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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default How to gear up now that I've hit 20

    I am mostly a solo player, first life sorcerer that finally hit 20.
    Mostly using CC gear that's gotten me by with the occasional named item thrown in along the way..

    Warforged pure sorc. Air savant with frost as a backup.

    Suggestions appreciated.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwijibo View Post
    I am mostly a solo player, first life sorcerer that finally hit 20.
    Mostly using CC gear that's gotten me by with the occasional named item thrown in along the way..

    Warforged pure sorc. Air savant with frost as a backup.

    Suggestions appreciated.
    Get the from Wrath of the Earth. Lightning/Cold spell power that stacks with other items.

  3. #3
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    That, plus the docent and gloves and you have the Beacon of Magic set bonus, for another +20 (Artifact) Spell Power and +1 to all DC's - plus the goodies from the docent and gloves.


    Altho' only ML 10, many players use them up to 20. Unless/until you have something better from Masterminds of Sharn.

    (If you're going to farm them solo, make a F2P alt account (or more than one) and drag an alt up to Level 7 (minimum level for Level 10 quests). That doubles (or etc.) your pulls from the same chest. )

    Then, since the belt has your spell power/lore, you hold the Barovian Sceptre and farm tokens for the Macabre one (or use CC'd mithral or named no-ASF shield, depending on the build).


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    That, plus the docent and gloves and you have the Beacon of Magic set bonus, for another +20 (Artifact) Spell Power and +1 to all DC's - plus the goodies from the docent and gloves.


    Altho' only ML 10, many players use them up to 20. Unless/until you have something better from Masterminds of Sharn.

    (If you're going to farm them solo, make a F2P alt account (or more than one) and drag an alt up to Level 7 (minimum level for Level 10 quests). That doubles (or etc.) your pulls from the same chest. )

    Then, since the belt has your spell power/lore, you hold the Barovian Sceptre and farm tokens for the Macabre one (or use CC'd mithral or named no-ASF shield, depending on the build).

    I just want to add in that as a warforged Sorcerer, I got a LOT of mileage out of the Heroic Sharn Artificer set.
    Now, that set is more oriented towards lightning/fire, so your lightning/frost build is slightly off-key, but I absolutely loved the thing on my recent Bladeforged Fire Sorc life. The Repair bonuses and Repair Amp were just gravy.

    It's also a lot less investment to equip a docent than it would to equip medium armor.

    You also get to pick between the Attunement Gauntlets, and Mastermaker's Fingers - one is Lightning bonuses, the other is Repair, so if you have either on another piece of gear, you get to choose which one to keep.
    Enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiast.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Thanks for the replies.
    Essentially, I need to farm for either the Ravenloft or Sharn sets. Check.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Often overlooked area for level 20 gear as quick stand in until your farming comes through:


    1. Faction Commendation turn ins (There is a faction set, but you can also mix and match) - These can be earned in the explorer areas as well as quests even at heroic levels
    2. Challenges - Earning challenge ingredients to grab a "random" effects ML 20 weapon of choice
    3. Wheloon Prison/Stormhorns - End rewards on heroic have named items with decent attribute bonus for ML 16/18 (so useful if you TR). Also, the end rewards don't matter if you complete on any difficulty they are always in the list

    Again, these are good temporary until you get better gear with low investment time.

  7. #7
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    I would really look at keep on the borderlands which is where I farmed my level 21 epic set. This combined with cannith crafting will give you everything you need. Here are some videos of the quests if it helps:

    The quests are shorter and easier than most epic quests at that level. As a comparison keep bosses have 20-30k hp while bargain of blood has two bosses with over 200k hp. You can run these quests in an off destiny. I would take a look at Catacombs as well which are also easier to solo than most quests at that level and has some nice newer gear.

    This heroic item has spellpower that stacks with all your other items - so it's worth wearing until you get the legendary version: although it competes with all the insightful/quality bonus belts in keep. If you can craft an insightful stat gear item it's not as big of a deal to get a belt from keep.

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