Hey folks,

I'm playing in a group with a paladin (tanky), a cleric (healer) and a ranger (dd, trapper). My plan was not only to be another dd, but also support the group with buffs, cc and anything else what is possible with a sorc.
I must admit that I'm completly new to the game, but I read some guides and looked up builds. I have the feeling that everyone seems to have a strong opinion what is absolutly necessary for a sorc but these opinions sometimes seem to contradict each other :-) This makes me think whatever I do is completly wrong. So, I hope you can answer me some questions for my individual case.

This is my 28p-Build (Human, Lvl3):
CON 16
INT 10
CHA 18

Skills: Most points in Spellcraft and Concentration
Feats: Maximize, Empower, Spell Focus: Evocation
Enhancements: Fire: SLA Burning Hands (3/3), Air: SLA Shocking Grasp (3/3)
Spells: Burning Hands, Niacs Cold Ray, Detect secret doors, Expeditious retreat

Here my questions:
1. Which kind of support can I provide? What can you recommend?
2. Is the advice from DDO-Wiki to get as much SLAs as possible at the beginning still up to date?
3. Does my starter-build seem viable? What kind of feats shall I take in the future?
4. What spells can you recommend for the upcoming levels?
5. Which enhancement-progression would you recommend for the DD/Supporter-role?

Thanks for you hints!