12 Bard, 7 Fighter, 1 Barbarian - PDK
Build Goals:
The goal of this build was go be able to make it have the best miss chance when being attacked.
Through the high dodge and Armor Class that I was able to accomplish, I found that playing this
bard build helped not only myself in groups, but also helped the groups in general. My goal while
playing this build was to be effective in the group as well as buff and heal them as well.
Core Build (Upon Character Creation):
Abilities: (in order of importance)
Charisma [20]
Dexterity [16]
Constitution [14]
Strength [12]
Increase Balance (Hightest)
Perform (2nd Highest)
UMD (3rd Highest)
Diplomacy (Lowest)
Feats: (2 + Human Bonus Feat)
Single Weapon fighting
Weapon Focus Piercing
Shield Mastery (For Buckler Shield)
Class: Ftr Ftr Ftr Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Ftr Ftr Ftr Ftr Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bbn Bd Bd
Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Perform: 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
UMD: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Diplomacy: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Balance: 4 5 6 7 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Feats (16)]
Improved Critical: Piercing
Power Critical
Improved Shield Mastery
Improved Single Weapon Fighting
Greater Single Weapon Fighting
Perfect Single Weapon Fighting (Acquired in Epics)
Weapon Specialization: Piercing
Greater Weapon Specialization: Piercing
Mental Toughness
Improved Mental Toughness
[All Enhancements]
PDK Racial Tree : [3 Points]
Skill Boost [1]
Cormyrean Knight Training
Swashbuckler Enhancements to Take: [31 points]
Confidence [1]
Swashbuckling [1]
Uncanny Dodge [1]
On Your Toes (2 ranks) [2]
Blow By Blow (Melee) [3]
Tavern Shanties [3]
En Pointe [3]
Deflect Arrows [2]
Fast Movement [2]
Sword Dance [2]
Elegant Footwork [1]
Swashbuckling Style
-Skirmisher [1]
Resonant Arms [2]
Swashbucking Style II
-Low Blow [1]
Wind at my Back [2]
Kensei Enhancements to Take: [44 points]
Kensei Focus: Light Blades [1]
Spiritual Bond [1]
Strike With No Thought [1]
Power Surge [1]
Extra Action Boost (3 Ranks) [6]
Weapon Spec.
-Light Blades [2]
Haste Boost (3 ranks) [3]
Reed in the Wind ( 2 ranks) [2]
Weapon Spec.
-Light Blades [2]
Improved Dodge [3]
Crit Mastery (3 ranks) [3]
Weapon Spec.
-Light Blades [2]
Shattering Strike (3 ranks) [3]
Increase Dexterity [2]
Opportunity Attack [2]
Weapon Spec.
-Light Blades [2]
Strike at the Heart [2]
Liquid Courage [1]
A Good Death (Melee) [1]
Weapon Master [1]
One With The Blade [1]
Deadly Strike (Melee) [1]
Keen Edge [1]
Total Melee Power From Enhancements: +20
The spells of this bard are really buff based, so taking displacement and blur really are crucial to the builds success!
I recommend preparing Blur, Displacement, and Cure Serious. The rest is really up to you and what you think will help your
character strive!
[Epic Destinies]:
Fatesinger Repertoire
Glitter of Fame
Harmonic Resonance
Intoxicating Presence
First Harmonic Chord
Strength +1
Second Harmonic Chord
Charisma +1
Third Harmonic Chord
STR +1
Martial Hymn
Primal Hymn
The Fifth Chord
Metamagic : Extend
Turn of the Tide
Metamagic II: Quicken
Total Melee Power: 128
Level 15 Gear:
Head: Arcsteel Brim (MRR)
Ring1: Celestial Ruby Ring (Stun/Ghost)
Ring2: Ring of Flickering Steel (Elct Absrb)
Hands: Hammerfist (Ddly/Seekr)
Feet: Softsole Slippers (CHA)
Armor: Wildcard
Eyes: Precision Lenses (Inst STR)
Trinket: Battleworn Medal
Neck: Family Recruit Sigil
Cloak: Shadowhail Cloak
Wrists: Hallowed Castigators
Waist: Dragonscale Belt (CON)
Main Hand: Moonwillow
Off-Hand: Moonguard
Legendary Gear:
Head: Legendary Compliance
-Charisma +19
-Potency +145
-Exceptional Alluring Skills Bonus +10
-Use Magic Device +7
-Trace of Madness
Ring1: Legendary Celestial Ruby Ring (Stun/Ghost)
-Strength +21
-Stunning +23
-Accuracy +33
-Empty Green Augment Slot
Ring2: Legendary Celestial Sapphire Ring
-Improved Deception
-Dodge +21%Icon
-Profane Well Rounded
-Empty Yellow Augment Slot
-Dexterity + 21
Hands: Legendary Hammerfist
-Insightful Doublestrike 11%
-Cannith Combat Infusion
-Seeker 21
-Insightful Deadly +8
-Empty Blue Augment Slot
-Legendary Part of the Family
Feet: Legendary Softsole Slippers
-Perform +22
-Insightful Charisma +9
-Empty Green Augment Slot
-Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
Armor: Legendary Wildcard
-+15 Enhancement Bonus
-Fortification +214%
-Physical Sheltering +54
-Competence Healing Amplification +85
-Hit Points +81
-Empty Green Augment Slot
-Legendary Part of the Family
Eyes: Legendary Collective Sight
-Constitution +21
-Insightful Strength + 10
-Quality Resistance +4
-Temperance of Belief
-Empty Blue Augment Slot
Trinket: Legendary Bottle of Smoke
-Quality Dexterity +5
-Smoke Screen
-Speed +30
-Deception +17
-Empty Blue Augment Slot
Neck: Legendary Family Recruit Sigil
-True Seeing
-Armor-Piercing - 33%
-Competence Deadly +17
-Relentless Fury
-Empty Yellow Augment Slot
-Legendary Part of the Family
Cloak: Invisible Clock of Strahd [Legendary Shadowhail Cloak]
-Invisibility Guard
-Nightmare Guard
-Deception +17
-Magical Sheltering +52
-Empty Blue Augment Slot
-Empty Green Augment Slot
-Silent Avenger Set (Legendary)
[-Hide +22
-Move Silently +22
-Deception +16
-Empty Green Augment Slot
-Silent Avenger Set (Legendary)]
Wrists: Legendary Hallowed Castigators
-Devotion +214
-Healing Lore +31%
-Insightful Sheltering +27
-Efficient Metamagic - Empower Healing II
-Empty Green Augment Slot
-Legendary Flamecleansed Fury
Waist: Legendary Vistani Fighter's Sash
-Stunning +22
-Vertigo +22
-Vitality +67
-Deadly +16
-Empty Yellow Augment Slot
-Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary)
Main Hand: Legendary Moonwillow
-+15 Enhancement Bonus
-Keen V
-Sovereign Vorpal
-Holy 9
-Silver, Alchemical
-Empty Red Augment Slot
Off-Hand: Legendary Moonguard
-+15 Enhancement Bonus
-Coruscating 9
-Insightful Magical Sheltering +26
-Quality Magical Sheltering +13
-Empty Blue Augment Slot
Endgame Ability:
After playing this build again and tweaking many aspects about it, in the endgame focus, it does not do equivalent damage to a two weapon fighter, nor a good assassin rogue in that mater, however, Guardbreaking made it possible to handle single mobs at a time as well as reapers because it is a no save effect. In the endgame, I was sitting at around 110 AC, 145 PRR, 100 MRR, and 18-24% dodge. When I built this build again, I lacked a ton of Dexterity because I put more points into Strength which ended up not being necessary at all. Healing was good and helpless damage was also good as well. So, in the end, I was not able to do a ton of damage like a two weapon fighter because I lacked another weapon, but was still doing my part in kills and immobilizing enemies so our top DPS members could do their part too. Looking back at the older build I posted before, it did lack many things that are now fixed or just unnecessary.
Gear Sets:
Spell List:
Enhancements List: