Much as I hated the Turbine account management screen, at least it was there.
I cannot find any buttons anywhere on or that let me update my payment method (or mailing address related to the card the account is tied to).
I've found a link up top that says My Account, and when I click that it takes me to a very small list of options, one of which says Manage Subscriptions. That button offers these options: Account Home
Change Password, Manage Subscriptions. When I click Manage Subscriptions, all I get is Manage Subscriptions with a white box showing: DDODefault FTUIPack Account Creation, and two buttons near that saying Set Nickname, Save as default.
Nothing else. Payment Method? Nope. Actual account subscription data? Nope.
I hated Turbine's account screen, but was SSG's fix to just delete 99% of the Manage Subscription page?