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    Default Gingerspyce's week in videos: Quest walkthroughs and 1 million lifetime views!

    Wow it's been a few months since I posted here in the fansite forum. It's been a busy summer and the live streams continue nearly every day. I am excited to celebrate a couple milestones for my channels. Since my last posting the Youtube channel passed 1 million lifetime views and the Twitch channel reached 1,000 followers, woot!

    I am currently trying out the new warlock pacts on Voodu while knocking out my racial past lives. During the live stream last week, while working through lowbie levels doing the Celestial Pact, I decided to run some walkthroughs of a few quests that can be confusing to newer players.

    The Pit
    "Nobody escapes the pit of despair" says the splash screen as you load into The Pit. This infamous DDO quest is as hated as it is loved. Easy to get lost and challenging to navigate, this monster xp quest is a great one to learn because of its jackpot payout of xp. Here I show you how things work in The Pit!

    Xorian Cipher
    Xorian Cipher is another big xp quest. It also drops the Planar Gird, the lowest level Greater Heroism clickie in the game. being a quite useful, unbound item out of a challenging quest makes it not only valuable for gearing yourself but you can also farm Girds to sell on the auction houses. I had never soloed this quest before and it presents a unique challenge for solo players to complete. If you're a solo player and you've avoided this one, see how it goes in Solo Xorian Cipher!

    Shadow Crypt
    This one is such giant xp and so fast that some players will chug a 50% xp pot and farm a whole level out of it. This is one of the most confusing quests in the game for new players, but with the help of ddowiki, I show how to navigate the necro 2 capstone quests quickly and easily!

    You can find many more quest walkthroughs and raid guides on my Youtube channel and look for my next video, which will be a walkthrough of Inferno of the Damned.

    Thank you for all the support on Youtube and Twitch. I am looking forward to a summer filled with past life grinding and sharing it on the live stream Big thanks to all the Twitch contributors for making it possible for me to continue to focus on content creation. I appreciate so very much all the subs, cheers and donations that make it possible for me to continue to deliver original Youtube content and fun live streams on my Twitch channel vooduspyce! I hope to see you in the live stream soon

    Much love,
    Gingerspyce of Sarlona

    Recent updates:
    4/23/20 Gingerspyce's week in videos: announcing Reaper Life 4 and Cannith Crafting done the fast way
    4/6/20 Gingerspyce's week in videos: solo Temple of the Deathwyrm!
    3/30/20 Gingerspyce's week in videos: Alchemist reactions and retrospective after 3 lives
    2/26/20 Gingerspyce's week in videos: Epic Catacombs first look and topics for beginners
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 08-11-2020 at 01:42 PM.

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