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  1. #1
    Community Member SpookyNoodle's Avatar
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    Dec 2017

    Default Where are the Sharn Mats?

    So, given the advent of Legendary Master Artificer, and Legendary Lord of Blades, and given the fact that much of the raid loot from these sets use the same crafting system as Sharn, how exactly are we supposed to test out these new items if, fundamentally, they cannot be completed?

    When talking to 'The Other Loot Guy', in the Dojo, and you go to Update 43 > Crafting Stuff/Filigree/Barter Box > Crafting Stuff, absolutely nothing happens. I assume this is where we're supposed to go to get things like Stabilized Compound, Energizing Alloy, and so on, but there's no way to actually access these materials except to go out and farm them, which takes far too much time, and is completely unnecessary.

    And it's not like these are exactly minor things that we're adding. For many builds, the 'Nearly Finished' and 'Almost There' slots go to the predominant abilities. So, we can't really tell if these builds (using the new items) are interesting, because we don't have a way to effectively test them.

    I'm assuming this is just a bug, and I'd like to request that it be fixed as soon as possible please. Thank you.

    That same can actually be said of Sharn filigrees, those don't appear to be available anywhere either.
    Last edited by SpookyNoodle; 08-26-2020 at 09:31 PM.
    The Updatening - An Ongoing Project to Update Every Named Item in DDO

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