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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Default Blessings of (removed), are these SSG PR event?

    Recently there has been a character running around the Harbor, Marketplace, and Korthos of various servers engaging with players and giving them advice and Experience Stones, and making them members of a secret order called (removed) Fellows. The character contacts a player or players and asks them if they know what it calls the Blessing of (removed). The character talks like a fantasy missionary for some mysterious order or Deity in a pretty tongue&cheek fashion, and urges them to become their best selves, etc.. so maybe more Tony Robbins then missionary Ha!

    It has struck me as the type of underground Marketing common ten years ago, and while I haven't been able to catch up with this character some family and friends have and I'm pretty impressed.

    As I related elsewhere, my Grandson and his party were each given a herotic xp stone after they agreed to dance with the '(removed) Fellow' on the tables in the lobster. Then he said he was making them all members of the '(removed) Fellows' whatever that means and joined them on the butcher's path adventure. Here is the part that made me laugh, the character got killed right away and then spent a couple of mins doing a melodramatic 'death scene' urging them to 'leave me behind...', 'it's getting dark', 'go be grand fellows!', etc... it was the most fun my Grandson has had in weeks playing, and they got xp stones. He hasn't stopped talking about it since and he and his friends started handing out healing potions and loot to new players to pass it on and 'become (removed)".

    It's been a bit of a discussion topic among my parties, raids, and guild as well. Mostly whether this is an official campaign to keep the player base engaged and surprise them or if it is some nutjob with too much money, or a cheater who had a change of heart. The way that toon is everywhere and not secretive in the way you would expect a cheater to be as well as the way all the comments and actions are so scripted and polished make me think it's SSG. Some of the names in public chat are part of the ddo lexicon and loot, and the way the character roleplays within parties suggested a voice actor or street busker. What I can say? if this is not a PR stunt by SSG, it should be.

    To hit on the effect of the interaction again, I think my little guy will remember questing with the character long after he has forgotten about the xp stone, he keeps trying to role-play in voice chat now as well, very funny, you haven't lived until you have heard one of his new death scene monologues.
    Last edited by Cordovan; 09-06-2020 at 05:01 PM.

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