Anyone else just cringe whenever they think of trying a new build at cap?
The division of gear effects has gone too far. In most cases I have 12 gear slots with 48 effects. And in order to get a viable enjoyably playable character I probably need closer to 60. This same complaint pops up from time to time but it needs to continue to be brought up until it is addressed better in some way. The biggest offenders that I notice from mostly playing melees are sheltering; be it prr or mrr, saves, and combat skills: stunning, trip, or sunder. Good luck getting one of those to a viable dc at end game on a class without an insight trance to combat dcs, let alone all three. I am sure casters and others have similar complaints with spell dcs, and spell power etc. For example do we really need spell focus, insightful spell focus, quality spell focus, profane spell focus, greater spell focus(augments), and artifact to spell focus? Now that I break it down glad I don't play casters at cap very often.
There are a few ways to address this: a revamp of augments so they scale into end game properly, scale cannith crafting up around lv28 so it is closer to the curve of late game gear, open up slavers crafting so you can put any 4 slavers augments into an item and not a select option from list 1, 2, 3 etc. We need more ways to viably fill in the gaps that have been left in named gear.
I enjoy playing the game at cap and raiding but the more builds I try out at cap the more I realize there is short list of viable options. Part of the games charm is that for much of it you can play a wide variety of builds especially so in heroics. This tends to narrow a bit in epics, narrow again due to reaper, and even further at end game reaper.
The game has gone too far into dungeons and spread sheets please address it. Anyone have suggestions or ideas to improve the situation?