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  1. #1
    Community Member Stravix's Avatar
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    May 2013

    Default Quick Question On Favored Weapons

    So, I was thinking about rolling up a battle cleric to knock out my cleric past lives while I have my HaH gear from my current pally life already out, and have a question. If I went Dwarf to gain Dwarves Axes as a favored weapon, would I still need to go war domain to gain proficiency with it. I ask because most cases where you can gain a favored weapon, it wither comes with Prof (the god feats), or you have to have already had it (the pally enhancements)

    Still haven't decided too much about the build yet, just wanted to know if, assuming it was pure, I was forced to use War domain or not.

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    edit: Oh wait, pure cleric, that I'm not sure, I'm so used to splashing 3 fighter or paly in my builds.

    edit2: Popped on of my lower level dwarfs cleric alts to check. Nope, taking that AP skill for favored didn't get rid of the ! for non-proficiency so you'd still need to get martial weapons access to trip the dwarf racial exotic weapon proficiency.
    Last edited by rabidfox; 08-12-2020 at 11:01 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Stravix's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by rabidfox View Post
    edit: Oh wait, pure cleric, that I'm not sure, I'm so used to splashing 3 fighter or paly in my builds.

    edit2: Popped on of my lower level dwarfs cleric alts to check. Nope, taking that AP skill for favored didn't get rid of the ! for non-proficiency so you'd still need to get martial weapons access to trip the dwarf racial exotic weapon proficiency.
    Thank you for checking. Yeah, at that point War would be required if pure, sadly there is just gonna be wasted stats no matter what on this build, either I go pure and get wep prof from war, but waste the lvl 18 core threat, as it doesn't stack with holy sword, or I splash fighter for more defenses and waste the proficiency part of war domain.

    Regardless, it seems like 17 Clr /3 Ftr might be the best option. I would lose Haste, but gain a ton of PRR and 4 STR. Thanks!

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