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  1. #1
    Community Member chipotle47's Avatar
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    Jun 2011

    Default More Details About How Extra Lives Work Please.

    I can't find this information anywhere. So if you die you have a soul stone. You can be raised in the quest. Can you just release from the quest too? I know that people are having trouble claiming their extra lives on a DC or other internet related issues.

    I guess the main question is can you release from the quest upon death if you have an extra life and be ok?
    "The definition of success is rebuffing between deaths with great enthusiasm."
    Creator of The MaulBearian build
    Chippacabre, Chippotle, Chippmunk Funk, Chippinater, Chippin Dale, Chippling - Leader of Upper Caves of Anthia on Ghallanda

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by chipotle47 View Post
    I can't find this information anywhere. So if you die you have a soul stone. You can be raised in the quest. Can you just release from the quest too? I know that people are having trouble claiming their extra lives on a DC or other internet related issues.

    I guess the main question is can you release from the quest upon death if you have an extra life and be ok?
    I had someone release at the end of the quest (Invitation to dinner) and they rezzed just fine.

    The only other information I know is this: I had a guy in a group i was in DC right before he was killed and he had 2 lives available. The group leader kicked him from the group in the hope that he would come back outside of the quest and not automatically lose both lives. However he waited about 10 minutes and then reconnected but ended up in the land of lost souls i.e. he lost his bonus lives.

    All I can say is you better hope you never DC in a quest while mobs are around, because chances are you will lose everything.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by chipotle47 View Post
    I can't find this information anywhere. So if you die you have a soul stone. You can be raised in the quest. Can you just release from the quest too? I know that people are having trouble claiming their extra lives on a DC or other internet related issues.

    I guess the main question is can you release from the quest upon death if you have an extra life and be ok?
    Just a reminder...

    If you release and are bound to your guild airship, make sure not to get the guild buffs again right away or you might die. The guild buffs are removed before being reapplied, which results in you losing extra con, hp, and unconscious range at a point that might be deadly to you. So, heal a little bit before clicking it.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Dec 2010


    Generally, bonus life deaths have been working like regular deaths: You can be raised, hit a rez shrine, [Release] from the quest, or apply any other raise dead, reincarnation (Druid), or resurrection effects. Be careful if you receive a raise dead that brings you back with only a few hit points - you can be killed immediately: Think - hireling in a trap that receives a raise dead automatically accepts the offer and immediately dies again in the trap. Don't be a hireling - just wait a moment until it's safe to return to life.

    However, the bonus lives appear to be a buff that is temporarily applied to your character. Anything that can remove that buff, such as logging off or DC-ing will also remove the bonus life effect: If you are dead, you will be transferred to the land of lost souls. As a result, server-crash deaths seem to be particularly deadly for toons.

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