They are in Ravenloft Wilderness Area, far to the east.
They always surprise. There are always more than 1, sometimes 4! come at you from every direction.
Before or during their attacks I buff with Mage Armor, Shield, Blur, Protection from Elements, Stoneskin, Displacement, and Tensor's Transformation. I am a 1st lifer Lvl 14 DPS EK Sorc with a buffed AC of 68, 248 HP, 6% Dodge, 34 PRR & MRR, 26 Spell Resistance, +5 Spell Saves, + 5 Resistance, +17 Reflex Save, and 1800 SP. They still kick my butt!
I find Flameskulls more difficult to fight than a Beholder. Beholders I always knock off from a distance with a ray spell before they even see me. I got a high spot which helps.
Any recommendations on tactics or otherwise?