1 (2) Ability I: +1 Charisma
    11 Tier2 (2)· Ability II: +1 Charisma
    12 Tier2 (1) Second Harmonic Chord
    13 Tier2 (1) Second Harmonic Chord
    14 Tier2 (1) Second Harmonic Chord
    15 Tier3 (2) Ability III: +1 Charisma
    16 Tier4 (2) Ability IV: +1 Charisma
    17 Tier4 (2) Divine Hymn
    18 Tier4 (1) Fourth Harmonic Chord
    19 Tier5 (2) Ability V: +1 Charisma
    20 Tier5 (1) Bladesong
    21 Tier5 (1) The Fith Chord
    22 Tier6 (2) Ability VI: +1 Charisma
    23 Tier6 (1) Turn of the Tide
    Twists of fate - 32 of 38 Fate points spent.
    Twist 1 - Tier 3: Shadowdancer: Meld Into Darkness
    Twist 2 - Tier 2: Divine Crusader: Confront Any Foe
    Twist 3 - Tier 2: Grandmaster of Flowers: Running with Wind
    Twist 4 - Tier 2: Grandmaster of Flowers: Hail of Blows
    Twist 5 - Tier 1: Grandmaster of Flowers: A Dance of Flowers
    Dread Adversary - Points spent: 5
     1 Core ·(1) Reaper's Offense I
     2 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Blade I
     3 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Blade I
     4 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Blade I
     5 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Strength or Dexterity I: +1 Strength
    Grim Barricade - Points spent: 15
     1 Core ·(1) Reaper's Defense I
     2 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud I: PRR
     3 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will I: Reflex Save
     4 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Constitution I
     5 Tier1 (1) Reaper's Evasion I
     6 Core ·(1) Reaper's Defense II
     7 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Bullwark/Shroud II: PRR
     8 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will II: Reflex Save
     9 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Constitution II
    10 Tier2 (1) Reaper's Evasion II
    11 Core ·(1) Reaper's Defense III
    12 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Bulwark/Shroud III: PRR
    13 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Reflex/Fortitude/Will III: Reflex Save
    14 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Constitution III
    15 Tier3 (1) Reaper's Evasion III
    Equipped Gear Set : Standard
    Armor · · · · Legendary Enforcer's Plate
    · · · · · · · +15 Enhancement Bonus
    · · · · · · · Fortification +214%
    · · · · · · · Physical Sheltering +54
    · · · · · · · Healing Amplification +85
    · · · · · · · False Life +81
    · · · · · · · Legendary Part of the Family
    · · · · · · · Green: Topaz of Deathblock
    · · · · · · · Mythic: +4 Mythic Shield Boost
    Belt· · · · · Legendary Chains
    · · · · · · · Legendary Slavelords Prefix: Sheltering +45
    · · · · · · · Legendary Slavelords Suffix: Resistance +14
    · · · · · · · Legendary Slavelords Extra: Shatter +20
    · · · · · · · Legendary Slavelords Bonus: Quality Constitution +4
    · · · · · · · Legendary Slavelords Set Bonus: Empty augment slot
    · · · · · · · Green: +250 Topaz of Power
    Boots · · · · Legendary Sunken Slippers
    · · · · · · · Lesser Displacement
    · · · · · · · Insightful Potency +77
    · · · · · · · Quality Potency +38
    · · · · · · · Nearly Finished (Qual IWC): +5 Quality Charisma
    · · · · · · · Yellow: +40 Topaz of Sonic Resistance
    · · · · · · · Mythic: +1 Mythic Shield Boost
    Bracers · · · Brightlord, the Sigil of the Flame
    · · · · · · · Charisma +22
    · · · · · · · Speed +30%
    · · · · · · · Armor-Piercing +36
    · · · · · · · Extra Smites
    · · · · · · · Green: Empty augment slot
    · · · · · · · Yellow: Topaz of Underwater Action
    · · · · · · · Blue: +16 Sapphire of Defense
    · · · · · · · Mythic: +3 Mythic Power Boost
    Cloak · · · · Legendary Cloak of the City's Champion
    · · · · · · · Extra Smites
    · · · · · · · Parrying +10
    · · · · · · · Insightful Constitution +10
    · · · · · · · Quality Physical Sheltering +13
    · · · · · · · Green: Topaz of Feather Fall
    Gloves· · · · Legendary Hammerfist
    · · · · · · · Insightful Doublestrike +11%
    · · · · · · · Cannith Combat Infusion
    · · · · · · · Seeker +21
    · · · · · · · Insightful Deadly +8
    · · · · · · · Legendary Part of the Family
    · · · · · · · Blue: +8 Sapphire of Protection
    Goggles · · · Legendary Collective Sight
    · · · · · · · Quality Resistance +4
    · · · · · · · Temperance of Belief
    · · · · · · · Nearly Finished (SDCIWC): +21 Constitution
    · · · · · · · Nearly Finished (Ins SDCIWC): +10 Insightful Charisma
    · · · · · · · Blue: Diamond of Vitality +20
    Helmet· · · · Legendary Executioner's Helm
    · · · · · · · Insightful Deception VII
    · · · · · · · Relentless Fury
    · · · · · · · Seeker XVII
    · · · · · · · Quality Combat Mastery +4
    · · · · · · · Green: Empty augment slot
    · · · · · · · Legendary Slavelords Set Bonus: Empty augment slot
    · · · · · · · Mythic: +2 Mythic Shield Boost
    Necklace· · · The Family's Blessing
    · · · · · · · Quality Assassinate +2
    · · · · · · · Insightful Armor-Piercing +16
    · · · · · · · Deadly +17
    · · · · · · · Doublestrike +24%
    · · · · · · · Legendary Part of the Family
    · · · · · · · Yellow: Draconic Soul Gem
    · · · · · · · Blue: +2 Sapphire of Good Luck
    Ring1 · · · · Legendary Ring of Prowess
    · · · · · · · Deadly +14
    · · · · · · · Accuracy +28
    · · · · · · · Melee Power +8
    · · · · · · · Ranged Power +8
    · · · · · · · Green: Topaz of Blindness Immunity
    · · · · · · · Mythic: +2 Mythic Power Boost
    Ring2 · · · · Legendary Band of Insightful Commands
    · · · · · · · Profane Well Rounded
    · · · · · · · Insightful Accuracy XIII
    · · · · · · · Quality Deadly +4
    · · · · · · · Intimidate +22
    · · · · · · · Yellow: Empty augment slot
    Trinket · · · Bloodrage Chrism
    · · · · · · · Healing Amplification +83
    · · · · · · · Calamitous Blows
    · · · · · · · Bloodrage Defense
    · · · · · · · Rune-fuelled Warding
    · · · · · · · Unnatural
    · · · · · · · Crypt Raider Set (Legendary)
    · · · · · · · Blue: Globe of True Imperial Blood
    · · · · · · · Green: +8 Sapphire of Natural Armor
    Weapon1 · · · The Reflection of Blackrazor
    · · · · · · · Damage and Type 5[2d6+6] + 15 Slash, Magic
    · · · · · · · Critical Threat Range 19-20 x2
    · · · · · · · +15 Enhancement Bonus
    · · · · · · · Overwhelming Stealer of Souls
    · · · · · · · Keen V
    · · · · · · · Entropic 9
    · · · · · · · Vampirism 4
    · · · · · · · Psychic Ward
    · · · · · · · Red: Deconstructor
    · · · · · · · Orange: Empty augment slot
    · · · · · · · Sentient Weapon Personality: Sentient Jewel of Blackrazor
    · · · · · · · Filigree 1: Sucker Punch/One Against Many: +2 Strength
    · · · · · · · Filigree 2: Sucker Punch: Melee Power
    · · · · · · · Filigree 3: One Against Many: Attack and Damage
    · · · · · · · Filigree 4: One Against Many: Melee Power
    · · · · · · · Filigree 5: Sanctified Fervor: Charisma
    · · · · · · · Filigree 6: Sanctified Fervor: Melee Power
    · · · · · · · Filigree 7: Sanctified Fervor: Healing Amplification
    · · · · · · · Filigree 8: Sanctified Fervor: Smite Evil
    · · · · · · · Filigree 9: Sanctified Fervor: PRR
    · · · · · · · Filigree 10: The Long Shadow: Attack and Damage
    · · · · · · · Filigree 11: The Long Shadow: Melee Power
    Mr Blacks - Ranged DPS - 120PL - 50RP
    Mr Blues - Main - 177PL - 98RP
    Mr Greens - Caster CC/DC - 126PL - 37RP
    Mr Purples - Healer - 43PL - 21RP
    Mr Redd - Melee DPS - 129PL - 37RP
    Mr Whites - Tank - 138PL - 58RP

  2. #2
    Community Member A-O's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Fop is unneeded.
    Power crit is awful
    PA is much worse than precision
    Child of faith feats are not worth over toughness feats/charisma epic feats
    tactician is overkill on a pdk
    Only go 41p in Kotc

    Defender for overall smoother gameplay
    falconry + fotw for more dmg
    twist haste boost from LD
    go for cha with reaper points

    There's more to unpack here, but those are some things to fix.
    Formerly known as Absolute-Omniscience, co-creator of the old DPS calc.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    PDK Greatsword Pally is a great overall build, but is by no means a top DPS build. Bear builds, Silvanus builds, 2H Fighter builds are all going to out DPS it. TWF Kensai and Rogue builds should too. You can certainly make a few tweaks and get a little bit more DPS out of your current build, but it can only go so far as Greatsword is one of the biggest limiting factors and can't currently be swapped. PDK also is one of the lowest DPS racial trees out there.

    You could consider swapping to Long Swords and TWF. You'd still have plenty of AoE via CAF and the KotC cleaves but your single target DPS would be considerably better.

    After Feydark Illusionist comes out, expect to see a lot of Wood Elf Falchion Pallys and Silvanus Pallys. Those will be the new META and probably have the DPS you are looking for along with all the Pally bells and whistles.
    Stratis on Khyber

    Solo/duo raids and solo R10s. Come see what a bard can do.

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by FURYous View Post
    I am looking for a little help here. I am trying to make an end game DPS toon but seem to be falling short on the DPS part.
    Drop PA for precision, fatesinger for FotW, SaD for falconry, drop tactics for PTWF, long shadow for 10% fort bypass. and twist grim precision over hail.

  5. #5
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Feydark Illusionist is about to make CHA-based Silvanus paladins more attractive by adding CHA to-hit and damage for 7(?) APs. While still using greatswords when you need the DC bonus from Cormyrian Knight Training and/or slashing damage for DR bypass.

    41 APs KotC for capstone
    23 APs Falconry for No Mercy
    8 APs PDK for CKT and GWA (+20 Strikethrough)
    7 APs Feydark (CHA to-hit and dmg)

    Feats: Magical Training (Feydark pre-req), THF x3, IC:Slash+Overwhelming Crit, Precision and/or Power Attack; Completionist; Stunning Blow; PTHF; Dire Charge

    Ideally you use Tremor which has Impact so you don't need IC:Blunt as well.

    Run in either Dreadnought or FotW.
    Last edited by unbongwah; 09-15-2020 at 12:47 PM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  6. #6
    Community Member FURYous's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    WOW! such a great response, thanks everyone! It will take me a little while to digest it all but I will update when I do.

    What about Holy Retribution Vs Fighter, the main reason I picked Pally was that Holy Retribution is crazy good. I would be more than willing to do str fighter if I can gain DPS.

    P.S. I do not like animal forms, I have no idea why but I really don't like playing them I love elemental forms, go figure
    Mr Blacks - Ranged DPS - 120PL - 50RP
    Mr Blues - Main - 177PL - 98RP
    Mr Greens - Caster CC/DC - 126PL - 37RP
    Mr Purples - Healer - 43PL - 21RP
    Mr Redd - Melee DPS - 129PL - 37RP
    Mr Whites - Tank - 138PL - 58RP

  7. #7
    Community Member A-O's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Feydark Illusionist is about to make CHA-based Silvanus paladins more attractive by adding CHA to-hit and damage for 7(?) APs. While still using greatswords when you need the DC bonus from Cormyrian Knight Training and/or slashing damage for DR bypass.

    41 APs KotC for capstone
    23 APs Falconry for No Mercy
    8 APs PDK for CKT and GWA (+20 Strikethrough)
    7 APs Feydark (CHA to-hit and dmg)

    Feats: THF x3, IC:Slash+Overwhelming Crit, Precision and/or Power Attack; Completionist; Stunning Blow; PTHF; Dire Charge

    Ideally you use Tremor which has Impact so you don't need IC:Blunt as well.

    Run in either Dreadnought or FotW.
    You need IC:blunt for OC
    Formerly known as Absolute-Omniscience, co-creator of the old DPS calc.

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