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Great Rend Passive If you hit with both your claw attacks in a round, you deal an extra damage equal to 1d4 + 1/2 your STR modifier, plus 1 additional point for every four character levels you have.
Race: Shifter, Trait: Razorclaw, +4 base attack bonus
-Awesome! Though not sure how it will work in the game.
Shifter Defense Passive While shifting, you gain damage reduction 2/silver
Race: Shifter, two other shifter feats.
-This is not enough to make it interesting for a feat, if it was 3/silver, that would actually tip it over and make it interesting. In ddo this is worthless enough that it still wouldn't be something anyone took, when the game was new maybe but people don't take adamantine body on warforged for the dr--they take it for heavy armor.
Great Shifter Defense Passive While shifting, you gain damage reduction 4/silver
Race: Shifter, Shifter Defense, three other shifter feats.
-This should stack another +3 on top of the first one, bring the total up to 6/silver. Its almost nothing in epics anyways, though it is enough to make it optional. At 4/silver for TWO feats, its far off the radar of anything usual at all. Same problem as before, 6 dr is not worth two feats, even if they are extra feats it might not be as good as other stuff.
Healing Factor Passive When your current period of shifting ends, you heal a limited amount of damage. When you stop shifting, you immediately heal a number of hit points equal to your character level. This benefit does not occur if you die (at –10 hit points) before the period of shifting ends.
Race: Shifter, CON 13.
-This needs more. Perhaps make it: equal to your character level + your constitution. This somehow makes more sense too! The only issue with this is shifting will last a REALLY long time so this wouldn't really do much for you.
Longstride Elite Passive While shifting your base land speed improves by 10 feet. This improvement stacks with the increase for the longstride trait, for a total increase of 20 feet.
Race: Shifter, Trait: Longstride
-Awesome! Would be cool if a race had a way to get bonus move speed, but alas this isn't exactly how shifters are being implemented. No feats or anything.
Shifter Ferocity Passive You are a tenacious combatant, continuing to fight when others would succumb to pain and injury. While shifting, you continue to fight without penalty if you are disabled, helpless or dying.
Race: Shifter, WIS 13
-Awesome! I highlighted a portion you said above in green because it's applicable here. How would this be implemented in ddo? If it let you fight while helpless/unconscious then it would be absurdly overpowered because people wouldn't need to worry about will saves at all when they play shifter. If you are backline and horrid wilting or disintigrate would one shot you anyway you can also dump fort saves.
Shifter Multiattack Passive You are adept at using your natural attack in conjunction with another weapon. Your secondary attack with a natural weapon only takes -2 penalty.
Race: Shifter, +6 base attack bonus, and either Trait: Longtooth or Trait: Razorclaw
-Awesome! Since ddo doesn't have "multiattack" functions this doesn't really make sense, the most sensible thing here would be to
reduce the penalty for fighting with two weapons but we already have that.
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