i mean, it aaalllllmost sounds like you're asking "what should i do with all my risky shards?".
don't take that seriously, if i wanted to start accusing people, i know exactly where i would start. and it wouldn't be with you.
first. re-rolls. can't duped named items.
second. saga skips.
then. in no particular order... repair all inventory. transport to quest entrance. purchasing power on futures exchange. big guild ship and all hookpoints filled whenever you feel like making a new guild. resurrection in any non-raid quest, as many times as you'd like... etc. etc. so on and so forth...
Bwuahahaha! No offense taken. I use shards so rarely and only on the exchange. I've bought the occasional augment or item. But only a handful despite having been around a long time.
This is interesting to me because there is a lot more to do with shards than I was paying attention to.
Thank you for the reply, I see your point.
Thank you for taking your time to add some context, I think I better understand your position now. I should probably point out that I do have a long term perspective of this game and disagree with some of your points, but that is off-topic in this thread and the discussion has moved on.
I do object to the "misrepresentation", though. Misinterpretation quite possibly, but that takes two to happen (although one side is often more at fault than the other).
I wouldn't even bother dude. After reading a two year old thread about diminishing returns "Not existing for prr/mrr" there is no getting through to this community. I feel like convincing a Flat Earther the world is round has a higher chance then trying to convince people to just play the game, have fun and stop worrying about what the Johnsons are running next door. Yeah duping sucks for games with an economy. DDO has never had one. Stuffs either posted at min or at max prices there's no incremental pricing.
Seriously though that thread had three pages of "It's not diminishing cause there's still SOME increase. Did you just post a business definition in a fantasy setting??! REEeee"
And on to this useless topic in general...
The fact a dupe person means they've sped up their game play by use of astral shard or whatever just means, they will end up playing the game less in the long run and move on. Which means the narcissistic mind set of wanting to control how others play a game even if all they do is spend money to advance faster annoys you. Is not your problem anymore they are gone stop obsessing over other people, live your life not theirs.
If this was Black Desert Online I might care more about the gear other players have and how they get it but it isn't, PVP is not a priority in this game and it's even nerfed to hell in tavern brawls unless you're a melee.
Not to mention all the whining that's going on about the boxes being tradeable or bank shared is ignorant as all hell. The item is bound to character. What the hell are yas on about still.
the stone of xp given to everyone who existed on wayfinder prior to the roll-back is indeed bound-to-character. the stone of xp generated by an otto's is very much unbound. and the otto's itself is unbound as well.
as to the mrr/prr point. man oh man, i have 3 or 4 pages of thoughts about what happened to the game after the introduction of mrr/prr and the armor up update. as well as a dissertation length synopsis on stealth in the current meta. but i know better than to broach the subject here.
keeping up with the jones's or whatever, i mean it's impossible, quite frankly. just enjoy the parts of ddo you find are fun. 200 reaper points has already been achieved. r10 legendary raids are already on record. there's a video floating around of someones grandmother soloing an r10 quest on a melee. awesome.
i sincerely hope ddo has another 10 years ahead of it. because i've spent the last 10 with a ??? above my player name, and i need an answer.
Except that in this case you are the 'flat earther' and you do not even know it, you are like Michael Douglas in Falling Down; 'I´m the bad guy? how did that happen?'
This game adapts to the cheaters, the cheaters becomes the new normal, I would say it even caters to those that cheat! the cheating you see today hasn´t even started to impact the non-cheaters gameplay but the previous dupes has surely done that, and rest assured these will too.
Farog on Khyber - DDO Char Builder Lite updates -> https://github.com/ChristopherGLewis/ddo-lite-tools
Wrapping up an argument with an obviously clueless statement does a great job of negating any quasi-logic prior.
The effects of chestapalooza, recycling, duping v1, duping v2, and now duping v3 has more completely saturated the power base of characters such that Turbine/SSG has decided to ramp the power curve drastically to keep up with them.
No, dupers don't "go home". Turbine, now SSG, always rolled out additional grind wheels for the superdupers far faster than necessary when no duping exits, then superdupers blow past those, and more wheels emerge. Superdupers have only ever gone home during the mass bans.
DDO always has another grind available or right on the horizon. Dupers don't move on they just flesh out the current grind much faster and get set for the next one.
Don't know what this is. Otto's Boxes and the Xp stone inside have always been sellable, tradeable, bank shareable, etc.
The current boxes given away on Wayfinder are bound to character - they are to my knowledge the first such boxes created in this less exploitable condition.
Astral Shards, copious past lives, absurd grinds, otto's as a whole are the very issues wrong with DDO. It stopped being a game about working together to overcome a set level of challenge and instead became a grind to amass the magic TR points.
SSG is trying to tell me that skipping a single past life out of 100+ is worth 50 dollars?
Really? So a partially completed completionist is worth over $5,000 dollars according to that math? Nah
Their greed and inability to create a meaningful endgame that could persist beyond a single year is the result of so many people taking the dupe route to abuse and skip the horrible grind they've likely already done.
I know for certain everyone on this game as more than earned their Wings, Crown, Eyes, what have you, but in order to try and compete on a second character? You need to do the whole thing over again? Not happening.
I suggested for a while now that certain past lives need to be made account wide, so you weren't punished as hard by having alts. Not all of them, just the class based ones, so you could still have the weaker variants compared to the sheer power of Racial and Epic ones.
Stop incorporating higher and higher difficulties, with better and better loot and more and more ceilings to hit. All it does is allow the select few who already have that power to continue their consolidation and prevents others from entering the raid scene.
This game has so many amazing quests, packs, and raids languishing in disuse, because every year all content is flushed down the non-meta toilet, and no semblance of difficulty can be maintained.
Reaper raids are just degrees of specialization combined with how many RXP points you have and what builds are in the meta cycle. If throwers were nerfed into the ground, r10 PN may become so impossibly unfun to try for it wouldn't be worth it. If Sunburst were nerfed THTH would become just boring.
Spread the past lives around, reduce the grind, encourage grouping and gear acquisition to conquer raids that are difficult because of their design, not because they have a R10 next to them. Capitalize on the fun this game used to represent, rather than the monetized grind fest people are sick and tired of enduring.
How many dupers would be totally fine spending 3 bucks at a time in the DDO Store to get an XP stone to skip an annoying past life? I would imagine most of them, because playing this game is something they're interested in, otherwise why waste the time to break it down?
But SSG will never "get it" because the vets who have been here longer than some staff have been pleading to staunch the bleed introduced during MOTU, and nothing has been done.
Sorry I disagree with most your post, not sure what happens on your server but with the exception of r10 raids which only one guild is doing, everyone's welcome and there are r1 Lfg regularly..so this is false.
ALOT OF US WANT HIGHER LEVELS GEAR, ...MORE POWER.. harder quests. Better rewards.
This is a tip from someone that has all past lifes and alot of reaper points...stop past lives..concentrate at getting reaper points at cap...noone I know cares for normal hard or leet anymore, cept for raids..stop worry about trying to catch up and play the game.
There alot of usable first life builds..you just need reaper points for r10 quests..fun times. Kinda sick of these post crying about the past life grind...if I can solo nightfalls on storm reach, flawess r10 on a 3rd lifer, with a bit of patience anyone can...cause I totaly suck at the game compared to others.
Last edited by timmy9999; 08-23-2020 at 02:28 AM.
Cheers for missing the entire point of my post, I also do high reaper raids and have a big DDO stick to swing around.
The point was that people have been fed up with grind being the only content we receive every year. SSG is literally invalidating their current work right now with whatever work they will be doing. Content gets shelved and forgotten, and the stagnation is kept to a tight pool of 2-4 raids (at best) that are worth running at any given time. Nobody runs AGDQ anymore, or ToD, or Titan, Abbot, you name it, why? Because SSG can't keep a power curve flat to save their lives, so instead you're told to go grind 10 more past lives, 100 more reaper points, and gear that goes from +22 to +24 every few months.
Instead of a wide variety of raids with well balanced gear to encourage a variety of playstyles, you are instead allowed to play a limited meta designated pool of builds to compete at the highest level. The game's population is spread out across 30 levels of endless grind, instead of at a singular point to quest and raid.
This game used to be about much more, but you wouldn't know having only played since the hamster wheel was God. A player can no longer elevate the barbarian class to a high standard through time and effort, because no matter how hard they try the power creep has completely shut out melee builds in r10 content, where avoiding damage at all costs is key. Druid casters are completely incapable of doing any form of nukage or CC because power creep has shut them off. If you want to play builds at R1, there isn't a point because there is no challenge nor is there any gear. If you want to group at r10, you'd better bring the meta items or you won't be able to compete. Ask an Artificer Archanotechnician when's the last time they were relevant.
And instead of fixing these issues over a long period of time, SSG has instead made certain heroic loot pools scale better (but done nothing to their epic counterparts) and left the rest to rot.
Might of the Abishai could be made to have a unique item set bonus on it; with items being updated and scaled to the legendary difficulty, but instead we're going to get some fun old raids with boring and predictable loot.
And it will all be made obsolete the second we get level 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40 with power jumps.
Wide as the ocean, deep as a puddle.
I get ya, true true. But what the budget? Look what happened to wow. Unlimited budget endless content and expansions and they had to reset everyone back to basics. Alot of people have lost interest, I doubt ssg has the player base and cash stream to keep up with players zerg. Ok sharn took a year or what ever, we zerg it to death and are bored in 2 months wanting more content. I understand what your saying, but this game is small man and has slowly built over a long time unlike wow that had millions of players. We need something to do while they spent time fixing bugs and making new content. To be honest im not overall happy with rehashing old raids. But it will keep us amused until feywild come out..not that bad bro
This is how you make a point with comedic effect.
THIS! Tomorrows "balancing" and "nerfs" will be measured against these players and it will drive power creep. The power curve will be driven by those that "box" and screw the rest of us. Oh, and the slap in the face to legit guilds achievements when entire guilds are rolling over daily and suddenly doing R10 raids. Achievements in DDO are dead.
Yes, alot want higher levels, more content, deeper, content, etc. And yes, all those past lives are not needed, they are just extra fluff and help. But the issue here is playing with cheat codes enabled. You want harder content yet you advocate that cheating to get power is fine?
Last edited by SouthernGent; 08-23-2020 at 12:44 PM.