Chippacabre Stick-Barb
People have been asking about this build that I have been running for the last 6 or 9 months, so here you go.
I know there are no Barbarian levels but don't worry about it. Hope you enjoy!
Tripple completionist, Epic Completionist, Racial Completionist, +8 tome all stats
Race : Half-Orc
Starting Stats | Str 14 | Dex 18 | Con 16 | Int 12 | Wis 8 | Char 6
Must have Str where it is for THF line and PA. Int is enough to barely get traps with some gear swaps at the end but is fine leveling up with an item. Keep in mind if you are doing this build w/o all the past lives/tomes I have, it may be better to start 17 dex, 13 str, and 14 int. This will help with trapping without sacrificing much.
1 Rogue – Power Attack
2 Rogue –
3 Druid – THF | Spells – Shillelagh, Ram's Might
4 Rogue -
5 Rogue –
6 Rogue – Improved Feint
7 Fighter – Weapon Focus Bludgeoning
8 Rogue
9 Fighter – Completionist | Improved THF
10 Rogue –
11 Rogue
12 Fighter - Improved Crit Bludgeon
13 Rogue -
14 Rogue – Improved Evasion
15 Fighter – Greater THF | Weapon Specialization Bludgeoning
16 Rogue –
17 Rogue
18 Rogue – Toughness | Opportunist
19 Rogue
20 Rogue -
21 Overwhelming Crit
24 Improved Sneak Attack
26 Perfect Two Handed Fighting
27 Blinding Speed (I subbed this out for Precision when I got Cornerstone Champion from THTH)
28 Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
29 Dire Charge
30 Epic toughness | Scion of Arborea
Feat Notes:
*I didn't feel that precision was that necessary. You are getting +16 damage from power attack and I always had fort bypass gear so it didn't seem necessary leveling up. At end game again – I have 58% fort bypass so would still crit and get sneak attack often. If you do not have racial PL and aren't going to invest in the extra power attack from H-orc tree then I would take precision at 18, toughness at 28 and skip the 5% double strike from PTWF. Regardless you will always run in PA unless fighting constructs and undead, then switch.*
Skill points :
Balance 23| Hide 23| Intim 23 | Bluff 23 | Jump 9 | Tumble 1 | UMD 23 | Search 23 | Spot 23 | Disable 23 | Move Silently 15 | Open Lock 4 |
Half-Orc – 18 points – 1 core, Orc weapon training x 4, Stubborn x3, Action boost orc rage, Improved Power attack x3
Thief Accrobat – 42 points – 4 cores, All staff training, Thief Acrobatics, Fast movement, Quick Strike x3, Shadow Dodge x3, Sweeping Strikes x1, Staff Lunge x1, No Mercy x3, All tier 5's
Kensei – 22 points – 1 core, Haste Boost x3, Kensei Weapon Specialization: Martial Arts x 3, Tactics x2, Conditioning x1, Crit Mastery x3, Dex x1 Opportunity Attack
Assassin – 11 points – 3 cores, Sneak attack training x2, shiv x2, Venomed blades x2
Inquisitive free ap – 1st core
While leveling build up in order of importance: Thief Acrobat, Half-Orc, Kenzei, Assasin.
If not racial completionist, I'd just take away from race tree, but will lose some dps.
I would HIGHLY recommend getting the Theurgic_Stave from Threnal prior to leveling this build and/or if you are going to use it for past lives.
End Game Gear:
Armor : Wildcard – Slot Armored Agility +2
Goggles : Collective sight crafted Cha 21/Dex 10 – Slot good luck +2
Helm : Umber Brim – Slot Fear Immunity **
Neck : Family Recruit Sigil – Slot Sonic Res 40
Trinket : Blood Rage Chism – slot master's gift ***
Cloak : City's Champion – Slot Bluff 15
Belt : Cornerstone Champion - Craft 5 Dex – slot Golem Heart, Strength 8
Ring : Celestial Ruby ring – Craft 21 Dex – Slot Golem Heart **
Ring : Celestial Sapphire Ring – Craft 21 Con – Slot Globe
Glove : Hammerfist – slot Vitality 20
Boot : Slave lord crafted | Sheltering 45 | Resistance 14 | Vertigo 20 | Quality Con 4
Bracer : Brand of Kalok Shash – Slot Drac soul gem, Power 200, Golem heart
Weapon : Moonbeam
Filigree – 5 prowess, 2 one against many, 2 Sucker Punch (I made the dual rare from threads), 2 treachery, 1 Beast Mantle or any 5 Melee power rare
* You can very easily use the Belt of Sure Strikes and the Bottle of Smoke as your belt and trinket and the build can do just fine without the need for raid gear. The raid gear is obviously just that much better.
** Use Keylock Ring and Tiara of Madness for trap gear swap.
*** To buff you will have to switch off trinket, cast druid spells, then put it back on. Spells will stay on.
Destiny: Fury
Con x1, Boulder's might x3, Acute Instict x3, Damage reduction x1 Malicious Weapon x3, Sense Weakness x3, Overwhelming Force x2, Devastating Blow, Fury Eternal, Strong Swings, Unbridled Fury, Bloodbath
Twists: Martial Hymn, Meld, Hail of Blows, Legendary Tactics, A dance of flowers
Notable Stats out of reaper with just self buffs – Yugo dex pot, Martial hymn, Shillelagh, Ram's Might
9.25 (1d6 +4) +238
17-20 x 3
90 dex, 72 con,
2388 hp, 36 dodge, 192prr 100mrr
80% doublestrike (105 after quick strike)
232 melee power (252 after Opportunity Attack, 302 after prowess activates, 342 if using Orcish Rage)
100% Helpless damage bonus
58% fort bypass (83 in precision)
Sneak attack damage bonus 43
Sneak attack dice 15d6 (usually averages around 400 total w/ no boosts in R1)
190% strikethrough
90 Bluff while fighting with the option to get over 120 with gear swaps
1. The idea behind this build is that you can do great dps, not the best, but that whatever you are hitting will be CC in some way and hopefully helpless. Sources of CC come from bluff, shiv, improved feint Sweeping strikes, dire charge, Felling the Oak from Legendary moonbeam and Adrenaline. Because you are attacking so fast and Fury sets your vorpal to both 19 and 20, your adrenaline recharge twice as fast. So I can literally run through a quest and almost SPAM adrenaline and I never run out. So anything I'm hitting including a reaper (not doom) is going to be under adrenaline. On top of that the combo is that the build runs in 100% Helpless Damage Bonus so after you hit them with adrenaline, ya whoa....
2. Survivability is great too since you have the extra HP from the fighter levels and feats which allow you to take Epic Toughness in the long run. I almost can't see myself playing a melee without Improved Uncanny dodge anymore in high reaper as it's a second Meld almost. I have 36% dodge so it makes it 86% for 20 sec. That allows me to emergency tank doom reapers, some bosses and some packs of mobs even up to R9.
3. I didn't feel cleaves were necessary as strikethrough replaces it. You are still hitting 3 targets every swing if they are close enough together at 190% strikethrough so cleave only really helps you at low levels. On top of that you really don't want to be hitting more than one target anyway cuz you don't want the aggro and you want the one thing you are hitting to be helpless. Cleave works against that idea.