Trying out rogue assassins. Any tips for them? Are they capable of trapping like rogue mechanics?
Trying out rogue assassins. Any tips for them? Are they capable of trapping like rogue mechanics?
I've had the most fun as an assassin if I try to maximize my sneak attack dice. I feel like cranking up move and attack speed are more beneficial compared with other classes
Use assassin's trick (I think that's what it's called) so you can sneak attack, assassinate, and execute mobs that are typically immune, like undead and constructs. Smiting and disrupting weapons are quite useful as well. I suspect crystal cove will return soon - look at getting "flotsam"
Usually you can assassinate a couple targets with each attempt if you get them somewhat lined up.
There's good synergy with vistani knife fighter, if you have access to it. It's very fun slicing bad guys to bits with daggers
Use bluff often - again sneak attack damage is huge
Trapping may be slightly worse than a mechanic, particularly if you're dex-based, but should still be easy with decent gear.
You are a very weak melee rogue until level 12, so duck a lot.
From 12-19 you can really own stuff with assassinate since it affects everything but red-names (even some orange ones)
Your only real defense is not being attacked so manage aggro in a group--let the meatshield take a few hits and then take out the stragglers
Vistani tree is invaluable and using dual daggers. If you do not have that tree, go up the TA tree to Improved Defensive roll and no mercy and combine that later in epics with balanced attacks (which you want anyway).
Should things get dicey, use dodge clickie (improved uncanny dodge.)
Otherwise if you really like the class, they benefit from using gadgets and good gear. Certain strong daggers stand out--one could write a long list here, as well as Ravenloft sets and later Part of the Family, although the latter is not needed if you plan to TR anyway at 20.
If doing only heroics, I recommend splashing other classes but that is my 'thing.'
General feats: Improved Feint, TWF, precision, ITWF, IC Pierce, GTWF
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Hmm, sounds good! Assassin life!
Btw, any breakdown of the Assassin tree and Vistani tree? And how many enemies can dual daggers hit at a time? (Sorry if these are stupid questions)
I'm probably not knowledgeable enough to tell you exactly where to put your AP, pretty much tier 5 assassin (assassinate) then most others in vkf. Maybe a few in acrobat and/or racial tree...I don't really remember off the top of my head.
Assassin is pretty much single target dps. I'm not aware of anything like strike through that you could utilize to increase how many enemies you can hit. Fortunately that single target dps is quite good.
Why? Assassin, like all melee classes, can be aoe dps with a 2 handed weapon. Tradeoffs: no off-hand sneak attack and no crit range/multiplier bonuses so the base damage is weaker. Nothing keeps you from taking THF feats instead of the traditional TWF. Thief acrobat tree even has +20% strikethrough in tier 3 that seems to work with any suitable weapon.
What's really challenging is getting sneak attacks on multiple targets at once, since the sneak attack-enabling debuffs (bluff, imp. feint, shiv, assassin's trick) apply on 1 target only. Using all these while switching targets might work, or you could try using glitterdust traps that blind enemies standing in it - it enables sneak attack, but enemies may not stay in a nice bunch to aoe them down. Or go with a tank who keeps aggro so u can have the strikethrough sneak thing, but it means relying on another player or a hireling (even worse).
If you have access to any iconic race, just create a temporary new character with the features/mechanics you imagine, try it in a few quests, see if it works... Better than blindly TRing into a gimp
edit: did some testing, I only had 160% ST so it was a challenge to land 2 simultaneous hits with the special attacks, but it seems Shiv works with strikethrough, not sure about Assassinate: I managed to kill two targets in rapid succession, similarly to twf method, probably it's not ST but the assassinate's innate "duration". Splashing 1 paladin for 20% more strikethrough and martial weapon proficiency might help but it means losing the assassin capstone... but hey, this is DDO, the world of character builds! Trial and error is one way to discover new possibilities, isnt't it?
Last edited by RAFAR; 09-14-2020 at 01:17 AM.
+ Cannith ++ Csodaszarvas ++ Mcmlxxxvi + Ezredes + Giliszta + Halacska +
Thanks for the advices!
I found rogues super squishy, any tips for improving a rogue’s survivability?
you will need to avoid getting aggro and then, if you do, use your dodge clickies to try to survive. That is about it. There is gear that is seasonal that helps in this regard--the Hood of Unrest from the Night Revels for example.
You could try isolating enemies with high bluff and taking them down one by one, but most do not have patience for that sort of thing. Remember that Shiv and Improved Feint will rotate an enemy the other way so that buys you a little time too.
With assassinate at level 12 everything changes; the only real issue is 1) speed (time to do the quest) and 2) what to do about taking out bosses and their lackeys
One option is buffing your int and disable device and using Improved Traps out of the mechanic tree (an AP sink btw). Equip your best DD gear when you set the trap and it will have a very high DC. Best traps are web and glitterdust.
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Okay, thanks for the advice!
At level 30
Dex based Halfling
Take 24 points in TA(Improved defensive roll means you will take less damage once you are below 50 HP)
43 in Assassin(take the 3 max dex bonus from T5)
TA gives more 3 Dex and max Dex bonus from armor.
Go Shadow Dancer and add more Max Dex from armor(Lilthx3)
More max Dex bonus from armour Halfling AP's
Farm for the Hood of Unrest 50% Dodge from Night Revels(currently available)
Dodge will now be about 40% before uncanny\meld \hood, giving you 90% for when you really need it.