I believe Reaper (and champions) are one of the major reasons for the decline in the player base of DDO. Along with the decline in experienced players willing to take the time to aide the new players in basics of game play. You rarely find a LFM post that isn't reaper difficulty which is the death knell of the inexperienced player. One of the remedies for this "Let the noob post his/her own LFM with no Reaper. That is one of the most ridiculous solutions in a case where the new player usually has no idea how to post a LFM or in the case of a good many new players their shyness is a factor which is usually remedied later in the game. I'm in a guild that caters to the new members to the world of DDO. I have see too many players quit in the first month of playing or the first week of game play after the Harbor. The first bit of advice given to a new player is "join a group" to help learn and progress in the game and that even before you need to join a Guild for help, for which again the shyness factor kicks in. Most players in my guild are transient and within a week of two they have the basics and most by a month move on to larger populated guilds as we suggest to have a more numerous and diverse group of players to help and run with. I've experienced more players quitting within the first month due to the reasons I've just stated and it's a shame. I love this game it was great when I first joined in 2011 and remained so up until the last few years when the desire to obtain that "Uber Toon" took priority over just having fun running around and doing stupid stuff. A portion of the current player base now is running for their newest TRed toon on their 3-5+life at a pace that affords no benefit to new player experiencing the intricacies of running a dungon. Now with Reaper mode which now can be defined as the new hard, or elite or rather the norm, nobody wants to keep rezing or running the new guy or guys back to the shrine. What happens then is the group disbands with just the experienced players reforming the same group a minute later w/o putting up a LFM post to rid themselves of the inconvenience of the poor inexperienced player, who is left wondering what he just ran through, and alone. This happens on a regular basis. Don't misconstrue my opinion of the game, it is still one of the best games I've and enjoyed. I remember in my first week of playing standing in front of the bank dwarf in the Harbor when someone asked me if I was new to the game and after a few of my questions for which I was grateful for the help she gave my Ranger a new bow which far superior to mine (just excess to her as I later found out) that aided me in latter dungeons. I look back on that now and feel as I do to this day that that was the neatest thing since peanut butter.... You still see that today but not as frequently. There are still many many good hearted players but all the new bows in the world will not overcome Reapers and the need to run them at ever opportunity. Even first life players that catch on to the game mechanics faster tend to run Reaper because everyone else is doing so. Thus exacerbates the the original problem of Reaper and Champions for the new player. I don't know how to fix the problem but I can see that there is one.. and you can argue the point of a diminishing player base if you wish (and using Steam login statistics is a waste of time, relatively few go through Steam to play DDO) but I have been playing DDO relatively consistently for many years, long before I joined the forums and I see it, I experience it, and the old Guard is still there and some of the "Newer Old Guard" is still there but new players...not so much. I am saddened by this.