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  1. #1
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    Default New Raid Filigrees

    Since I have not seen it posted anywhere yet. This is what was on the test server last time lama was up.

    New Raid Filigrees:

    +2 Con +4 PRR Soulweaver/Splendid Cacophony
    +2 Dex +4 PRR Dance of the Wind/Next Fall
    +2 Int +4 MRR Zarigan's Arcane Enlightenment/Voltaic Experiment
    +6 PRR +4 MRR Bravery Throughout/Shattered Device
    +2 Cha +4 MRR Sanctified Fervor/Reverberation

    Missing from the next update a +2 wisdom or +2 strength raid filigree I guess since non of the newer filigrees are focused in that direction. Can we get a good wisdom based melee filigree set in the future? Anyone have any suggestions to make these better?

    I am curious why splendid cacophony and reverberation where not paired together being the obvious bard sets. Also why is dance of the wind and next fall not +2 dex +4 melee power? It would be nice to open up more offensive options for non strength based characters. Wouldn't sanctified fervor pair better with radiant shield than reverberation? (I know most people just use it as a weapon swap kind of like the blood feast currently, probably means both sets need a bit of a boost for people to considering using them full time.) Could also pair up bravery throughout and radiant shield and then pair sanctified fervor with shattered device as well. This would make the two tank sets your con filigree, santified and shattered device the prr one, and cacophony/reverb the charisma one.
    Last edited by Kielbasa; 09-03-2020 at 03:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Bjond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kielbasa View Post
    Since I have not seen it posted anywhere yet. This is what was on the test server last time lama was up.
    Thanks for posting. That was another thing I was going to check, mostly from personal curiosity -- there's really no testing on that to do other than commenting on the utility wrt. your own chars, which I suppose I could do here.

    +2 Con +4 PRR Soulweaver/Splendid Cacophony

    CON is universally useful, but I rarely chase it. It's more something I grab for the 3rd or 4th fili on set I want to fill out. And, with that, Soulweaver and Splendid are kinda pointless. Increasing heal output isn't something one needs to build for. CLW from a 6 Bard splash and no devotion was healing 1/3 of the HP on a tank due to the tank's Hamp.

    If I were to heal, I'd want quicker and more efficient, not extra overheal, which is what those two sets offer. OTH, overheal IS what you might need if you're trying to self-heal in reaper. So, I think this one has a home, just not with me.

    +2 Dex +4 PRR Dance of the Wind/Next Fall

    DEX is loved by my thrower, but dance and fall don't have ranged or spell power options. They're pretty much focused on thief-acrobat stick builds. I ran a stick build for 6 PLs in Heroics. I might use the raid filigree for it's DEX on a dex-acrobat, but neither filigree bonus is worth using over melee power. So, this one kinda flops.

    +2 Int +4 MRR Zarigan's Arcane Enlightenment/Voltaic Experiment

    I have builds that would like the INT, but nothing that could use the filigree bonuses of either of those.

    +6 PRR +4 MRR Bravery Throughout/Shattered Device

    A lot of my builds like and use Shattered. PRR is useful on anything and shattered's 3rd or 4th filigree when running the set is rarely useful. It's not bad, but it's also not enough to inspire spending threads. It doesn't help that Bravery does nothing for non-tanks, too.

    My tank uses Bravery, but again, 6 PRR isn't enough to inspire spending threads. If it was 6/4 AC/AC, my tank would be all over it .. or even 6 PRR / 4 AC. And, like the non-tank case, it doesn't help that it's paired with Shattered, which doesn't help a tank (or rather not nearly as much as other filigree sets).

    So, this one is rather iffy -- maybe for one of my chars if/when I acquire more threads than I need.

    +2 Cha +4 MRR Sanctified Fervor/Reverberation

    My PDK Paladin loves the CHA CHA and Sanctified Fevor. This one is going to be a big hit there. Reverberation is useless in itself, but the 2p bonus is pretty nice and you can get it by adding more CHA. CHA CHA CHA!

    My Bard likes CHA and does spend time in DC, but I don't like using filigrees with benefits locked to a single ED. Some bards might use it, maybe some melee FVS or Sorc/EK, but I'd guess this one will be 98% Paladin-only.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kielbasa View Post
    Since I have not seen it posted anywhere yet. This is what was on the test server last time lama was up.

    New Raid Filigrees:

    +2 Con +4 PRR Soulweaver/Splendid Cacophony
    +2 Dex +4 PRR Dance of the Wind/Next Fall
    +2 Int +4 MRR Zarigan's Arcane Enlightenment/Voltaic Experiment
    +6 PRR +4 MRR Bravery Throughout/Shattered Device
    +2 Cha +4 MRR Sanctified Fervor/Reverberation

    Missing from the next update a +2 wisdom or +2 strength raid filigree I guess since non of the newer filigrees are focused in that direction. Can we get a good wisdom based melee filigree set in the future? Anyone have any suggestions to make these better?

    I am curious why splendid cacophony and reverberation where not paired together being the obvious bard sets. Also why is dance of the wind and next fall not +2 dex +4 melee power? It would be nice to open up more offensive options for non strength based characters. Wouldn't sanctified fervor pair better with radiant shield than reverberation? (I know most people just use it as a weapon swap kind of like the blood feast currently, probably means both sets need a bit of a boost for people to considering using them full time.) Could also pair up bravery throughout and radiant shield and then pair sanctified fervor with shattered device as well. This would make the two tank sets your con filigree, santified and shattered device the prr one, and cacophony/reverb the charisma one.
    I agree some of the pairings make no sense and the sets are so useless for some builds that they wouldn't be incentivized to complete the set, just get the filigree stat. For example the bravery throughout/shattered device. DPS builds really have no reason to get a bonus from the bravery throughout and tank builds would mostly rather get the other tank sets and leave the shattered device debuffs to dps builds. I agree with your suggestions at the end, sanctified/shattered with radiant/bravery would be far more sensible than what we have now. Caco/reverb might also make more sense, but I can see caco/soul being nice as it is for buff bards, more songs for buffing and other uses + soulweaver giving some small pos spellpower bonuses for their sustaining song.

  4. #4
    Community Member A-O's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsutti View Post
    I agree some of the pairings make no sense and the sets are so useless for some builds that they wouldn't be incentivized to complete the set, just get the filigree stat. For example the bravery throughout/shattered device. DPS builds really have no reason to get a bonus from the bravery throughout and tank builds would mostly rather get the other tank sets and leave the shattered device debuffs to dps builds. I agree with your suggestions at the end, sanctified/shattered with radiant/bravery would be far more sensible than what we have now. Caco/reverb might also make more sense, but I can see caco/soul being nice as it is for buff bards, more songs for buffing and other uses + soulweaver giving some small pos spellpower bonuses for their sustaining song.
    Sanctified/shattred would be stupid OP though. So let's hold on that.

    Sanctified/reverberations is nice. Let's a paladin get 14d6 extra sonic for nothing. Along with 4more cha. Already a very strong filigrees. And already borderline.

    Shattered/bravery needs some work though. But out of the ones available in generation 2 filigrees none really fit. They're all awful for that combination. So can't really be helped except changing it to e.g. +2wis and then pairing it with either final burial or soul weaver. And then it's a piece that's ideal for war priests, but also good for any wis melee since there is no good +2wis filigree for melees. And that's the route I'd go, since there's a huge lack of support for that playstyle.
    Formerly known as Absolute-Omniscience, co-creator of the old DPS calc.

  5. #5
    Pale Fox
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kielbasa View Post
    Since I have not seen it posted anywhere yet. This is what was on the test server last time lama was up.

    since non of the newer filigrees are focused in that direction. Can we get a good wisdom based melee filigree set in the future? Anyone have any suggestions to make these better?

    I am curious why
    Nothing against your personal ponderings but just to let you know I had the exact same trouble with some of the other raid filigrees.
    My main is a strength based bear - Enlightened Spirit/Nature's Protector/Renegade Mastermaker.

    I'm still trying to find that The Fractured Elegance and that item to unlock your sentience to 80k.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by LightBear View Post
    that item to unlock your sentience to 80k.
    Spark of Memory, for anyone seeing this and wondering what they need for this. Also hate to tell ya, it's actually not 80k, it's 100k :P

  7. #7
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    No joy for Warlock, Sorcerer and Charisma FvS...

  8. #8
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kielbasa View Post
    Missing from the next update a +2 wisdom or +2 strength raid filigree
    My theory is that devs hate Wis casters and Str melees. Looks par for the course.

    Next update itemization looks like it plans to increase the gap Wis casters are behind Int & Cha. And they keep adding more and more ways to hit harder without actually hitting harder. Cha to damage universally available, coming soon!

    (Fine, fine. I don't think they actually actively hate them and seek ways to destroy them, I think they just don't give a hoot about them or even think about them and thus don't notice or care, and I think it's been that way for many many years.)
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

  9. #9
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    It's probably been posted before, but I would like to see something to really spice up filigree use, something that takes the spark further to create an actual new filigree.

    So the crafting box/UI/Alter, whatever, takes in as ingredients:

    1- Raid item thing you need, -a blank thread of belonging.
    1- Fully Upgraded XP Sentient Gem WITH Memory spark
    1- named item with set bonus on it

    Result: a new Thread- a Memory of Belonging - which contains the set bonus flag from the named item you put in, and counts as 1 item being equipped of that set when in use
    Last edited by Eme; 10-05-2020 at 02:41 AM.

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