I wanted to share what I consider to be the top melee build currently. I don't have full racial AP, and only 75 Reaper Points.
Race: Wood Elf
Alignment: True Neutral
Class: 20 Barbarian
Raged with Primal Scream and Self Martial Hymn in Marketplace
Melee power 244
Strikethrough 230
Doublestrike 97.02
Fortification Bypass 68
PRR 214
MRR 124
Hit Points 3164
Strength: 18 + level ups
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 18
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 8
Feat Progression
Level 1: Two Handed Fighting
Level 3: Power Attack
Level 6: Improved Two Handed Fighting
Level 9: Improved Critical: Slashing
Level 12 : Greater Two Handed Fighting
Level 15 : Completionist
Level 18 : Stunning Blow
Level 21 : Overwhelming Critical
Level 24 : Toughness
Level 26 : Perfect Two Handed Fighting
Level 27 : Blinding Speed
Level 28 : Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
Level 29 : Dire Charge
Level 30 : Epic Toughness
Level 30 : Arborea
Epic Destiny
Goggles: Collective Sight Wisdom +21 Insightful Strength +10
Helm: Legendary Greensteel Negative Opposition Material
Necklace: The Family's Blessing
Trinket: Bloodrage Chrism
Cloak: Charune, Grand Burden of Fury
Belt: Legendary Belt of Sure Strikes
Ring 1: Legendary Ring of Prowess
Gloves: Legendary Hammerfist
Boots: Legendary Greensteel Weave Boots Positive Opposition Material
Ring 2: Legendary Celestial Sapphire Ring Con +21
Bracers: Legendary Sunken Chains
Armor: Legendary Enforcer's Coat