Is it possible to edit the forum name as currently its listed as "invalid_103" ?
Thanks in advance!
Is it possible to edit the forum name as currently its listed as "invalid_103" ?
Thanks in advance!
PM Cordovan. If it's doable, he'd be the guy.
This is pretty easy for me to do. PM me with a couple of names in order of preference and I will change it to the first available.
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The OP could use the Search function (for some common keyword, like "player" or "account"), keyed w/ a specific User Name, and see if that name turns up.
Won't mean that name isn't taken and that user hasn't posted, but it's a start.
How about "Gattaca" for a new handle? It is your...destiny. =)
"Invalid" means a person that is a 'faith birth' or naturally conceived, not via genetical engineering. Usually, it is often someone who is not registered within the company or someone with a genetic mutation (which also results in them not being registered in the company). Vincent, for example, is invalid.
"You're a Jedi, Harry"
- Gandelf