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...I read some guides and looked up builds. I have the feeling that everyone seems to have a strong opinion what is absolutely necessary for a sorc but these opinions sometimes seem to contradict each other...
Look at the dates on those diff builds. A while ago (somewhere around Dec-Jan of '18-19?), the trend in builds shifted from 2-element (typically Air+Fire) to 1 Element + Eldritch Knight ("EK"), when the EK tree got a (much needed) re-write.
(And people will nitpick over whether Fire or Air (Electric+Sonic) is "better". Some will tell you one is better at Levels A-B, but that then you should switch for Levels C-D. And while they may be right, it's not that big a difference, and without duplicate gear it's not practical for a new player. I like Electric for the stuns (and not removing Web), but Fire has better AoE - there is no single "best" for all play styles. Choose one, enjoy.
Either way, it's generally agreed that you now want one and only one "main" element - the 2nd element will be back up (and if you use EK, the 2nd one will be "Force" - magic missiles et al). This is because you will only have the Action Points to fully boost one or the other, not both, so one will be "as strong as possible" and anything else will be somewhere less than that.
Choose your combat spells w/ this in mind. If you're taking Fire enhancments, then Niac's is a poor choice since it's not only "not supported", but it's actually penalized by Fire Core enhancements (read the fine print!).
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Skills: Most points in Spellcraft and Concentration
And 1/2 ranks in UMD? Being able to scroll Heal and Raise Dead is a critical ability, and your +Charisma will be a big help there. If the Cleric dies, who raises them? ![Confused](/forums/images/smilies/confused.png)
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Feats: Maximize, Empower, Spell Focus: Evocation
Many players would recommend adding Quicken to that list. Me, I don't see a strong need until your "spell rotation" is full - that is, you're no longer waiting for cooldowns during combat to cast your next attack, which often happens around Level 5 or so. THEN you can speed things up.
Otoh, if going Electric, Enlarge can be awesome, making Shocking Grasp a ranged spell, and stretching Electric Loop out to max range.
But in the end, all this is a very "ymmv" thing - playstyles vary.
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Spells: Burning Hands, Niacs Cold Ray, Detect secret doors, Expeditious retreat
Again, look at the fine print under the Fire Core Enhancements - if you're boosting Fire Spellpower, you're penalizing Cold. Take Electric as your 2nd choice.
Also, Expeditious Retreat is what is known as a "Quality of Life" choice. You can farm up a couple/three sets of these from Korthos easily, rely on them to keep you running, and swap that spell out for, say, Jump, which is a great mobility spell - keep you from getting cornered. (And there's one of your Buffs - keep it applied to any Ranged build, they'll love you.)
Similarly, DSD is handy if you're soloing, but Shield will keep you alive while your professional Searchers do the heavy lifting for your group. DSD doesn't hold a candle to Search+Int+Search gear+Int gear. (This goes double for Knock vs. a skilled Open Lock build.)
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4. What spells can you recommend for the upcoming levels?
Here are some spell suggestions for diff mixes:
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1. Which kind of support can I provide? What can you recommend?
Sorcerers do fire support (in the military sense, with any element) - DPS is their strength, not buffing. Sorcerers do not have the "wide" spell selection that Wizards have - they don't have the luxury to take stuff "just for the party". But Jump, Dimension Door - those are things you can offer because you need them anyway. Never slack on DPS just to be able to do some buffing - leave that to Clerics, Bards, Rangers et al. 100% of your Buffs are chosen for selfish reasons - to keep YOU alive. See the spell suggestions for examples of DPS w/ some buffing.
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2. Is the advice from DDO-Wiki to get as much SLAs as possible at the beginning still up to date?
SLA's are cheap to cast, and metamagics (Maximize, Empower, Quicken, Enlarge, etc.) do not raise that cost! Sorcerers want all they can get in their primary element(s). At very low levels, taking 2 is a good plan, but consider dropping the 2nd one as soon as you have enough spells to cover a combat rotation, so you can spend those 4-6 points on your primary Savant tree.
5. Which enhancement-progression would you recommend for the DD/Supporter-role?
One that is not a Sorcerer tree. Seriously - Sorc's should be focused on DPS. Any support they can provide is accidental.