This is a simple, fun, old build. It has been revamped, but kept the original sole purpose to crit, for redonkulous amounts, over and over, to the face. Now to do that we need a few things. First, we need a huge base crit profile. So we start as a swashbuckling 15-20x3.
But that's not good enough, so we double dip the chip into frenzied berserker for 15-20x4, with Overwhelming Critical and an additional 19-20 from an ED makes it 15-18x4, 19-20x6. That's a tad more than double damage, so we can leave auto attack here.
But that's not good enough, so we we are going to triple dip into Deepwood Stalker, which is going to give us 13-18x6, 19-20x8 on Sniper Shot. Sniper Shot has a 6 second cool down.
But that's not good enough, so we are going to take our build into Fury of the Wild, which means as long as we can regenerate adrenaline, we can take those Sniper Shots and make them 3-18x6, 19-20x8, x5 damage adrenaline Sniper Shots, or 3-18x30, 19-20x40 adrenaline sniper shots.
Now to regenerate adrenaline, we need to attack 60 times, to vorpal 3 times, to regenerate 1 adrenaline. Throwing has a base rate of fire of ~1.5 shots/second at attack speed cap (level 20 with whirling wrists). A base of ~100 doubleshot, ~100 additional doubleshot from dex and simple throwing expertise, 20% doubleshot from rapid throw, and ~30% doubleshot from reaper boost and multitude of missiles uptime. This means we throw ~3.5 shots per attack, 1.5 attacks per second, for 5.25 attacks per second. Every six seconds we toss out 31.5 attacks, which means with Improved Precise Shot on and hitting 2 targets we will regenerate an adrenaline every 6 seconds. This will let us spam adrenaline sniper shots based on your ability to line mobs up. It's almost as if the two abilities were made to go together.
Now the multiple shots per attack also takes care of the crit over and over part since adrenaline on throwing will apply to every attack, so we will get triple and quadruple adrenaline sniper shots. So in 6 seconds we can throw out 28 normal attacks that hit for a bit more than double damage, and 3.5 adrenaline sniper shot attacks for ~30x damage, for a total of around 160 attacks worth of damage every six seconds.
And last, in order to get the damage to stick to the face, we need lots of fortification bypass, which means falconry, which also gives helpless damage and a trance. We will stack more fortification bypass on with precision, gear, and ED twists. Now on red names we aren't going to have the 2 targets for IPS to regenerate adrenaline, so just hit unbridled fury with the
LGS Dust raid sentient throwing dagger and watch the boss melt.
Race: Yes, have one. Really just pick any of them. A dex race is good for newer players. Vets with racial AP may want healing hands.
Stats: Max + Levels Dex, decent wisdom for trance. New players may want to limit to 16 dex to have points for Con and Int.
Alignment: Any
Feats and class split:
1 Bard Simple Thrown Expertise
2 Bard
3 Bard Precision
4-6 Ranger, Ranger Free Feat: Rapid Shot, Point Blank Shot, Favored Enemy: Any
7-9 Ranger, Ranger Free Feat: Precise Shot, Improved Critical: Thrown
10-12 Ranger, Ranger Free Feat: Evasion, Improved Precise Shot > free feat swap to Quick Draw before taking level 14
13-15 Ranger, Ranger Free Feat: Improved Precise Shot, Multitude of Missiles
16-20 Barbarian Completionist or Weapon Focus: Thrown or Toughness (new players), mithral body if warforged
21 Overwhelming Critical
24 Combat Archery
26 Holy Strike
27 Blinding Speed
28 Doubleshot
29 Bypass Adamantine
30 Arborea, Weapon Focus: Thrown or Weapon Focus: Ranged or Epic Toughness (new players)
AP to get in this order:
6 swashbuckling +crit range, +1 crit multiplier
4-6 VKF rapid throw (tree unlocks with Ravenloft Favor, free to play until August 31st, delay until you run RL if you don't have it unlocked now), deflect arrows if playing higher difficulties
11 sniper shot, dex to damage, power boostx2, vets can do hide/move silently for stealth play instead
26-28 falconry fort bypass, trance, helpless damage (reduce helpless damage and trance duration if you don't have universal AP tome, or if you want deflect arrows from VKF)
32 Frenzied Berserker +2 Multiplier (overwrites and doesn't stack with +1 swashbuckling multiplier)
Racial AP: Aasimar Healing Hands, elf accuracy, warforged ranged power, whatever floats your boat.
Skills: Spot, Balance, Use Magic Device, Concentration, veterans can do hide/move silently for stealth play
Epic Destiny: Fury of the Wild
Twists: Whirling Wrists, Grim Precision, Cocoon if you don't have healing hands, Stay Frosty if solo, Whatevers
Gear: yes have some. A
Nightforge Spike will help in leveling, as will
spectral throwing daggers farmed up from Night Revels.
Sentience: Lots of ranged power. More fortification bypass.