So, shields are looking like they will be getting extra +[W] in the next preview, but a much lower [W] value. As people have mathed out, this would be a substantial nerf to shield damage in shield damage builds.
What are y'all's thoughts on things that could go alongside this change, that would make shield bashing more viable, instead of less?
My thoughts:
* Remove or reduce the ICD
Shield bashing has an internal cooldown of 1 sec. Does anyone know if this is a balance decision or a performance one? Because if it is balance, then now that shields are going to standard weapon damage die, they should be able to hit the same proc rate a TWF.
* If the ICD has to stay, maybe give the bashes a better Stat Mod damage rate? Right now, very few builds actually utilize 1x damage mods, and a 1.5x would help significantly to close the gap made by the [w] changes