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  1. #1
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Nov 2010

    Default Ideas for Implementing Vryloka Race

    Their racial tree should contain:

    1-Inflict negative levels on critical hits

    2-An AOE effect that requires you to stand still simularly to the Shadar-kai chain attack and sacrifices HP as to weaponize one's blood Deadman Wonderland style where if said attack kills an enemy, negative healing can be received by the player.

    3-A cleave attack variation of the Blood Feast SLA that can be leveled up to also inflict the Steal Life Force effect

    4-Benefits for wearing heavy armor

    5-The ability to use Bastard swords and sickles as favored weapons for The Blood Of Vol religion

    6-Bastard sword proficiency

    7-A racial variation of spring attack

    8-Blood bond weapon effect (Just a re-flavored weapon attachment effect)

    9-Your melee and unarmed attacks have a (10%) chance to heal you for 1d3 Negative Energy damage per character level (This should not stack with the pale master's vampire toggle)

    10-Immunity to the negative effects from Blood Rage

    11-Bonuses for when under the effects of Blood rage

    12-A variation of the shadar-kai's improved shadow jaunt that can be used in combination with the racial variation of spring attack for fun combo maneuvers.

    13-Multi-selector: Embrace Humanity: Your penalty to Positive Energy Healing is reduced from 50% to [40/30/20]%.
    Embrace Vampiric Lineage: You gain +[1/2/3] Heal skill and +20/30/40 Negative Healing amplification.

    14-Some kind of enhancement that would help make a medium armored rogue build viable

    The race itself should have the following:

    1-A feat that can be taken when a player reaches a base attack bonus of +6 that grants them immunity to sneak attacks and extra damage from critical hits at the cost of losing the ability to be healed by spells from the positive energy sub-school, such as Cure Light Wounds.

    2-A feat that can be taken at level 20 that grants a Vryloka player +20 Negative Healing Amplification and 10 Magical Resistance Rating.

    3-Blood Of Vol as the only deity option, because no other deity would want you!

    4-A base positive healing penalty of 50% (like warforged start out with).

  2. #2
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Lokeal_The_Flame View Post
    Their racial tree should contain:

    1-Inflict negative levels on critical hits

    2-An AOE effect that requires you to stand still simularly to the Shadar-kai chain attack and sacrifices HP as to weaponize one's blood Deadman Wonderland style where if said attack kills an enemy, negative healing can be received by the player.

    3-A cleave attack variation of the Blood Feast SLA that can be leveled up to also inflict the Steal Life Force effect

    4-Benefits for wearing heavy armor

    5-The ability to use Bastard swords and sickles as favored weapons for The Blood Of Vol religion

    6-Bastard sword proficiency

    7-A racial variation of spring attack

    8-Blood bond weapon effect (Just a re-flavored weapon attachment effect)

    9-Your melee and unarmed attacks have a (10%) chance to heal you for 1d3 Negative Energy damage per character level (This should not stack with the pale master's vampire toggle)

    10-Immunity to the negative effects from Blood Rage

    11-Bonuses for when under the effects of Blood rage

    12-A variation of the shadar-kai's improved shadow jaunt that can be used in combination with the racial variation of spring attack for fun combo maneuvers.

    13-Multi-selector: Embrace Humanity: Your penalty to Positive Energy Healing is reduced from 50% to [40/30/20]%.
    Embrace Vampiric Lineage: You gain +[1/2/3] Heal skill and +20/30/40 Negative Healing amplification.

    14-Some kind of enhancement that would help make a medium armored rogue build viable

    The race itself should have the following:

    1-A feat that can be taken when a player reaches a base attack bonus of +6 that grants them immunity to sneak attacks and extra damage from critical hits at the cost of losing the ability to be healed by spells from the positive energy sub-school, such as Cure Light Wounds.

    2-A feat that can be taken at level 20 that grants a Vryloka player +20 Negative Healing Amplification and 10 Magical Resistance Rating.

    3-Blood Of Vol as the only deity option, because no other deity would want you!

    4-A base positive healing penalty of 50% (like warforged start out with).
    Will this racial tree have 41 points available to spend in it
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  3. #3
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Will this racial tree have 41 points available to spend in it
    Lol, no wouldn't be needed, it would pretty much just be a Warforged racial tree edited to have aspects from the Shadar-kai tree and the warforged tree where the race itself would appear more like a human but basically have a set of racial feats normally belonging to a warforged but edited to be negative healing rather than repair related.

    Additionally, I forgot to mention that the Vryloka would have a special form they could take if those chose the druid class that accepts negative healing (Bloodwolf) See the links below for more information!

    Vryloka 5th Edition adaptation:

    Original 4th Edition official Vryloka race (Skip to page 26):

    D&D Wiki Summarizing Vryloka race:

    Shadar-Kai racial tree for DDO:

    Warforged race for DDO:

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