"Wanna try a harder reaper level?"
Almighty cube
Start cross server trading and profit!Characters: Grandern Marn / Yazmirr Grezztl / Vexir Bristleblade / Zappinaizah Subatrumpf Server: Orien Guild: Faca na CaveiraNew to the Orien server? Type "/joinchannel Titan" into the chat window and join some lively DDO discussion! Happy to help out with any questions.
"This is just R1, why are you buffing lol, this is easy mode"
Your only cleric is the first party member to die.
This is an Extreme Challenge dungeon. It contains Extreme difficulty monsters or puzzles.
It is recommended for player groups who have easily defeated the other dungeons of the same CR Rating already.
The CR Rating is displayed in the Select Adventure Panel when you interact with a dungeon entrance.
If you're having trouble in this dungeon, remember you can buy extra supplies in the DDO Store.
Uh oh. I just ran out of spell components.
r10 Haverdasher when a singular reaper shows up
"The only way I can die is if I roll a 1." And then...
When someone is pulling all the levers they can find and says "I don't know this quest..."
When the healer on voice chat says: "Oh... I should NOT have gone that way"
Slave Lords. Again.
"Careful, guys, trap ahea- -"
*Half of the group plunges head first into a nice little pool of gelatinous cube*
*Other half dies while trying to rescue them*![]()
You walk around the corner and a huge mob starts blasting you and there is a beholder hiding behind them and nobody has death block or death ward spells up. Hope you had fun and prep better next time.
It's actually a combination of signs.
1. New Person: "I just zoned in. I'll catch up."
2. Leader: "Do you know the way?" New Person: "I think so"
3. Main party comes up to room and I'm trying to count all of the champs and reapers, when suddenly the reapers start moving ...
5. New Person: "Oops"
"The imagination is not … the faculty for forming images of reality; it is the faculty for forming images which go beyond reality..." - Gaston Bachelard
"Yeah, i'm barbarian in exalted angel level 0, but relax, i'm good and i can handle difficulty."
when i join a party of level 30 characters with less than 1k hp xD
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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