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  1. #1
    Community Member zappy's Avatar
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    Default the survivable healer

    hey guys, ive been asked about 10000 times for this build so im going to detail out everything that i build for, with a few different gearsets depending on what loot you have access to, one for my level, unlimited raid and shroud gear, one for shroud and most raids except for 2h2h, and one for fully raidless including shroud gear.

    this build needs 0 past lives. if you want to go all out on the build, in order, get all of the epic lives done, followed by all lives that provide prr, then all lives that provide mrr, then lives that give hp, con, and charisma/intimidate.

    the optimal enhancement setup needs a +2 racial tome and a +1 universal tree tome as well as 1 racial past life done 3 times for a total of 84 enhancement points to spend. I will provide alternate setups for people with only 80 enhancement points.

    first for the build.

    aasimar. 17 fvs/3pally

    starting stats

    max con first, max cha, rest into int. fully dump the rest.


    max intimidate, balance, heal. if any points are left over, do jump, umd, 1 point into tumble.

    1: pally feat: shield mastery... racial feat: bond of the protector
    2: fvs
    3: fvs, feat: tougness
    4: fvs
    5: fvs
    6: fvs, feat: quicken spell
    7: fvs
    8: fvs
    9: fvs, feat: enlarge spell
    10: pally
    11: fvs
    12: fvs, feat: empower healing spell
    13: fvs
    14: fvs
    15: fvs, feat: shield deflection
    16: fvs
    17: fvs
    18: pally, feat: improved shield mastery
    19: fvs
    20: fvs
    21: epic, feat: epic Toughness
    22: epic
    23: epic
    24: epic, feat: intensify spell
    25: epic
    26: epic, t1 destiny feat: epic skill focus, intimidate
    27: epic, feat: epic reflex
    28: epic, t2 destiny feat: toughness
    29: epic, t3 destiny feat: deific warding
    30: epic, feat: epic Damage Reduction legendary feat: scion of celestia

    fvs energy absorb feats: cold, electricity, fire, fvs feats, grace of battle, stout of heart, deity feat follower of the sovereign host/ unyielding sovereignty

    alrighty lets go over gear. this is for the top of the line all raid and shroud gear.

    goggles: collective sight 21wis insightful con 10
    helm: citadels gaze 2h2h hat
    neck: standard issue sigil
    trinket: slavers 5 rings with dexterity 17, resistance 14, balance +22, quality intimidate +5
    cloak: LGS 3x electric resist
    belt: silverthread belt
    ring: celestial sapphire with +21 con
    gloves: LGS 3x fire resist
    boots: LGS unconscious range
    ring: signet of ir'Wynarn artifact
    bracers: hallowed castigators
    armor legendary watch captains platemail

    mainhand:morninglord scepter
    shield: the lunar eclipse

    augment: power 250, good luck +2, festive wisdom, blindness immunity, insightful wisdom, cha, dex, deathblock, imperial blood, jump +15, draconic soul gem, vitality+20

    filigree: artifact, dual nystul's/electocution mrr, dual snake bite/grandfathersshield con, purity/touch of grace heal amp
    weapon: dual nystul's/electocution mrr, dual snake bite/grandfathersshield con, purity/touch of grace heal amp, nystuls con, nystul's mrr, purity con, bravery throughout intimidate, purity heal amp

    augment a striding +30 or a quiver of alacrity for runspeed.

    swap items: cloak: spell absorb, trinket spell absorb, gloves, spell absorb, bracers of the mountain for petrification immunity.

    to change this up for no 2h2h loot, swap the citedels gaze for the standard issue faceplate and the celestial sapphire ring for a celstial emerald ring with +21 con, and swap the shield for a mirrorplate tower

    to lower the need for 10k codex runes for 3 peices of LGS, swap the gloves off for the hands of house jorosco with displacement guard crafted on.

    if you dont want any shroud at all, swap the boots to sunken slippers with +5 quality cha and cloak of balance with +5 quality con

    moving to enhancements and epic destinies

    84th point goes in the final deflect arrows rank from vanguard.

    if you only have 80 points to spend, drop hope for success from beacon of hope and deflect arrows to just 1 rank.


    4: martial hymn
    3: meld into darkness
    1: dragonhide
    1: impregnable mind

    (if you have epic completionist and therefor a 5th twist slot, you can place energy sheathe here or drop impregnable mind for if needed in places where high elemental damage takes place.)

    spell list:

    overall, this build gets no fail on all 3 saves, is an excellent healer with a heal SLA, healing wall, renew, heal spell and cure spells with good metamagics, this build has good HP and prr/mrr as well as a workable 120+ intimidate score. you also get wings as well as sprint boost to keep up with fast moving parties. make sure to keep divine power up all the time, it increases your prr.

    this build requres 0 past lives and makes for an excellent healer for any content, including healing high difficulty raids, and tanking low difficulty raids.
    Last edited by zappy; 09-13-2020 at 11:25 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Learn from Zappy, he knows what he is doing on an arcane.
    Khyber server: Plague Winds
    Tank Gotta Go Fast-Shanayney - over 156 Reaper points
    Survivable Healer-Sahanna

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Solid build Zappy and performs as advertised (it's healed you on Khyber as a matter of fact!)

    I'm thinking of spending the 5k Codex runes to buff from 3,500 HP to closer to 5k.

    Before I do (cause, dat's a lot of Codex runes for a guy who's guild doesn't shroud too much) ... with the changes to augments coming out, do you have any thoughts on gearing for this build?

    Will the multiple LGS pieces for the massive HP buff still be optimal?


  3. #3
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    Thanks for this build! I’m returning to the game after 9yrs of being away and since this is viable as a first life build I’m super excited to start! My only question is which stat do you recommend on level up? I’m assuming cha but con also seems right.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by nrbeil08; 12-05-2020 at 10:02 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by nrbeil08 View Post
    Thanks for this build! I’m returning to the game after 9yrs of being away and since this is viable as a first life build I’m super excited to start! My only question is which stat do you recommend on level up? I’m assuming cha but con also seems right.

    Thanks in advance.
    I would pick Charisma to make leveling less painful, using AoV enhancements for getting to 30, and maybe if you need to level up destinies, - Epic Reincarnate - it is then a lot easier to pike from 20-30 on a tanky healer. EN dailies and slayer zones with potions is fast. If you never want to do crazy diffs a level 20 FvS is also great for hard raids once geared out, and imo is better experience for leveling and gear farmy.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by zappy View Post
    hey guys, ive been asked about 10000 times for this build
    I'd sure like to see an updated version of this build that works with current EDs and feat changes!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    34 AP into T5 Unyielding Sentinel for the hitpoints and 10k epic moment. Put the rest into Exalted Angel for Mass Cure Mod SLA.

    Feats dont really change. The gear however, needs an update to include Elder's Knowledge/Oasis set (one or the other, unless you get super lucky and get both set bonuses on a Gem of Many Facets).
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post
    34 AP into T5 Unyielding Sentinel for the hitpoints and 10k epic moment. Put the rest into Exalted Angel for Mass Cure Mod SLA.

    Feats dont really change. The gear however, needs an update to include Elder's Knowledge/Oasis set (one or the other, unless you get super lucky and get both set bonuses on a Gem of Many Facets).
    Thanks - I assume both mantles, and swap in-quest as needed.

  8. #8
    Community Member Seydlitz's Avatar
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    Anyone have an idea on enhancements for this build?

  9. #9
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    (Caveat: Aasimar self-healing has been reduced since this build was posted.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Seydlitz View Post
    Anyone have an idea on enhancements for this build?
    Yeah, looks like the OP intended to add something, but never did. :/

    This is a Healer and a semi-tank. It has zero offensive feats, so chasing any "real" DPS is mostly a lost cause.

    Otoh, in the current game, with few exceptions*, you don't need to spend every last feat and enhancement on being "The Party Healer". (I feel this build is already over the top on that, but that depends how you define "Healer"*, and this is going (relatively) all in.)

    So be aware that this is a party tank/healer build, so will not be able to solo, or at least not in anything less than calendar time; no DPS** means it will take hours to do even the softest end fight.

    (* There are some Raids and a (very) few Quests where, yes, you need every last healing boost you can scrape together. A build like that couldn't kill time, but the party wouldn't die if it went lava-diving en masse.)

    (** This might have a little from spells, since Cha will be maxed. But without supporting Metamagics, it won't be much better than the unsupported melee.) :/

    The OP talks about 84 AP, so we know from the start that it's going to be tight.*

    (* But FS got an AP pass since then, so maybe(?) not quite as bad as it was.)

    • (33+) The OP mentions "Hope for Success", so that's Tier 5 in Beacon of Hope - that's a minimum of 33 or so. Heal SLA, but not RD (you'll have that spell, and will want Resurrection at later levels anyway).

    • (6+) The OP also mentions "Deflect Arrows", so that's at least Vanguard 2, 6(+) pts. (Stunning Shield gives a (very) little CC for 3 more pts - but AP might be too tight there.)

    • (13/18+) I can't imagine a tank passing on Sacred Defender Tier 3, and that's 13 points minimum, including the Tier 3 Hit Point boost but without the SD Saves bonus. (18 with that and the +Cha. Lay on Hands adds more.)

    • (14/16) Aasimar racial is ymmv - where do you stop? I'd say you don't want to, 14 pts for Ascendant Bond (+5% HP/+PRR/+MRR) (and (possibly?) +2 more for the last HAmp, depending how much you already have).

    At minimum, that's 66 right there. Extra goes into either additional SD (better for a tank) or BoH (better for a healer), or some of the other tanky options above.

    Ignore any "DPS/Damage" boosts, and you can probably ignore any "+Saving Throw" as well (including Sacred Defense) - you'll have +11 to all Saves from Pali 3, so those will be off the chart without. You want Hit Points, Armor Class, PRR/MRR, +Cha, and other survivability boosts like (like more Deflect Arrows?) (and possibly that Shield Stun and -ST attack from Vanguard, just so you have something to do while you're getting beat on). Additional Paladin Lay On Hands will be redundant with the Aasimar and spell-Healing this guy has, but it's another option. You might have to fine-tune things once you get up into Epics, dropping some healing for more durability, or vice versa - a lot will depend on your gear.

    (Note - If(?) you don't find anything better, you could also put 1-4 AP into War Soul for +2 AC (plus a token [+2W] Smite) and then +5/10/15 HP. Fear the Smite!)

    As for Destinies...
    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post
    34 AP into T5 Unyielding Sentinel for the hitpoints and 10k epic moment. Put the rest into Exalted Angel for Mass Cure Mod SLA.

  10. #10
    Founder & Hero
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    Interesting might try it sometime

    Beware the Sleepeater

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